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Ifyou are reading this you are ready to go all the way and we fucking lave you fori Sohere are the details: [+The main idea is to have 5 artorks representing the original caver inthe diferent artistic movements, Each artwork wll entirely be exposed i the booklet wth the matching sung and all he artworks wil be combined ina patchwork for When X Met Y's new cover = Il- Choose an artistic movement amongst the fllowng lst: | Punt A 2 bss rt hea 4 Sureatisn 5-fatuisn Tryta stick as much as possible (ve don't want limit your erat) to ‘ne of he atstc movement you have chosen I= Now you have chosen your movement there are no rules. Xa V7 You can do and use whatever you want as ong as you respect the mock-up attached to ; this document For the patchwork tobe possible. the position ofthe elements i ery important or the shape. materials and colors t's up to yo. IW Send us your artwork before 1/30/2015 with the following formats, ~ Digtl artwork: JPG High Quality ( 2004p1 CMYK coated FOGRA 38) Physica artwork HD plture or send us your artwork by mal i V- All artworks will be posted on our facebook page and instagram account. We wll choose one artwork out ofeach artistic movement fr the cover and ‘the booklet, The five winners wil be credited and will receive a When X met fll bundle Wi-Contacts mall adress; pastal adress: Thundering Production, Seve Treguler, 20 avenue Leonard de Vine! $2400 Courberole

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