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4 Use the Re-Sync command to recalculate the value in the Tota! est section to equal the values entered so the Sub Items Section, if the Total Cost value was centered Blanket and Top ‘Soil. “0. EXERCISE: Add a scope item, and its sub stems to the procurement item. 2 Click Aaa Sub item ‘gui to enter each sub stem in the table, Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Adding Scope Items Scope items are the individual components that make up the procurement item. Scope items can be broken down further into sub-items, and those sub- items can be further broken down to provide as much detail as necessary. ‘Add the details in the Add Scope /tem screen. You can assign a cost code and 1 total cost estimate to the scope item. In the Sub Items section, list each sub- item and its cost. Steps 1. Inthe Scope Items area in the Bid Tabulation section, click Ada. 2. Inthe Cost Code drop-down list, select 02 02930 S (Erosion Management). 3. Click Add Sub /tem and select/type the following: 02900 (Planting) (©2900 (Planting) Top Soit |. Click Save and Add Another © 206 Ate reseed Ho pr el pan my been hn wen parson el Penaera Sy 209 ~® EXERCISE: Aad scope items and sub fc 210 Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Adding Additional Scope Items FIG 10.4: The Bid Tabulation section after documenting all scope items. Steps 1. In the Cost Code field, select the code, 02 02901 S (Ash Trees). 2. Add the following sub-items listed in the following tal -02900 (Planting) | Red Ast 02900 (Pranting)_| White Ash sm 3. Click Save and Add Another 4. In the Cost Code field, select the code, 02 02902 S (Spruce Trees). 5. Add the followin: ‘ items listed in the following table: 92900 (Planting) | Colorade-Spruce 02900 (Planting) | Serbian Spruce 6. Click Save and Close. ©2058 nt seve Not os putea maybe aponced wna por wen tren ravers Syn ie Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items General Items General items are items that are common to all bids, such as permits. These items, like scope items, may become a line item in a contract. FIG. 10.5: The ‘Comments section is used to document any additional information about ‘a general item. 4S EXERCISE: Add2 Steps general tern to the prcouerent tem, 4. In the General Items section, click Ada. 2. In the Cost Code drop-down list, select 07 01505 S (Mobilization). 3. Enter the information for the general item, Mobitizatior. Quantity: <1> Unit Price: <12000> 4. Click Save and Close. 1.2005 Aap esr No po pkcton mayb pun mo ar wien prin ol raves enn au Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Updated Estimate The Bid Tabulation section displays an updated value in the Procurement 212 | 006 ern Np ts pcr my apo mou win prt rr Syn Me Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Recording Bids Recording bids allows for each bid to be compared against one another and against the Procurement Estimate. ‘ACME General Contractors has received estimates from K&D Landscaping, Greenfield's Gardens, and Nick's Nursery. Steve Johnson needs to document each bid within Primavera. 06 Aries sseoed Na tf puton may be nonin wen parmsnen ef Paes Syste 213 Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Documenting a Bid In the Bid Worksheet, document the information from the bidder. Primavera calculates the value in the Tota/ field for a scope item based on the Quantity ‘and Unit price values ‘You can select a status for each scope item and sub-item in the Complete, Plug, oF Incomplete columns: Complete — indicates the final bid for an it Plug — indicates a temporary bid value, suc! Q Incomplete — Indicates the information we was submitted. aa. HS [FFF UKHS FIG. 10.7: To award a bid, all scope items must be marked Complete. a guess, t included when Steps 5 1. Click Record Bid. 2. Verify Add a bidder and record their bidis, selected. 3. Click select, and then select a bidder. Greenfield's Gardens. 4, Click Continue. 214 © 2008 A ns eee Nop ti puke maybe ect wah pit atten pan of Pana Syste Documenting a Bid (continued) 3 5. In the Bid Worksheet, type Gr item as follows. Seite Red Ash (02900) ‘White Ash (02800) “Erosion Control Blanket 402900) Top Soil (02900) Colorado Spruce (02900) Serbian Spruce (02900) Mobilization (01 01505 S) 6. Click mark completed. 7. Click Save and Close to add other bids. 1 op Abeptsresevta No prt of bs eaten may beep as pet wna perms Paves Str be 215 Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Documenting a Second Add another bidder for the scope item. FIG 108° The Re. [Caitia worksheet LOS steps 1. Click Record Bid. 2. Verify Add a bidder and record their bids selected. 3. Click select, and then select a bidder, K&D Landscaping. 4. Click Continue. 5. In the Bid Worksheet, type the bid for each scope sub-item as follows: & ‘White Ash (02900) — fosion Control Blanket (02900) ‘Top Soil (02800) ‘Colorado Spruce (02900) Serbian Spruce (02900) 10 Mobilization ( 6. Click mark completed. 7. Click Save and Close. 216 © 200 ages Ne pa pean my be ede writer parma of Pees Syst I 10; Awarding Procurement Items Documenting a Third Bid bidder for the scope item. “0. EXERCISE: nod another bidder. Click Record Bid. 2. Verify Add a bidder and record their bidis selected Click select, and then select a bidder, Mick's Nursery. 4. Click Continue. In the Bid Worksheet, type the each scope sub-item as follows: Red Ash (02800) White Ash (02900) Erosion Control Blanket ( ‘Top Soil (02900) ‘Colorado Spruce (02900) ‘Serbian Spruce (02900) Mobilization (07 01505 5) 6. Click mark completed. 7. Click Save and Close. Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Organizing Bids ‘You can set the order in which you want bidders to appear in the Bid Tabulation section. Use Organize Biddersto sort and compare the bids in a more convenient view. FIG 10.10: The Bid Tabulation section after using Onganize Bidders. ~D EXERCISE: Steps Organize the bids for comparison 1. Click Organize Bidders to rearrange the order of the bids. 2. Select /n ascending order by total bid value. 3. Click Save and Close. 26 {8 208 fap renee No pot 8 pet yb repo wt wen prin ot uma Spc Lesson 10. Awarding Procurement Items Awarding the Procurement Item COnee all bids are in on a procurement item and marked as complete, you can award a contract or purchase order to a bidder. For the following exercise, ACME General Contractors decided to award this, procurement itern to K&D Landscaping, Steve Johnson needs to award the subcontract FIG. 10.11: : ‘This option witt ‘wats ConkcdPC: create tour line | seiersneoradien items in the emer) contract (3 Scope (oar Tomer a Items + 1 General E fe ee : Nem). | Seong ACHE Goran ime _— = a 4) EXERCISE: vad Steps the contac using the ep ‘Award Conkract/PO 1. Click Award This /tem to launch the Award Contract/PO wizard. weard. 