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Our focus from now until Winter Break will be learning about

different countries and winter holidays. The children will be

picking a country to research and decide on a way to present
information learned. This will be a Social Studies Study Buddy
activity. As a culminating activity for our study on Global
Awareness and learning Around the World Holidays and
Celebrations, I would like to have a Holiday Buffet Luncheon for
the children in our classroom on Tuesday, December 15. Since we
will be learning about different countries and customs around the
world I would like our luncheon to represent foods from other
countries studied or any traditional food that your family may
Math focus will be working on place value, 2 and 3 digit addition
and learning about the regrouping concept, and working with
money. We will continue to work on using strategies to solve 1
and 2 step story word problems and writing to explain
mathematical thinking.
Dates to remember:
December 15: Our Holiday Luncheon in our classroom
December 17: Polar Express Day Children may bring a robe and
December 18: Last day of school before Winter Break

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