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Fiinovation An Introspection: Digital Revolution vs Social Revolution

Revolution, a term used to describe an instance of evolving. It brings forth change in the
dynamics of the system which is mostly for the betterment. Fiinovation believes that the
revolution is called for when the existing framework is not at par with the changing needs of
the people. Comparing social and digital revolution would not be justified as they fall on
different parts of the revolution spectrum.
Keeping in view the far reaching impact of Digital Revolution on the minds of the people
and the kind of change it has brought it is also referred to as the Third Industrial Revolution.
Fiinovation believes that the digital revolution has actually changed the ways in which
people think, behave, communicate, work and earn their livelihood. It created new ways to
educate, share, and circulate knowledge. Not just education, but even handling of economic
and business practices got remodelled. Fiinovation that the digital revolution also provided
the world with new avenues for entertainment and leisure activities. Eventually, it will also
help in achieving the Global Sustainable Goals 2030, moreover it will lead to help achieve
world peace.
On the other hand, the social revolution is the act of breaking free from the old social
norms. It is nothing more than the attempt to change the way we live our lives, which
springs from the changes in the way we think. Fiinovation comprehends that revolution
occurs when people starts to lose faith in one thing and starts believing in another.
Fiinovation opines that the ban on the practice of sati is one such example of social
revolution. Our victory against British government in our fight for freedom is a perfect
example of social revolution.
Fiinovation that social revolution and digital revolution don't go one over the other, but are
closely associated. They can't be put against each other as digital revolution has always been
an aid to any ongoing social revolution. It opens door for the common man by providing
them with tools to break free of the shackles of the bureaucracy and be able to voice one's
opinion. Hence, digital and social revolutions can't be compared as both are closely
In the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi, The only possible revolution is inside us.
Shantanu Negi
Associate Media & Communications- Fiinovation

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