2. In the Award Type field, confirm Contracts - Committed. 3. In the Award Jo field, click select. A. Select the winner of the contract, K&D Landscaping (Krista Davidson). 5. In the From field, verify the party who is awarding the contract, Steve Johnson (ACME General Contractors) 6. Inthe Create Line Items For field, select Each scope and general item. 7. Inthe Create/Select Material Records Per Line Item? field, select no, 8. Click Next. (2 m6 hangs revere No pra ve snnmay be rere meen ten pn Panera Sts 29 Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Completing the Award Contract/PO Wizard In this screen, specify the procurement item and date in the Award Contract/ PO wizard. FIG. 10.12: You — cantypethe Scope °°" a ‘of Work in this - section. 0) EXERCISE: Steps Complete the Award ContracvPO wizard 1. In the Contract/POfield, type the procurement item title . 2. In the Date field, click IEE} and select the date, Jun 17, 2006. 3. Click Finish, 220 Lesson 10: Awardin« The Contract “A EXERCISE: Rewew Steps the awarded contract = _ 1. Review the details in the Line Items section, 06 A ges saved Ne a es ha ay eae ah et wen prs Penne Sas FIG. 10.14: This is the difference “2 EXERCISE: Open the procurement tem, Landscaping (02000), Lesson 10. Awarding Procurement Items Since the line items were created from a procurement item, the contract ‘iting the Procurement Item 1. Inthe Line Items section, scroll to the far right. 2. In the Procurement Item column, click Landscaping (02900). Note: The line items are linked to the same procurement item document, Landscaping (02900). You can click either fink in this column, 3. Click return to fog. © 20 Aes eat ep te putter my be epee mtn zr ten pmsl Pn Spe FIG. 10.15: This will become the title of the newly created contract. A. EXERCISE: Award _ contract to another company Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items Awarding Multiple Items In the Procurement Items log. Award Items allows you to award a contract or purchase order to a bidder. ‘Acme General Contractors also needs to award a contract for Foundation Walls to Standard Paving and Concrete, Inc. even though they were not the lowest bidder for one of the procurement items. rd ntact 70. Menke kat Doe Award ContracyPO J aad Jim Wesigy (Standard Pam and Concrete. Inc) ates Store Johnsen, ACME General Contractors) Greate ne terns for Steps 4. Click Award stems. 2. In the Award Type field, confirm Contracts - Committed. 3. In the Award Tofield, click select. 4. Select the winner of the contract, Standard Paving and Concrete, Inc. (Jim Wesley) 5. In the Contract/PO Document For field, type 6. Inthe Create Line items forfield, select Each scope and general item. 7. Inthe Create/Select Material records per line item? field, select no. 8. Click Next, ov umenen may be rete int neta pas Pavey Spies 223 ‘only allow you to award complete bids. ®) EXERCISE: Select the procurement you want to award 224 Lesson 11 : Awarding Procurement Items Choosing Procurement Items to Award Select which procurement items you want to include in Jarded contract. Selec Unoweiea Saya om for Uondars Haney sod alee Markie csckomes fore Procurement tems you wank Wo waldo Stands Pweg and Conerole ne ee 2.486500 00 + 19708061 1 1" i sie Steps 1 2. Click select alfto choose all of the procurement items. Click Next. © 208 a8 rt esr pls putea om erect mc pe men rs cf anes Sys Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items. Completing the Award Contract/PO Wizard In the contract, the line items represent the scope and general items from each of the procurement items awarded. FIG. 10.17: This Stand Peg ar Coree Is contract was nwa generated from ACHE Geral Cntavins items in the Sieeetenets Procurement saeco oioea : a2s 2008 “© EXERCISE: Complete the Award Contract/PO winacd 1, In the Contract/PO Number field, type 2. Inthe Date field click EE and select Ju! 28, 2006. 3. Click Finish, {0 Anessa a pa ch phon my Be poe mace parti el Fm ype ne 225 Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items, Lesson Review Use the Procurement module to track bids and award contracts. Specify the items available for bid in the Procurement Item document. Document each bid estimates in the Bid Tabulation section in the Procurement item document. 1. Procurement items can be awarded as which of the following? a. Budgeted Contract b. Committed Contract . Purchase Order d. All of the Above 2. True or False: The Procurement item can not be deleted once it has been awarded, 3. True or False: Procurement items must have one complete bid document before they can be awarded. 226 2006 As esr Na fs pubeaen ay eed mH en prin of Pavers Syms ne LESSON 11 Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Objectives This lesson explains the Primavera functions used to log contracts and distribute costs to the Cost Worksheet. At the completion of the lesson, you will be able to: v Add contracts and purchase orders Distribute document values to the Cost Worksheet Use Trends to account for anticipated costs © 2006 tegen Np ces pc aan my be epee men rt wien Prnier Sya re eu 228 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Class Case Scenario ACME General Contractors has asked Steve Johnson to review their contracts with Philadelphia County and Mechanical Contractors. To manage this project, he will need additional licenses of Primavera. Also, he is anticipating an increase in the price of fuel and will need to account for this in his bottom line figure. Fie. a7. Checkboxes ensure that the total line item value was distributed to cost codes. “EXERCISE: View the Project Settings for Lesson 11; Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Project Settings - Costing In the Costing section of the Project Settings, you can establish project preferences for cost codes. In the settings. specify which documents’ line item costs need to be fully distributed to cost codes. You can also select the option to show custom columns in the Cost Worksheet » Gomecah 0» henge been: pees soto Atacrmente 2 : estan Steps 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. Right-click and select Project Settings. 3. Click ” to expand a section, Costing 4. Click Cance/to exit. Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Contracts A contract is a written agreement in which one party agrees to perform specialized work for another party. A contract can involve labor only, labor and materials, and services. A contract also: Includes a description of the work to be performed Specifies any special terms and/or conditions that apply to the contract. Lists the start and finish dates along with a negotiated price that can be a lump sum or a unit price. Budgeted contracts represent the money you have to work with to complete the project, such as contracts you have between the owner and general contractor. Budgeted contracts do not have to be formal or legal. Committed contracts represent the money you have spent for the project. For example, contracts you may have between the general contractor and subcontractors, vendors, or suppliers working on the project. FIG. 11.2: Ch the title to view the contract. “EXERCISE: Open the log for committed conrscts Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends The Contracts - Budgeted Log The Contract log displays a one-line summary of contracts involved with the project. Click the document icon to open and edit the contract, or click the contract name to view the document. In this window, you can also add new contracts using Add Document. Steps 1. In the Project View, select a project DEMO, 2. Click * to expand the Contract Information folder. 3. Click Contracts - Budgeted. 231 Lesson 11; Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Budgeted Contract The Contracts - Budgeted module contains the budgeted contracts for the project. Add Document enables you to add a new contract nine | Conta Sermany B meaen | in se BE vitae | seetae iat vases 2 stone 3 panne 2 mateo | © EXERCISE Open Steps the og with budgeted contacts, 1. In the Document For column, click Summary. 232 © 00 A gr 0) EXERCISE: Review the contract summary Eesson 11: Usina Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Contract Summary Review the Contract Summary section to see an overview of the financial status of the contract. It displays requisitions or invoices to date, with the remaining balance. It also lists insurance policies with their policy limits and expiration dates. You can also review all pending and approved cost changes associated with the contract. 1 Summary tata | \ $10,000.00 01 ‘Ang 27: 200 | $20:350 00 é 020,960.00, Aug 31.200: 112,19000 | $7,908 160.00 | chensee | | + Paymem Requisivons FIG 11.4: The Contract Summary for the budgeted contract for the project. Steps 1. At the top of the contract, click contract summary. ny be reaciced win pr wes pri Pere Sse 233 starting at 00001. EXERCISE: Review the line ter forthe contract. Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Line Items A line item represents costs related to the contract, You can add two types of Costs to a contract: Q Add Lump Sum — Add a line item for a lump sum payment. Q Add Unit Price — Add a fine item for itemized charges. * Line ema Sire ibs es Fae Gn Aedtomesim_| Adee | aaa aes ‘etch oi aaa altar | ue Sen sia. om ar Steps 1. In the Line Items section, click 00007 to open the line item 2. Review the line item, and then click Close. Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Details Surnenary Carte ones ow ACME General Contractors Sieve Jotrson Fuladeipnia County E Tivatty Stapleton sada EXERCISE: Rowen Steps the Dats section 1. At the top of the contract, click Details. © 206 Apes ested No pr ole ptetnn may eres ctr wen prone of Pra Syste re 235 “2 EXERCISE: Review the Schedule section 236 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Schedule The Schedule section contains the contract's start and finish dates. When creating oF editing a contract, the finish date entered in the Schedule section is {he original Completion Date listed in the Contract Summary, V1 the project is linked to a Primavera schedule, data displays when an Activity 10 is selected. You should specify dates even if the project is not linked to » Schedule. If time change is added in Change Management, the calculation is made using the finish date ” Schedule Ge te Steps 1. At the top of the contract. click Schedule. Lesson 11: Usina Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends. Contracts - Committed A committed contract represents what you are committed to spend to FIG. 11.8: Attach ecnaneeal Contactors contract terms in| one aie thea aolatd | ACME General Contractors bs ast 20700 Sant 2007 he Mecanca Matsa Her [ice #1820000 00 | | ante Senay 6 aie » ne owe oe oni nice | | | Se al ACHE Genera Contactors Seve Jaren ies ACHE Gerwea Contactors A EXERCISE: Onen® Ste “contract. PS 4. Click return to control center. 2. In the Project View. select a project, DEMO. 3. In the Contract Information folder, click Contracts - Committed. 4. In the Document For column, click Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. toe A secede es cn aye esc od rr men pen ef Pere Sens re 237 2 I you dont sstrbute the entre amount of the contract Primavera applies the semaining amount to the cost code Wor Losted FIG. 119: cost distribution for the contract line item. EXERCISE: View ost distibutions forthe tne ten, Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Cost Distributions for a Line Item {n the Line Items section in the contract, you can view the cost distributions for the contract, add or edit a line item to itemize charges for the contract, or Specify the details of a lump sum payment. You can also specify the line item value and distribute it to cost codes. To distribute the individual line items of a contract to cost codes: 2 Click Add to enter additional cost codes and select from the list of pre= defined cost codes established on the Cost Worksheet. Q Click Ade Balance to assign the entire undistributed amount Click Remove Zero Values to remove any cost codes from the list that do ot have a value assigned. : Feeoaooo— Peta Sevses peg Fe Protec Piping ("2rie ees A eaupmen Setet cine Steps 1. In the Line ltems section, click the line item, 00007 2. Click Close. (©2006 ga eer Not ep ay 8 etch wa pe wren perm rma Sptn be Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Purchase Orders Document the purchase of materials or services in the Purchase Orders module. Each purchase order includes a description of services or items ordered, the payment terms and the original negotiated price, and the required delivery date. Purchase Orders Log The Purchase Orders log provides an overview of all of the project's purchase orders For the following exercises, ACME General Contractors will use Primavera to manage the project. They require two additional licenses of the software. A purchase order has been written to Primavera Systems Inc. FIG. 11.10; Inthe Purchase Orders sake fog, eliek the name As sSpe) Se omon to view the TEs WANS | nese Coeds Ere those. purchase order. calcoSpece ere Aon = ARSOiR Pio po ac Se: Depaoen ny Cong ay Shawne sen epi ie aati: | + Somme ARADO? SeaieyConacire Pout Jetnes EXERCISE: Ope” Steps. te Purchase Oars i. 1. Click return to control center 2. In the Project View, select a project, BEMO. 3. In the Contract /nformation folder, click Purchase Orders. 00 gs aes pa ns nena wt mn pms rv Spm 209 FIG. 11.47. Purchase orders can only have a Cost Category of Commitment. “EXERCISE: Adc a purchase order. 