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The Atheist's view of life!

Many theists assume that people require a god to give them a sense of purpose or
meaning in life. Atheists have no such need, but are commonly thought to need it! The
usual theist assumption is that Atheists are evil, theist-haters, who will kill without
remorse, steal from the poor; eat babies, and whatever other insane things their
twisted imaginations can come up with!

Atheists are usually quite fond of life, since it is the only one we have. We respect
life, especially that of humans. We do not think that since this planet and humans
arrived by chance that life is worthless. No these views are exactly what theists
believe though. Theists if you think about it, need a god to make their existence make
sense and to make them respect life. Atheists do such things without divine
intervention and enjoy helping people out!

Most Atheists do not have hollow lives, with bitterness and hatred towards the rest of
"creation." Most see the world for what it is, beautiful and amazing in every way. We
see life as a great accomplishment and treasure every moment we have on earth. We
do not look at living creatures as simply worm-food of the future.

Atheists, especially Humanists, find human beings to be magnificent creatures and

will do everything in their power to further our development and happiness! WE wish
to see all of humanity rise to a level of intelligence that requires no religion to make
sense of the world. We wish that everyone would see the world as we do, because
once that happens we can all work towards the "greater good." It is not a sad life we
live; it is full of wonder and excitement! WE know we have a short time on the planet
and know the only way to truly achieve immortality is to somehow place our mark on
history, either simply through our children or on a global scale! We attempt to learn
and experience as much as possible and pass on whatever knowledge we have gained
to our children, so that they will be stronger because of us.

Does that sound so bad?


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