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Kanchana Sutharshan

Mrs. Sobiera
December 28th 2015

Sutharshan 1

Do Men and Woman Experience Society Differently? (Free Write)

Gender roles is a concept that encompasses the difference of men and
woman in the grand scheme of society, and are so deeply imbedded in our
minds. Men are expected to be strong, never shed a tear, and be the
breadwinner of the family. Woman are expected to be silent, calculate every
move carefully, have children, and the list goes on and on. Even though
times have changed, and woman continue to be fight to be seen as equals to
their male counterparts, woman still fight to have their place in society equal
to a mans. We are still, in 2015 mind you, fighting for equal pay, and fighting
to have our voice heard. Feminism has given rise to so many elements of
society that have not, for some reason, been questioned. In the society we
exist in, woman, especially woman of colour, are forced to be twice as good
as men, to have half of what they have, and that is an incredibly sad truth.
Furthermore, womans actions are interpreted very differently then male
actions. Men face their own turmoil in the presence of societal expectations,
as they force themselves to exhibit traits of a strong male character, and
possess masculinity and supress any traits that could be interpreted as
femininity. So men and woman experience different sides of the spectrum.
We have, for centuries, internalized these gender roles, forcing them on our
children. They have been so internalized that woman and men, dont even
realize that their place in society is for them to determine. We can destroy

Kanchana Sutharshan
Sutharshan 1
Mrs. Sobiera
December 28th 2015
the ideals of society, and we can become who ever we can, and destroy the
confines of how we experience society differently.

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