240 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Creating a Purchase Order In the Purchase Order log, click Add Docurnent to document a new purchase. In the new purchase order, specify who is sending and who is going to receive this document. Click adaress to type or verify the address of selected contacts Type a unique number for purchase orders. If blank, Primavera will place a 7in the Number field. | io Lo bere — Steps 1 2. Inthe To field, click select. 3. Select who will receive the Department). 4, 5. Requirements) 6. Software> 7 Click Add Document to create a new purchase order, Purchase order, Primavera Systems, Inc. (Sales Inthe From field, verity ACME General Contractors (Steve Johnson). In the Spec Section drop-down list, select 07300 (Administrative In the Document For field in the Details section, type . 3. In the Quantity field, type <2> 4. In the Units of Measure field, type 2a © 05 At ng reseed No par cto maybe rpc mtn tr rn ren ener Spt Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends paren ‘Aine 2p a ina i at Mea To ak an 2000 Gearees sesoroane 00000 Bb FIG 11.13: The Line Items section 5. Inthe Unit Price ($) field, type <2500> Primavera multiplies the Quantity by the Unit Price to calculate the Net Amount ($) value 6. In the Material Name field, type 7. In the Material Title field, type 8. In the Costing section, click Add. 9. Select a cost code, 07 07300 D (Administrative Requirements). 10. Click add batance. 11. Click Save and Close. 242 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends, Generating Materials Delivery You can record materials delivered to a job site. Primavera can automatically generate a Materials Delivery document from the line items in contracts and purchase orders. The Generate Materials wizard displays the summary of all Materials Delivery documents. To generate a Materials Delivery document, you must have specified a new Material Name in the Contract Item or Purchase Order Item screen. FIG. 11.14: A Material Name is meee | ue meme eee Hate beter | ae sen on | Sosa Emacs, Does | > ceiciheomes| Reproduction of this material is prohibited by | Werehencgpt tania poor is © exercise: Steps Generate a Materials ep: Delivery document. 1. In the Select an Action drop-down list, click Generate Materials, and then click Go. 2. Click Finish. 208 pts reseed No i el ne pueson mayb ered wiht ret mergers mars Syst he 243 75: the Materialiink to view the Materials Delivery document. 284 fesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Generating Materials Delivery (continued) Miter generating the Materials Delivery document, the purchase order displays ie rave Praveen = bares Eats re Adore Paginas Se ea eee ee ccna rats : io iad Deon > tetas FE 2 taee 8 "Actes 2 === : 3. Click Save to save the purchase order. 4. In the Line Item section, click 00007. 5. In the Purchase Order Item document, click Primavera Licenses (PRIMAVERA). 6. Click return to control center © 26 A ter Nh a fs pena mayb ered mt ar ren prin Pret Syste Fig. 11.16: Status of the Trend document is displayed. AL EXERCISE: Open the Trends lo. Lesson 14= Using Contracts Purchase Orders & Trends Trends Trends can be anticipated costs, budget adjustments, what-if scenarios, or simply a way to move money on the Cost Worksheet. During the life of a project, you may need to re-allocate money within the Cost Worksheet without modifying the contract or purchase order. To do this, you can use a Trend document and distribute its cost to the worksheet. A Trend document lists costs and proposed changes that are not directly related to a contract or purchase order. You can log estimated costs and changes where a change order or request does not yet exist. You can also use a trend to transfer money from one cost code. such as Contingency, to another cost code for future costs. ext 20 6 chiens tilcoke ge 28e : WY» finns ExeresShGoms Fatih 207 WO Ooeedrgiom ADK Green Steps 1. In the DEMO project, in the Contract Information folder, click Trends. 008 A ge sev pan a npc may epics mel pr wren parma Porn Sy 245 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Creating a Trend In the Trend log, click Add Document to create a new trend. In a new Trend document, Primavera automatically assigns the system date as the Date. This date can be modified. The Valve field displays a cumulative amount of all line tems added to the trend. If no line items exist, this value is $0.00 & lhe Gost Category For the following exercise, the Project contingency will be reduced by $10,000, cmottereahence due to an unexpected rise in fuel Prices. Steve Johnson of ACME General saved. Contractors needs to document this added cost within the project tees ‘anstome + Atachmonte 2 tone | ! | lee | D EXERCISE: Create Se anew tend doument_ SEEPS 1. Click Add Document. 2. In the Title field, type 3. In the Date field, ctick EB and select Jun 22 2006.” 4. Inthe Cost Category drop-down lis, select. Budget 5. In the Cost Type drop-down list, select Agjustment 6. Click Save. 286 £7006 Arrest No pa ds pon my opto mop ein pron Sper We FIG. 11.18: The trend amount is $0.00 because money was moved from one cost code to another. “A. EXERCISE: Move the line item cost from ‘one cost code to another cast code 2: Click Other to cate the Contingency cost code. Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Cost Distributions for a Line Item In the Costing section, you can distribute the cost to a cost code, or move cost between cost codes, In the following example, money is taken from one cost code and moved to another cost code. Trend tere Et By ts Pla Poncce e100 eas. Admin geen [—TONOUOD secs os > awe len stente » aamchments P nee Steps 1. Inthe Line Items section, click Add Lump Sum. 2. Inthe Costing section, click Add Multiple Cost Code’ to distribute the cost of the estimated fuel increase to a cost code. 3. Select the cost codes, 07 01300 D (Administrative Requirements) and CONTINGENCY (Misc - Cost. - to be determined). 4. Click Save. 5. In the Distributed field for the 07 01300 D cost code type <10000> 6._ In the Distributed field for the Contingency cost code, type <-10000> 7. Click add balance adjacent to the 07 07300 D cost code. 8. Click Save & Close. © 206 Ate prt ls pesto maybe ered wad ten pees of Peres Stn ne 287 Lesson 11; Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Lesson Review A contract is a written agreement in which one party agrees to perform specialized work for another party. A committed contract represents what you are committed to spend to complete the project. Budgeted contracts represent the money you have to work with to complete the project. Document the Purchase of materials or services in the Purchase Orders module. Generate ‘Materials allows you to keep a record of the materials delivered to a job site. 1. Which is a false statement about a contract's line items? a. Can be lump sum. 