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JPA: You guys are a very young group.

Do you feel like youve been able to have a

normal childhood experience like other girls your age, or have you missed out on
TGS: Whats difficult is that on weekends we typically have to work. So its been a
long time wish for us to be able to attend things like school festivals like sports
JPA: What is something you guys havent done yet that youd like to do in the
TGS: Our long-term dream has been to be the beloved girl band group that can
inspire a global audience by sharing how awesome Japanese pop music can be. For
that, our next milestone is to become a band group of a caliber to be able to a fullblown Asia-wide tour or eventually, a global tour. And to make that an even more
achievable reality, were working on being able to speak English!
JPA: You guys are a very young group. Do you feel like youve been able to have a
normal childhood experience like other girls your age, or have you missed out on
TGS: Whats difficult is that on weekends we typically have to work. So its been a
long time wish for us to be able to attend things like school festivals like sports
JPA: What is something you guys havent done yet that youd like to do in the
TGS: Our long-term dream has been to be the beloved girl band group that can
inspire a global audience by sharing how awesome Japanese pop music can be. For
that, our next milestone is to become a band group of a caliber to be able to a fullblown Asia-wide tour or eventually, a global tour. And to make that an even more
achievable reality, were working on being able to speak English!

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