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Ever have those moments when your just there and think of all that God has done

for you?!You have eyes too see & readYou can walk & talkYou can listen and obeyY
our heart is still beating healthy todayAnd many people out there may not have e
ither of these.But God has blessed you till today, to embrace his love and Grace
he still has for you for eternity.
Call me crazy, but Im'a praise him for it!
I vividly remember when J. Andre & I where building
Cross0ver. We where chilling with our day 1 Mr. Malcolm by Game City K.F.C & the
n Bobo & DJ Riley Serojane pulled through. Conversation we where fruitful & DJ R
iley connected us to our brother Kid Roman. Looking at today & what has become o
f my ?#?CMG? fam, I thank-you big bro. Your humble spirit & passion to work hard
to expand God's kingdom keeps inspiring us all. We pray to learn more from you,
grow in spirit & in our friendship as artists. God bless you & ReBirthBW.
And of course education 1st, homies lets get them degrees. "How can you preach t
o kings when you aint on the same levels" - C-Verb
?#?DJRiley? ?#?RepushaJesoFela? #CMG

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