'b. Can be distributed to the Commitment section of the worksheet. ©. Can be distributed to the Actual section of the cost worksheet 4. Can be unit price. 2. True or False: If the total contract or purchase order amount is not distributed, the difference is automatically stored in the Not Costed code. 3. Afinancial overview of a contract is accessed through the a. Details section bb. Schedule section ©. Contract Summary section d. Trends section = 208 be gas eared No pl spun ay be eed ewe prrsn of Pena Syms Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Workshop: Distributing Contract Costs Background To facilitate management of the RUNWAY project, Action Construction needs to create and distribute the values of the contracts with Philadelphia Airport and Digger Inc. Objectives 1. Select the RUMWAY project and in the Contract Information folder, click Contracts - Budgeted. 2. €lick Add Docimentto create a contract from Tom Roberts of Philadelphia Airport to Alan Smythe of Action Construction. This contract is dated Jun 22, 2006. 3. In the Details section, type the contract description: 4. In the Document For field, type ., and then click Save. 5. Add 4 lump sum line items to the contract a. Type a description for the first line item b. In the Lump Amount ($) field, type the total value <257000>. Click Add Muttiple Cost Codes and add the following information: Temporary Facilities and Controts (01 :01500 0 (01 01300 V ‘Schedule/Contract Control SW ¢. The second line item, Earthwork, has a total value of $430,000 and is distributed to the following cost codes: ‘02 02100 S Excavation 0202200 S Earthwork & Landscaping {© 2008 An at eevee pt phen may be ered wi i win pam Prin Sse 249 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends tai! & (92 02700 V. Utilities, Earthwork & Piping, $120,000 d. The third line item, Paving, has a total value of $200,000 and is distributed to the following cost codes: 02 02500 S Paving $170,000 02 02580 S Pavement Markings $30,000 ©. The fourth line item, E/ectrical, has a total value of $113,000 and is distributed to the following cost codes: 16 16100 S f. Click Save & Close. 6. Save the contract. 7. In the Project View, in the Contract Information folder for the RUNWAY Project, click Contracts = Committed. 8. Create a contract from Alan Smythe of Action Construction to Al Green of Digger, Inc. This contract is dated Jun 30, 2006, 9. In the Spec Section field, select 02300 (Earthwork). 10. In the Details section, type the contract description 11. In the Document Forfield, type , and then click Save. 12. This contract has 1 lump sum line item and 2 unit price line items, a. The first line item, Earthwork & Landscaping, \s a lump sum line item with a total value of $189,200. Click Add Multiple Cost Codes to add the following: 02 02100 S Excavation © 7006 farses No i a pcan ny Be rece wn Weta tran Frm Sys ne Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends Tae ee se eae b. Click Save & Add Another ¢. The second line item, Pipes, is a unit price line item. information to document the pipes. 13, Generate the Materials Delivery documents for both the sleeves and the piping. In the Select an Action drop-down list, click Generate Materials. 14. Click Finish. 20h pt eee Hs pa er pura maybe ernie went cr ea prin maets Stree 251 252 LESSON 12 Change Management Objectives This lesson shows how the Change Management module displays the overall impact of change documents from initial cost estimate through final approval. ‘At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to v Describe the change management workflow process Define change management phases Define the Project Settings for document flow Create, link, and reference change documents Trace estimated, quoted, negotiated, and final change values RRR © 200 tn reared Me pa fv son oy bared whl en german Pts Sms re 253, 254 Lesson 12: Change Management Change Management Controlling changes involves notifying and coordinating affected project Participants as well as containing costs and the schedule for the project. The Change Management module provides a central location for entry of all necessary contract, contractor, and costing information about a change. Change Management accurately reflects the budgeted and committed sides of the change process from the estimate phase to the final approval. Each side of the change process has four phases — estimated, quoted, negotiated, and final, Change Management enables you to create committed contracts and purchase orders. In the change process all documents created in a phase are automatically closed when a new phase is started Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario Steve Johnson of ACME General Contractors needs to initiate the change process for the unexpected rock found and determine the total impact to 1ors, Standard Paving and Philadelphia County. © 200 Arg ecrved No pret epson my be epoca wha ree paren Pre Sy he 256 Lesson 12: Change Management Configuring Project Settings Set the Change Management preferences in the Project Settings to reflect your company's change process. Specify the documents and cost types to be used during each phase for Budgeted and Committed. Create transmittals and Correspondence Sent entries each time a new estimate is created. eae ‘Sent Logto create Franses an entry in the Correspondence oa Sent log when an te is sent, estima i rae [eg “EXERCISE: Steps Convigue the project, settings for the Change 1. In the Project View, right-click a project, DEMO, and then select Project Manegement process Settings. 2. Click ’ to expand the Change Management section 3. Scroll to the Committed section 4. In the Document drop-down list in the Negotiated section, select Proposed Change Order (PCO). 5. Click Save, 256 Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario ‘ACME General Contractors sent a Request for Information (RF!) to the Design Group to inquire about the unexpected rock The Design Group decided that the rack should be moved to another section of the site and has provided a sketch. PiviectiphinGotys, __ Desi (Qnre) ee SKETCH RAL Lesson 12: Change Management Initiating Change Management Primavera enables you to quickly generate a Change Management document that contains the same basic information as the source document. You can initiate Change Management from many Primavera documents, including Meeting Minutes, RFIs, Punch lists, Daily Reports, Notepads, Correspondence Received, Notices, Non-Compliance Notices, and Trends. FIG. 12.2: Select inne canto creat the Change Management ee | tara rom the sgt = ee | EXERCISE: Steve Johnson wil use the RF stout the unexpected 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. tock to tate Change Management 2 Click ® to expand the Communication folder. 