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Tecumseh was a Native American tribe leader that

resisted against white settlement. Tecumseh resisted white

settlement because he knew that the Americans would
threaten their survival. If he had let the Americans take what
they wanted, then the Native Americans would be forced out
of the country. In fact, the more land that they gave up, the
fewer resources they would have.
The Americans were forcing Native Americans further
and further west across the country. Tecumseh knew that if
he let them do that then the tribes wouldnt have a place to
live. Tecumseh also knew that his men wouldnt survive
without their land and resources, because the Americans
were not helping them out any.
Tecumseh then called in the British to help defend their
land, and keep it away from the settlers. That made the
Americans mad because they had signed a treaty to get all
British soldiers out of America. This made relations with the
Indians even worse. The allies against them were holding up
the Americans. Tecumseh was gathering all of the tribes he

could find to fight with them. The Americans had many

surprise attacks on the Indians that worked.
One of the biggest battles was in October of 1813. It is
called the Battle of the Thames. In this battle the Americans
surprised the Indians and ended up killing Tecumseh. It was
seen as a major American victory, even though it took little
strategy. This showed that the Americans were able to
compete with the British. We fought them twice and never
officially lost.

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