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Ketu is the symbol of liberation or emancipation

We all know that, Ketu is the symbol of liberation or emancipation. And 2nd is the house of
sustenance. Also, Navamsha (D-9) is the chart of Dharma/ Righteousness.
So when in Navamsha (D-9), the soul signifying planet, Atma Karaka is placed in the 2nd
House from Ketu and sustaining Him (the spirituality in all righteousness) then liberation is
sure to come.
4th H is called Hridya bhava (heart) or Gati (distance and time equation, motion). This said
placement of Ketu, in 4th H from AK, also gives great motion to the Atma and brings great
spiritual upliftement.
Sage Jaimini teaches that: Ketu in 12th H or 4th H from AK in Navamsha (D-9), indicate
liberation from Maya.

To be continued.

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