3. Click Request for Information. 4. Click the title to open the RFI, Rock /n Soil. 5. In the Sefect an action drop-down list, click /nitiate CM, and then click Go. 258 © 208 Ma eps etrwed No pa fo phon ray beeen mien perme Prats Systems he Lesson 12: Change Management Viewing the Change Management Document ‘After you initiate the Change Management process, Primavera creates a Change Management document that has a unique number. If the Change Management was initiated from another document, such as an RFI. the fink to the source document is available in the Details section, and the Question and ‘Answer from the RFI are copied to the Remarks section for reference % Primavera assigns Use the Details section to record and reference information about the the current system date to the Change ‘Management document document. FIG. 12.3:Chickthe | “ne Meneaensnt Referenced Documentlinkto | view the document that initiated the —— ewe = Change sateen seo ‘Management. ures Spe, EXERCISE: View Steps. tn Details section in the Rock nm SaiCrenge 1. Scroll to the Details section to view the source for the Change Management document Management document 08 A et teers po tn pcaton maybe ered wine win pans of Ermer Syme 259 260 Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario ACME General Contractors needs to collect estimates from all subcontractors involved with the change. Steve Johnson will send a Request for Proposal (RFP) to each subcontractor to receive their initial estimates. Design Group (ArchYEng) Lesson 12: Change Management Viewing the Line Items in the Commitments Section and Sending Transmittals Values in the Commitments section are distributed to the Committed section in the Cost Worksheet Primavera can automatically generate a transmittal queue entry for each document created in the estimated phase, based on the options in the Project Settings, ~O EXERCISE: Select Steps 'o transmittal to send {0 the contacts 1. At the top of the screen, click Jransmittal Queue. 2. Click Create Al, 3. Click Close. 262 Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario Once Mechanical Contractors and Standard Paving received the Request for Proposal, they submitted a quote to ACME General Contractors. ACME General Contractors will document the quote for the additional time and expense to remove the rock in the soil Design Group 263 FIG. 12.4: The ‘companies listed represent the contracts that are affected by the change estimate. “© EXERCISE: Create 2 Request for Proposal for each subcontractoe Lesson 12: Change Management Adding Estimates In the Change Management document, use the Commitments section to add any committed contracts that will be affected by the estimated cost of the change. Values entered in this section affect the committed side of the Cost Worksheet and generate documents according to settings in the Change Management section of the Project Settings Click Add Multiple Estimates to add more than one committed contract to this section. Each contract added will be listed in its own row. pe eee Steps 1. In the Commitments section, click Add Multiple Estimates. 2. In the /romfield, click select. 3. Select a contact, ACME General Contractors (Steve Johnson). In the Change Date field, click "= and select Oct 9, 2006. 5. In the Required Date field, click "£4 and select Oct 76, 2006. 6. In the Remarks field, type 7. Click Add Companies, and then select the contracts for Mechanical Contractors and Standard Paving, Ine. 8. Click Finish, 206 At ts rezed a pat a pecan maybe rerosice mar wtp ef Perera 261 Lesson 12: Change Management Documenting the Quote To initiate another phase in Change Management, open the line item in the Commitments section, and then click the phase you want to initiate. All information is carried over from the previous phase. You can move to any phase in the change management process. FIG. 32.6: Click to [ Eormmaimens : start the Quoted ' phase, “8 EXERCISE: Document Standard Paving’s quote for 5 ee 1, Inthe Commitments section, click ‘expense due to the rock Inc. (AA450-01000). to open a contract, Standard Paving, ial 2. Inthe Quoted section, click Start Quoted Phase. © 2000 ts esa No tof ve tan ay edd mh rc en pein Primate Syst ~?) EXERCISE: Docurnent Standard Paving. In te tor $7000 and 10 days, Documenting the Quote (continued) When the next phase is initiated, the document is displayed. You can then document the value of the quote. ane 0H Rast Eameen /AMEOOIOEG) EME Geoera Cotacos Sve lteton mi ‘700000 Steps 1. Scroll to the Schedule section. 2. Inthe Time Change field, type <10> to document the new time estimate. 3. In the Line Items section, click [Ef to open the fine item, 00007. 4. Inthe Lump Amount () field, type <7000>. 5. In the Distributed field in the Costing section, type: Excavation <4000> Earthwork & Landscaping <3000> 6. Click Save & Close, and then click Save. 1 mow Ata sea, opto me patter may berger mien parson rar yer 265 2) EXERCISE: Document Mechanical Contractors quote (or the rock removal Lesson 12: Change Management Documenting the Second Quote Document Mechanical Contractors’ quote for $4,000 and 10 days Shang 16 ees! = Bac tenaiia Hea arstetor aaee sin, Steps 1. In the Change Order Request, click return to Change Management. 2. In the Commitments section, click [EJ to open the contract, Mechanical Contractors (AA450-00700). 3. Click Start Quoted Phase to begin a new phase. 4. In the Time Change field in the Schedule section, type <10>.~ 5. Inthe Line Items section, click [| to open the line item, 00007 6. In the Lump Amount ($) field, type <4000>. 7. In the Costing section, in the Distributed field, type: 15 15100 S: Building Services Piping <2000> 15 15300 S: Fire Protection Piping <2000> 8. Click Save & Close. 9. Click Save. © 7016 An) ese No prt pubhavn my ere nd eaten perms Frnoe’® Sypta Steve Johnson at ACME General Contractors is not satisfied with the estimate submitted by Standard Paving. Steve considered $7,000 too high so he counter-proposed with $6,000. 3 -affleen screener nenteat (es At age reaver pact ay im aoe wth pr nen paren reer Sm 267 —— FIG. 12.9: Click ‘Start Negotiated Phasoto send a ‘counter-proposal. —_—— Lesson 12: Change Management Initiating the Negotiation Phase To document the negotiation process, you can track multiple rounds of negotiation in the Commitment or Budget sections. You can creat unlimited number of documents in this phase. Steps . 1. In the Change Order Request, click return to Change Management. 