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Unit 4 GRQs Part 2

Chapter 11: The Jefferson Era

Lesson 1 - A New Party in Power (Pages 318 - 321)
1. What was unusual about the result of the election of 1800? How was the election
ultimately decided?
2. How did Congress change the process of electing a president after the election of
3. How did the changes that Jefferson made when he became president reflect his
views about government?
4. How did Adams use the Judiciary Act of 1801 to strengthen the power of the
5. What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision in
Marbury v. Madison
Lesson 2 - The Louisiana Purchase (Pages 322 - 327)
1. Why were the Mississippi River and New Orleans important to the U.S.?
2. Why was France willing to sell the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.?
3. How did Jefferson justify the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?
4. What were the lasting effects of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
5. How did Lieutenant Zebulon Pike contribute to the westward expansion of the U.S.?
6. How did Federalists react to the Louisiana Purchase? Was their plan successful?
Why or why not?
Lesson 3 - A Time of Conflict (Pages 328 - 334)
1. What was the conflict between the U.S. and the Barbary States? How was this issue
2. How was the U.S. neutrality policy challenged in the early 1800s?
3. Why were the Embargo Act and Nonintercourse Act disasters?
4. How did Ohio becoming a state affect relations between white settlers and Native
5. What did Tecumseh hope to achieve by uniting Native Americans? How did the
Battle of Tippecanoe affect these plans?

6. Why did the War Hawks favor war?

7. Could the War of 1812 have been avoided even before it started? Explain.
Lesson 4 - The War of 1812 (Pages 335 - 339)
1. What are some advantages Britain had over the U.S. at the beginning of the War of
2. Why were the Great Lakes important in the war effort? Why was the Battle of Lake
Erie significant?
3. What happened at the Battle of the Thames that changed the course of westward
expansion in the U.S.?
4. What happened at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?
5. Why did British forces set fire to Washington, D.C.?
6. What inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star-Spangled Banner?
7. How did the Battle of Lake Champlain affect the course of the war?
8. Did the Treaty of Ghent resolve any major issues? Explain.
9. Why was the Battle of New Orleans unnecessary?
10. How did the outcome of the war affect the Federalist Partys efforts to change the
11. Explain how the War Hawks influenced the Republican Party after the War of 1812.
12. In what ways did the War of 1812 affect and change the economy of the U.S.? Give

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