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Elizabeth Johnson

My favorite food is pizza. The incisors rip the pizza apart and the molars grind the pizza
into particles. Then the enzyme amylase in the saliva helps break down and prepare the food to
go through the esophagus.The tongue also helps move the food around so the saliva can turn
the food into boulis. The esophagus works in peristaltic movements to move the pizza down the
canal. The pizza then goes to the stomach where the lipase, pepsin, and mucus enzymes begin
to break it down and digest the food and create chyme. Chyme is when the food is mixed with
the digestive enzymes and is turned into a juice like substance. Lipase helps break down the
fats in the pizza. Pepsin helps break down the proteins in the pizza. From the stomach the pizza
travels through to the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine. Then it travels
through the jejunum and the ileum and while it is traveling through these parts of the small
intestine it is breaking down the food farther using digestive enzymes, lipase, amylase, and
trypsin while the villi pulls out nutrients the body could use. Amylase breaks down the starches
in the pizza dough and trypsin breaks down the proteins in the pizza. After the small intestine
the pizza then travels to the large intestine where the water and electrolytes get drawn out. The
excess waste is mechanically stored in the rectum. Excess waste is made up of digested food,
bacteria, and indigestible materials. When the body is done holding the waste it travels to the
anal canal and then it is mechanically discharged from the body.

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