2. In the Commitments section, click Paving, inc. (AA450-00700), 3. In the Negotiated section, click Start Negotiated Phase. to open the contract, Standard 2008 At reserves No prt of pean may be arc Mt Hla wen pen Paver Sem FIG. 12.10: Add Balance updates the distributed value for a cost code to equal the new Lump Amount. “© EXERCISE: Document the proposed © At pt sare Ho po fi pub yb eee mi tn Fesson 12: Change Management Completing the Negotiated Offer Alter the Negotiated phase is started, Primavera opens the document. oehon * costeg asta rd > Atachments 2 Lorp Sun te) ‘cance sve Bae Saves tet Steps 1. In the Line Items section, click IE to open the line item, 00007 In the Lump Amount (S) field, type the proposed amount <6000> In the Excavation code row in the Cost Code section, click Add Balance. (You may need to click in a blank field to activate Add Balance) Click Save & Close: In the Proposed Change Order, click Save Click return to Change Management. cl Prema Same ie 269 Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario Standard Paving disagrees with the estimate of $6,000 and submits a Proposed Change Order (PCO) with an estimate of $6,500 and a time change of nine days. ACME General Contractors agrees, and will document the final round of negotiations, Philackiphia Courty (Qune) 270 © :006 A ese No tty ster ry edhe ei tn pr FIG. 12.11: Start new negotiated round enables you ‘to document the new round. “© EXERCISE: Inviate 2 new round of negotiation {2005 Aas Na pat ef 4 pbb ry peices mt i wtan pan eva Sym re Lesson 12: Change Management Completing the Negotiation In the Change Management document, you can view the history of the negotiation in the Documents by Phase section ¥ Pras Ota Zana saasssntt Steps 1. In the Commitments section, click Paving, Inc. to open a document, Standard 2. In the Negotiated section, click start new negotiated round to document the counter-proposal. on Lesson 12: Change Management Completing the Negotiated Document When a new negotiated document is created, the Previous negotiated document is closed. ce ane : Semaine ptaten 0s cng © BKERCISE: Steps Document the fina! 7 Shee regains 1. In the Schedule section, in the: Time Change field, type the new estimate te of negotiations. no of days <9>. 2. In the Line Items section, click IE to open the document, 0007. 3. In the Lump Amount ($) field, type the proposed amount <6500> bi 4° In the Excavation code raw in the Cost Code section, click Add Balance. 5. Click Save & Close. 6. In the Proposed Change Order, click Save 22 “PR Mean Mts het attr ney obec we ee pen Pre Sytem / Lesson 12: Change Management Reviewing the Total Value for Each Phase ‘The Documents by Phase section in the Change Management document displays all documents that are part of the change process. The documents are grouped by commitments and budget, and then by phase. fone ; Documents by Phase displays the {otal value for each ; Ties ESSE PEST A elaine De Cee SRR HABRBEE FL phase. Se eee siti 1 cosh Seana a dad ous pscin ¢ su Eee a armel Sonam ee ao |: Retard tat eects Cou ane | Boe soumite oun ian be a 28 iv ; |» SEStinuc tess Sie i | Bete a Lina “) ERERCISE:Dsply Steps te documents hat ae part ofthe change 1. Click return to Change Management. process, 2. Click ’ to expand the Documents by Phase section 3. Click return to control center (abe Rtg ecred Np ot pcr my proce mt mien pms of Pl Syste 273 4 Markup is only 2valable to users who fave access nights. FIG. 12.14: Click Add Markupto add a default value. _—_—— “B EXERCISE: View the Markup project settings 24 Lesson 12: Change Management Defining Markup Settings Use Markup to add additional values, such as overhead and Profit, to use as the defauits when adding additional values to contracts, purchase orders, change orders, and proposals, When adding a new contract or purchase order, Primavera allows you to pull the markup defaults set in the Project Settings and store them in the contract/ PO. In Change Management, markup is usually applied during the Quoted or Negotiated phases, Poses Bamps 1. In the Project View, right-click the project DEMO, and then click Project Settings. 2. Click ” to expand the Markup section, and then review the settings 3. Click Cancel, FIG. 12.15: ‘copy the markup ‘categories from the Project Settings. “AY EXERCISE: Ada the categories defined sn Project Settings to Markup in the Summary contract Eesson 12- Change Manaaement Defi Use the Markup for Changes section in a contract to create markup categories, for the contract. No calculations are performed in this section. The markup defined in this section applies to change orders or proposals that affect this contract. ig Markup for a Contract [estes snes} assis Ge) ‘en a cca Steps 1. In the Project View, select the project, DEMO. 2. In the Contract Information folder, click Contracts - Budgeted. 3. click [I to open a contract, Summary — A4450-00012 4. In the Select an action drop-own list, click Markup for Change, then click Go. 5. Click Get Markup. 6. Click Close. ms ppt reser Np te peti may pa id re nn pene Peres Systeme he 215 Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario ‘ACME General Contractors has received and agreed on the quotes from all of the subcontractors. ACME needs to submit all quotes to Philadelphia County, the owner, on a single document that includes overhead and profit. Philadelphia County (Onrer) $6000 Mechanica Contractors. [oo ‘Standard Paving Pco $4000 $7000 $6500/ 9days| % The Include mark Ingicates thatthe commitment is included ‘on the Cost Worksheet FIG. 12.16: The ‘document type is listed next to the phase. 2) EXERCISE: Initiate the uotea'phase in the Budgeted section ofthe ‘Change Management document, Lesson 12: Change Management Copying Commitment Values to Budgeted in Change Management After the quotes are collected in the Commitments section of Change Management, you can use the Budget section to submit pricing to the owner. In the Commitments section, all contracts/POs that have an /nclude mark can be combined into one document that Primavera places into the Budget section of the Change Management document. Use Copy Commitments to Budget to copy the latest amounts in the Commitments section to the Budget section of Change Management, and to initiate the budgeted phase you select. You can only select open budgeted phases. nitments to Budget ‘This wil Start a budgeted phase ard copy the ine tems torn nckaded ‘commitments (ltl value $10.500 00) into the new Budgeted document It wil not close or modiy the comeatingns Selec! budgeted phase to start © Estates : = Quoted (Proposed Change Order) © Negotiates ceed Or © Final (Change Order) ply markup to the new document Steps 1. Click return to contro! center. 2. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 3. In the Contract Information folder, click Change Management. 4. Click Rock in Soil, 5. In the Commitments section, click Copy Commitments to Budget to copy all commitment documents to the budget. 