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Beware of the Rook

Sopiko Guramishvili
Question 1.
White to play.
What tactic does White have
based on a back-rank mate?

Question 2.
White to play.
There is a lot of tension in the
position. Does White have to
defend or is there an attacking

Question 3.
White to play.
Black has just captured a Rook on
What should White play?

Question 4.
Black to play.
White has 2 minor pieces for a
Rook but what tactic does Black
have available?

Question 5.
Black to play.
If Black plays 24...Qe1+, White
can defend with 25.Qf1!
Is there another way for Black to
take advantage of the back-rank

Question 6.
White to play.
White has sacrificed a Bishop to
achieve this position.

Question 7.
White to play.
How did Botvinnik win from

Question 8.
White to play.
White wants to double Rooks on
the 7th rank as this will tie Black
down to defending the Bishop
and g7 pawn.
How can White achieve this?

Question 9.
White to play.
Black is up a pawn and a piece
but White has a tactic to come
out on top.
Can you find it?

Question 10.
White to play.
Does White have to lose the

Beware of the

The Solutions.

18. Qg4!! attacks the Black Queen. The White Queen is immune from capture
as 18...Qxg4?? 19. Rxe8+ mates. Black is now in huge trouble as the Queen
must move and still protect the e8 Rook. White is able to follow up with
multiple attacks on the Queen.
22. Re4! wins. Black needs to guard e8 still and 22...Qxe4 23.Rxe4 takes
advantage of the fact neither Rook can leave the back rank. After 22...Qb5
comes 23. Qxb7! and Black is lost.
19.Qxf8+! Kxf8 20.Bc5+ Kg8 21.Re8#
27...Qf4! and the threat of Rxb1+ means White must lose the Bishop.
24...Rxa3!! attacks both Queen and Rook. If 25. bxa3 Qxa1+ and if either Rook
of Queen captures the Rook then Qe1+ wins.
37.Qf7! wins, the Rook cannot be defended or move anywhere. Best for Black is
37...Qxd5+ 38.Qxd5 Rxe8 39.Qxb7 with an easy win.
By doubling Rooks on the 7th rank with 39.Rcc7. The Bishop on g7 is lost as
39...Bh6 40.Be6+ wins the Rook and soon mates.
31.Re3 (threatening Ree7) Re8 32.Rc3 and Black cannot stop Rcc7.
21. Rxh7!! Bxh3 22.Rxg7+ starts a windmill tactic ...Kh8 23. Rxf7+ Bf6 (23... Kg8
24. Rg7+ Kh8 25. Rgxe7+ Kg8 26.Rxc7 wins another piece as both Bishop and
Knight are en prise) 24. Bxf6+ Kg8 25. Rxc7 Rxf6 26. Rxc3 and White emerges 2
pawns up.
White can actually win material by temporarily giving up his Queen! 25.Bf6!
Qxh5 26.Rxg7+ Kh8 27.Rxf7+ Kg8 28.Rg7+ Kh8 29.Rxb7+ Kg8 30.Rg7+ Kh8
31.Rg5+ Kh7 32.Rxh5 Kg6 33.Rh3 Kxf6 34.Rxh6+ and White emerges 3 pawns



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