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Scott Luepke

RED 414
Math Lesson Plan
Fall 2015
Telling Time to Five Minutes
3.3.3 Use time, money and temperature to solve real-world and mathematical
Content: The student will be able to set an analog clock to show the correct time at
five-minute intervals.
Language: The student will be able to write the time using numerals as it
corresponds to the given time on an analog clock.
Lesson 1.4 SMART Board slides
Telling Time to 5 minutes worksheet (with Home Link 1.4 on back side)
I HaveWho Has Cards for game
Cardboard clocks (1 per student)
Math Journals (p. 5)
Cards for playing Top-it
Instructional Plan
Warm-up activity: Bring up the clock on the SMART board.
Teacher: Who remembers how to tell the time using a clock like this? Good, it looks
like most of you do. Im looking for someone who can raise their hand and tell me
the name of this short hand.
Student: The hour hand.
T: Correct! And who can tell me the name of the long hand?
S: The minute hand.
T: Absolutely. Now I need someone to tell me what time the clock says right now.
S: Three oclock.
T: Thats correct, and can you explain to your classmates how you knew it was
three oclock?
S: Because the short hand is pointing to the 3, and the long hand is pointing to the
The teacher sets the clock to a few other times and has a volunteer state the time
and explain how he/she knew what time it was.
T: Now Im going to give you a little worksheet to practice telling time. When you
get your worksheet, please put your name and the date at the top, and wait for

your instructionsOk, does everyone have their name and the date on their paper?
Great! When I say Go I want you to fill in the blanks for numbers 1-3, so just the
top row. Ill give you a minute to do that. Ready? Numbers 1-3. Go!...Ok, now Id
like you to compare your answers for those three with the person sitting across
from you. At the end of each table you can form groups of three to compare
answersWho can share with the class what time they wrote for number one1? (Do
the same for numbers two and three.) Did everyone hear that? Number three is a
little tricky because the hour hand is pointing at the 2. But if you think back to
when you learned about telling time last year, you learned that the hour hand
moves a little bit as the minute hand is moving around the circle. So, in number
three its ALMOST two oclock, but not quite. Its 1:55. Does anyone have a
question about that? Wonderful! Now go ahead and complete numbers 4-9. Try
them all on your own. In a couple minutes Ill give you some time when you can
ask a neighbor if youre stuck on one.
Gather all students on the floor in between the desks and the SMART board. Pass
out cards for I HaveWho Has game. Explain the following rules:
T: When someone asks for the time thats on your card, raise your hand and read
what your card says. Theres not a card for everyone, so if youre in a pair, you can
read your card together. Ashton has the first card, so go ahead and read your card
If it seems like the students need more practice, shuffle the cards and have them
play the game one or two more times.
Have students return to their desks. Pass out cardboard clocks. Explain to students
that they will take turns choosing a time to which they will set their clock. Their
partner will also set his/her clock to that time. After they have each set their clock
to the time, they will compare clocks and see if their clocks match. Then its the
other partners turn to choose a time.
Go through the remaining SMART Board slides. Ask volunteers to come up to the
SMART board to measure and draw the line segments. Remind students to always
start measuring at the zero mark, whether or not that is right at the edge of the
Play Addition Top-it and/or Subtraction Top-it if time allows.
Observe the students as they are setting/matching times on the cardboard clocks.
Is anyone having extra trouble setting the clock to the correct time?
Have the students complete Home Link 1.4 and hand it in. (Allow 10-15 minutes for
them to complete, depending on how well they understand the material.) This will
give a good picture of whether or not they need extra practice/instruction with
telling time.

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