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Angels in America: Millennium Approaches A Gay Fantasia on National Themes

Prior- Boyfriend of Louis, eventually is overcome by the AIDS illness. We see him
slowly deteriorate throughout the course of the play.
Louis- Priors boyfriend that eventually abandons him, because he cant deal with
the trauma of the illness that Prior has.
Joe- A closeted gay Mormon, married to Harper. Lots of secrets.
Roy- A middle aged closeted, wealthy businessman. He is very stubborn and very
Belize- One of Priors best friends. An ex drag queen. A male nurse.
Mr. Lies- Harpers imaginary friend that lives in her apartment
Henry- Roys doctor that diagnoses him with AIDS
Man in Park- A male prostitute that Louis hires to dominate him
The Eskimo- A figment of Harpers hallucination towards the end of the play.

Women (and parts normally played by women in a full scale production of the
Harper- Joes wife. Psychotic. On many a medication. Has imaginary friends. In love
with Joe, but knows.
Ethel- A ghost that visits Roy at the hospital.
Hannah- Joes mother. Mormon. Very conservative.
The Voice/ Angel- well its self-explanatory.
*Rabbi- present at the beginning of the play to bury someone close to Louis.
Emily- Nurse at the hospital that attends to Prior.
*Martin- Roys assistant. Does a lot of dirty work for him in his business endeavors.
Sister Ella- Harpers weird ass friend.
Woman in South Bronx- Crazy homeless woman.

*Both Prior 1 and Prior 2 could be either women or men- They both are ghosts of
Priors past ancestors of Prior that visit him and warn him of the prophecy.

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