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21/JUL/47 Lear suggests to a trusted few that Tia colony is capable of becoming autonomous.
05/AUG/47 The plan is common knowledge among the workers, but is kept from most of the executive. The plan is leaked to
Cyberdines agent, who starts to follow its progress.
04/SEP/47 A Bastards Inc. trading ship presents the informers first opportunity to get word off planet. It also carries words of
encouragement and the promise of trade from another rebel leader Lear has secretly been in contact with.
15/NOV/47 A mining crew on Tia breaches the ancient cavern where the Alien lies dormant. Within twenty-four hours, the first
brood of aliens has emerged. The new queen starts probing her surroundings, and makes contact with the colonists.
22/DEC/47 Lear picks the solstice to make his move, although not all rebels have yet accepted the new faith. Those loyal to Norcorp
are placed under house arrest.
31/DEC/47 The informers report reaches Cyberdyne. After trying to identify all the stakeholders, they finally sell the information to
Norcorp. New instructions are smuggled onto a Chigusa trading ship to the informer on Tia.
25/JAN/48 Norcorp despatches the team of investigators to Tia, along with a UNSC representative.
21/MAR/48 Several prisoners are sacrificed, to mark the equinox and to bring luck to the rebels. Although there is no overt pressure
applied, most colonists by now have voluntarily been initiated into the Earth Goddess cult.
20/MAY/48 Chigusa trading ship lands on Tia. The ship and its crew are seized by the rebels. The ship secretly carries instructions
to the Cyberdine agent on Tia, to assist the Norcorp team when they arrive. The ship is taken by a prize crew in search of trade
and other rebel colonies.
22/JUN/48 The new prisoners are sacrificed to mark the solstice.
03/JUL/48 The Norcorp team arrives on Tia.

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