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Miracles do Happen

I teach in an island. Due to the difficulties of daily transportation and

the unusual weather condition, some advises me to apply for a school
transfer. Recently, I discovered Gods purpose for sending me in this
isolated barangay. I was an average student then in college and even now
as a graduate student. I am always an underdog in the class.
I work hard for my pupils because I believe that the simple thing I do
for them and an extra time I dedicate for the less privileged ones, could
make a difference in their lives. It also helps them to improve their
academic standing. I was also lucky to have supportive school principal
who is behind me up in this noble deed. They are the reason of my
promotion as Master Teacher I after seven years. I also had the chance to
work as childcare teacher in Singapore. I do believe that they are Gods
instruments who touched and changed my life the way I did with my
My professional career highlighted year 2013, when Tabaco City
Division endorsed me to join the search for Ten Outstanding Teachers of
Albay (TOTAL). It is an annual competition among elementary and
secondary school teachers. The first challenge given by the Technical
Working Group (TWG) was the preparation of portfolio. I was so thankful
that my school principal, Mr. Borbor, , Mrs. Aragon my colleague who took
a leave of absence and my former school principal Mr. Bordeos who
welcomed us in his home so that we could submit the required documents
in due time. There were other people who gave their support through
Three university professors observed my class, took a picture of my
classroom and asked some questions to my pupils. Easier said than the
actual scenario. You could tell how long every second could be when you
are being examined.
Two weeks after the visit, I received a congratulatory letter and at
the same time an invitation to attend the Finalists Meeting. I was happy
to qualify in the final round but Im anticipating for a more mind-blowing
During the finalists meeting, we were scheduled for a panel
interview and a demo teaching. The night before the final competition, I
prayed hard and asked the Lords guidance. I pleaded Him to speak for me
if I am out of words and that He would grant me an active mind and a
peaceful heart to face the challenges of the next day. I may not be a
scholarly classroom teacher but I have an omniscient God. This was the
very thought that serves as my shield and armour against my timid other
self. I was then having another thought of not joining in the last stage of
the competition.

The sunshine of the following day was a good sign. I tried to relax
then whispered a short prayer for our safe trip and we are getting ready
for the one-hour drive going to Legazpi City, the place of competition. The
topic assigned to me was not one of the lessons I tried in my class. I
paused for a while and silently called upon the Lord. Soon enough, I
started writing the lesson plan and before the time runs out, I was ready
with my teaching materials. I was grateful because the pupils I dealt were
smart. The lesson ran smoothly in 30 minutes then we are done. We were
able to beat the time. I was not penalized for any time extension. One
challenge down, one more to go through.
In the afternoon, I faced the four members of the panel for the
interview. It was composed of a lawyer, a psychiatrist, and officers from
Jaycees Club and SEAMEO INNOTECH. The tension I felt was so intense
that it dried my mouth. I closed my eyes for a second or two and prayed
for Gods intercession. When I opened my eyes I smiled and pronounced
simple greetings. They offered me a drink and the questions started to
come one after the other. In less than an hour, we all said our thanks and
as soon as I was out of the interview room I was so thankful I could almost
cry that it was finally over. It was indeed a day of tension and too much
On October 5, 2013, I was one of the TOTAL awardees who received
cash prize, trophy, certificate and medal. I was so grateful to people who
supported me and to God Almighty. Miracles do happen.
I shared this without any intension of boasting but to serve as
booster for every reader. God gave me an unexpected gift. He may give
you two or more depending on your faith level. Level up in Gods love.
Happy Christmas!
Master Teacher I
Sagurong Elemenetary
San Miguel Island Tabaco

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