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In ArcMap, navigate to ArcToolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Map Algebra and o
pen the Raster Calculator.
2. In Raster Calculator, input the following syntax:
CON(isnull([raster]), FOCALMEAN([raster], rectangle,5,5), [raster])

The size of the rectangle in the FOCALMEAN request can be edited to meet the ne
eds of the data. Edit the "5,5" values to change the size of the rectangle. This
may need to be smaller or larger, depending on the data.
3. Click Evaluate.
For version 10.0
1. In ArcMap, navigate to ArcToolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Map Algebra and o
pen the Raster Calculator.
2. In Raster Calculator, input the following syntax:
Con(IsNull("raster"), FocalStatistics("raster", NbrRectangle(5,5, "CELL"), "MEAN
"), "raster")
per creare le progressive su una strada bisogna prima creare una route partendo
da una polilinea
Arctoolbox-linear referencing tools - create route
fatta la route bisogna andare su layer properties - hatches
Calcolare la somma progressiva del campo x
inserire in advanced la seguente formula
Static rec As Long
Static dSum As Double
Dim sourceField
sourceField = [x]
If (rec = 0) Then
dSum = sourceField
dSum = sourceField + dSum
End If
rec = rec + 1
digitare nello spazio con il nome: campo =

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