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Unit 4 GRQs Part 3

Chapter 12: Growth and Expansion

Lesson 3 - Unity and Sectionalism (Pages 358 - 365)
1. Why was the period after the War of 1812 called the Era of Good Feelings?
2. What was the purpose of the American System? Was it successful?
3. Why was there inflation after the First Bank of the U.S. closed? How was this
problem resolved?
4. What impact did British goods have on the American economy?
5. In what ways does the dispute over protective tariffs illustrate a growing
sectionalism in the U.S.?
6. What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision in
McCulloch v. Maryland
7. What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision in
Gibbons v. Ogden
8. Why did the question of admitting Missouri to the Union divide the nation?
9. How did the Missouri Compromise address the issue of slavery in U.S. territories
and future states?
10. What was decided in the Rush-Bagot Treaty, the Convention of 1818, and the
Adams-Ons Treaty?
11. What was the goal of the Monroe Doctrine? How did this goal impact American
foreign policy?

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