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Disco or Judo

My girlfriend had heard about the discotheque of the Polytechnic. At

one Friday night we were passing by the disco and we thought wed
pop in. However, when we were informed that the ticket would cost
2000 HUF, we changed our mind. We became aware of the quarrel
going on at the entrance. The usher was shouting aggressively with
a girl, who insisted on going in, while he tried to keep her out. The
girl disobeyed him. What happened afterwards was outrageous; the
hefty usher grabbed the girl, threw her on the ground, lifted her
again, and then shoved her down the stairs. My girlfriend and I were
speechless. The horrifying scene also shocked the others waiting in
the queue. Sadly there wasnt a single person who would have
taught that sadist a lesson.
Protesting Against the Olympics
A bomb exploded in a stadium in Switzerland as part of the
campaign that was aimed to disconcert the initiative to organize the
Olympic games in Switzerland. The explosion happened in the
Stadium of Ullevi in Gteborg, on Sunday, without any injuries. The
powerful detonation damaged the players entrance to the field
reported the Reuters referring to the Swedish TT news agency.
At the beginning of the month the Stockholm Olympic Stadium was
attacked, where the press section was damaged. The responsibility
was claimed by an organization that is aimed to prevent Stockholm
from hosting the Olympic Games in 2004. The location of the
Olympics will be decided on the 5th of September, and according to
the Swedish organizers, the bomb attacks could ruin Swedens
hopes for hosting the Olympics.
Gullivers Travels were published more than three hundred years
ago. It may seem unbelievable, but there were serious debates
about whether Gulliver was a real person, such as Robinson, and
about the possibility of colonizing the countries visited by Gulliver.
Gulliver gives a detailed description about the location of these
countries, and advises geographers to revise their maps. At the end
of his journal Gulliver states that he takes pride in not writing down
a single false word, and in case of him being mistaken somewhere,
he apologises from the reader, saying that it could have happened
to anyone. He thinks that he is the first to visit these places.
Above all he preferred the country of the horses, and he believes
that the horses deserved to rule the world more than mankind.

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