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Scott Luepke

Six Weeks Reflection # 1

Fall 2015
It was great to see my friends and fellow teacher candidates after summer
vacation. I had limited contact with several of them during STEM Camp at the end
of July, but working in small groups with them and soaking in their contributions to
class discussions was great!
The community-building assignments and group projects got me excited to
spend time with my teacher at Lincoln. I can not wait to decorate and arrange the
classroom around our learning objectives for the school year. I look forward to
seeing our eight- and nine-year-olds work together, embrace each other's
differences, and grow in their academic and social knowledge.
One of my favorite parts of the week was when Nancy gave us our special
sheet of RED 303, 403, and 414 assignments and due dates. Having the ability to
plot out the due dates for every project of the semester pushed a lot of the anxiety
out of my mind. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this program. The professors
set a great example of being student-focused.

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