6. in the Copy Commitments to Budget window, select Quoted, and then click OK. © 2005 At pus resent le Bunn iy Se eed who st mien psn ef Pea Sere on Lesson 12: Change Management Copying Commitment Values to Budgeted in Change Management (continued) After you select the new budgeted phase to begin, Primavera creates the document that is associated with that phase. In the proposal, line items and Cost distributions are copied from the subcontractor’s proposed change orders in the Line Items section. Questions and answers are copied from the RF! used to initiate change management in the Details section. You can edit the questions and answers as necessary. The Markup for Changes section, in the Summary section, enables you to create markup categories for the proposal. Fig. 12.17: Miner Document markup - nee from the contract {eee in this section. we ” a ACME Goon Contactors | ooo? } fogen Sot - et, 208 1290000 = ” + suman paste Fae 1098000000 wen eens og 2007 cbs 2036000 | E 1002096000 mat 207 21121900 ve, seo * oocomenex0rAL sera’ eane8 = > Sehegte srt 1 sees [pectmente 2 7. In the Time Change field in the Schedule Section, type the new time estimate <12>. B. Click Save. 9. Click ” to expand the Summary section, and then view Markup for Changes. 78 1 2005 pi ese Nop al ns ptcten ay eee itd nwa prrsscn of Prone Sytem ne Lesson 12: Change Management Viewing the Budget Section Use the Budget section to record and view information about the change document and its effect on the contract. Pe | | \ | | . $000 tis pose was epee py bsiec ane “0 EXERCISE: View Steps the Budget section in the Change 1. Click return to Change Management. 2. In the Budget section, view information about the change document Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenario Philadelphia County has agreed to the quote and Michael Stull has executed a change order for $12,600-and 12 days. 280 Lesson 12: Chanae Manacement Initiating the Final Phase in Budget The Copy Commitments to Budget screen displays when any budgeted phase is started. The following options are available: Do not copy commitments into the new document — Primavera will not copy any line items from the Commitment section. Primavera will carry over the line items and costing from the last Budget phase initiated. Copy commitments into the new document — For all rows in the Commitment section where the /nclude dption is marked, Primavera will copy the line items and costing information from the document in the latest phase. The total value of the initiated Budget phase will be the sum of the current Budget phase plus the value of the commitment line items that are copied. FIG. 12.19: Thi [cee SS sisi ‘option can be Gopy Commitments to Budget changed in User ge ae ee Pimarera can copy th ia tens rom nce ‘commitments {total vaive 310.500 00} nfo the new Dusgeted document Th w not close or moat the commitments © Donot copy commitments into the new document Copy commitments into the new document Apply markup 10 the new document In tho future, ask me fo copy comments 0 pudgol when I start a ouageted pase aa Ean © EXERCISE: intiste Steps te final phase for Change Management__1._In the Budget section, click Start Final Phase to initiate the final Budget phase for Change Management. 2. Click OK. 5206 At sere Ne pa ca aon my be ered wip nen pao mts Sen 281 4 Dates are required to approve the change ‘order: FIG. 12.20: Chek to approve the change order. ~® EXERCISE: ‘Approve the change order, 282 Lesson 12: Change Management Approving the Budgeted Change Order When the final phase is initiated, Primavera creates the document that is associated with that phase. In this project, a Change Order is created. Only an approved change order is considered a change to the terms of a contract. Approving a change order moves its cost distributions from the Pending column to the Approved column in the Cost Worksheet | = trie Cuiy [evince Fae 4 co fe man Steps 1. _ In the Status section, verify the first Approved by contact, AOME General Contractors (Charlie Jones). 2. In the Approved Date field, click 3. In the second Approved by field, click select. 4. Select ACME General Contractors (Steve Johnson). 5. In the Approved Date field, click Bi and select Oct 12, 2006. 6. Click approve and save. Lesson 12: Change Management Class Case Scenari Steve Johnson of ACME General Contractors must now execute change orders to Mechanical Contractors and Standard Paving. Philadelphia County (Qure) $12600 co ti vi | ' i ©7006 Ae resred Np 5 tenn ay be paid Ca ten pain tars Se 283 FIG. 12.21; Indicates the document type that is created for “8 EXERCISE: Initiate the final phase, 284 Lesson 12: Change Management Initiating the Final Phase for Commitment Executing and approving the change order is the final phase in the Change Management process. sal: = eat 9:00 Aonsaion! Steps 1. Click return to Change Management. 2. Inthe Commitments section, click [EJ to open the subcontractor contract, ‘Standard Paving Inc. (AA450-01000). 3. Click Start Final Phase to initiate the final phase FIG. 12.22: The approved change order. EXERCISE: ‘Approve the change order Lesson 12: Change Management Approving the Committed Change Orders In the Change Order document, specify the dates the change order was, approved, and who approved it. Approved By dates are required to approve the change order. In the Status section, click approve and save to approve the change order. Steps 1. In the Date field in the Change Order section, click [ij and select Oct 12 2006. 2. In the frst Approved by feld in the Status section, click select 3. Select a contact, Standard Paving, Inc. (Jim Wesley). 4. In the Date field, click [J and select the date, Oct 12, 2006. 5. In the second Approved by field in the Status section, click select 6. Select a contact, ACME General Contractors (Steve Joinson). 7. Inthe Date field, click and select the date, Oct 12, 2006. 8. In the Status section, click approve and save. n ariesernd No pr cts pubes may ie epee mh ret wren panne Pans Systems 285, FIG. ince, approved, this change order will add 10 days to the contract's completion date. 8) EXERCISE: Initiate the Final phase for the ‘commitment, and then ‘approve the change order 266 Lesson 12: Change Management Initiating the Final Phase for the Second Committed Contract In the Committed section, initiate the final phase to approve the change order. ROME General Connor, 100000 Popes 1. Click return to Change Management. 2. In the Commitments section, click [EJ to open the commitment, Mechanical Contractors (AA450-00700). 3. _ In the Final section, click Start Final Phase. 4. In the Date field in the Change Order, click {J and select Oct 12. 2006. 5. In the first Approved by field in the Status section, click select, 6. Select a contact, Mechanical Contractors (Terry Mills). 7. In the Approved Date field, click [Ej and select Oct 12, 2006. ©2008 At eer Nop fe ptt may be repaid dr wien pies of Pw Sy ne

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