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Dr. Hafiz Shaikh Shafiq-ur-Rehman



_____Assistant Professor



_The Islamia University of Bahawalpur_



_____Arabic Language & Literature___




Professor James Dickins Department of






University of Salford Manchester U.K___








Annexure A
The topic of my Research Proposal was:

Development of Arabic Language Teaching in UK and Pakistani Universities

My research work has two phases:
1) Arabic Teaching in Britain Universities
2) Arabic Teaching in Pakistani Universities
In first phase, I have discussed about the Arabic history in UK, Ireland Universities,
and current situation, under graduate Arabic courses, teaching orientation, teaching
methodology, material development, graduate destinations and the future of undergraduate
Arabic. Moreover, I have discussed about Arabic and English translation, students
background degree structure, the methodological trends and future development.
As for as my second phase is concerned, I have discussed about the role of Pakistani
Universities in promotion of Arabic language, colleges, schools and different national and
government institutions. I have also discussed about the similarity of educational system
between Pakistani and Britain educational system.
At the end I have suggested some peculiar steps which our current government should
take to promote this Quranic and international language. I hope these suggestions will
come up to the work of our governmental standard of education.

Arabic Teaching in Britain and Ireland Structure and Scope of Projects

This research discusses various institutional settings in which Arabic is taught in
Britain and Ireland universities, specialist language institutions, schools, mosque based
teaching. The focus is on Arabic teaching in British and Irish universities. We can
elaborate all facts and figures by the following pattern.

History of Arabic Language

Arabic teaching has a long history in Britain and Ireland. The Sir Thomas Adams
Chair of Arabic was established by the University of Cambridge as an adjunct to
Theology in 1632, Sir Thomas Adams himself being the first incumbent. In
Scotland, Arabic teaching at the University of Edinburgh goes back over 250 years.
Other universities began teaching Arabic in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
impelled by British imperial expansion and the more general development of interest
in non-Euro-pean cultures. In the latter part of the twentieth century, Modern
Standard Arabic became established alongside classical Arabic as an undergraduate
degree element. Arabic teaching became more organized. Text books specifically

designed for teaching and initio Arabic were written. Such as Modern literary
Arabic and A new Arabic grammar of the written language and began to began to
be widely used in British universities. Elementary Modern Standard Arabic was
also the first major Arabic course to make use of taped materials, thereby for the first
time presenting Arabic to Students as an explicitly spoken language.

The Current Situation

Students of Arabic at British and Irish universities include the following groups.

Experienced language learners, typically those who view the study of Arabic as
a new challenge leading on from their school studies of modern European

People with as interest in Islam or with as interest in the societies of the Middle
East, who view the learning of Arabic as essential to their future progress in
these other areas.

People who have developed an interest in Arabic through having spent time in
the Arab World wither as children of expatriates or as adults working in Arab

Students of Arab background.

Students of non-Arab Islamic background particularly drawn from the large

British Pakistani, Indian or Bangladeshi communities students of both Arab
and non-Arab background are typically second or third-generation British or
Irish citizens.

Undergraduate Arabic Courses

Arabic is taught at undergraduate level at the following universities in Britain and
Ireland: Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Lampeter, Leads, Manchester,
Oxford, School of oriental and African studies, ST. Andrew, university college
Dublin (National university of Ireland). Structurally, Arabic teaching units all into
two main types (i) Area studies departments involving study of various aspects of
Middle East including history, politics and religion, as well as Arabic and possibly
other Middle Eastern languages.

Teaching orientation
Undergraduate degree involving Arabic at all universities in Britain and Ireland
include both modern standard and classical Arabic. Beyond this, however, there is
considerable variation. The University of Leads, for example, has a basically modern

orientation. How ever, due to the large proportion of students drawn from the local
Muslim population, there is considerable student interest in Islamic studies, and the
undergraduate degree includes a number of specialist Islamic options, including one
on the academic study of tajwiid. A number of universities focus almost exclusively
on Modern standard and classical Arabic. In institutions where students typically
study two Middle Eastern languages in particular the prevailing view is often that the
teaching of colloquial Arabic would introduce as unreasonable additional burden on
The University of Cambridge by contrast, adopts a radically communicative
approach. On the basis that standard Arabic is only a spoken language in the most
formal of situations; students are taught to speak in colloquial Arabic from the very
start of the course. Texts are read in standard Arabic, but accompanying oral
exercises are done in colloquial. Students thus became accustomed to standard and
colloquial Arabics in the context in which they are standardly used in the Arab
Worlds. Other universities adopt a half-way house offering some courses in
colloquial Arabic during latter years of the undergraduate degree course only. In
general, colloquial Arabic remains a poor relation of the standard language in British
and Irish Universities.

Teaching Methodology
Methodologically a few universities retain the more traditional teaching books such
as Cowans modern literary Arabic, and the associated grammar translation
method. Most universities have gone over to more communicatively oriented
materials, al-kitaab fita alum al-arabiyya (al-Batal et al. 1995) which makes use not
only of toped but also video materials, having proved increasingly popular as a basic
course book in recent years and a number of universities make some use of computer
aided language learning materials.
Several universities, such as Durham, Cambridge and Leeds, offer advanced
undergraduate Arabic > English translation courses, allowing students to focus on
translation as a specific skill.

Materials Development
At the elementary level a number of materials have been published. These include
teach yourself Arabic (smart 1980) by Jack smart, formerly of the university of
Exeter and Mastering Arabic (Whightwick and Gaafar 1990) by Jane Whightwick

and Mahmoud Gaddar. The latter is particularly interesting from a methodological

point of view Whightwick, who works outside the university sector is a graduate of
Arabic with a number of years experience in teaching English as a foreign language
(TEFL). Mastering Arabic combines the interactive communicative approach
which is typical of TEFL teaching with a sound introduction to Arabic grammar and
a surprisingly large Arabic vocabulary range. While used at some universities (e.g.
Durham for Arabic-minor courses). Mastering Arabic has perhaps failed to achieve
the prominence in might over wise have had because its grammar coverage is not
sufficient for it to be used as a complete first level course for undergraduates
specializing in Arabic. The first advanced course was Tulia Ashtianys Media Arabic
(Edinburgh university press 1994). A more recent advanced course is standard
Arabic, an advanced course (Dickins and Watson 1999), which was piloted at the
University of Durham. Modern written Arabic a comprehensive grammar (Gully et
al. 2003), co authored by Adrian Gully.

Graduate Destinations
There is a high demand for Arabic/English translators and Interpreters. Arabic
graduates are sought by the foreign and common wealth office, the intelligence
services, the British army, and the British council, other organizations seeking
Arabic graduated includes the BBC, Human rights groups, such as Amnesty

The Future of Undergraduate Arabic

On the one hand Arabic, like other difficult abinitio languages, is demanding of
staff teaching time, and therefore relatively expensive to teach. On the other hand,
students demand for course has risen steadily through the 1990; undergraduate intake
has increased particularly since the sept. 11,2001 terrorist attacks on the world trade
center in New York. Employer demand for Arabic has also never been higher. A
meeting between representatives of the British government, industry and academic
institutions organized by the foreign and commonwealth in March2002 concluded
that there is a severe current shortage of graduates in Arabic, affecting the
recruitment ability not only of industry, but also of government organs, such as the
security organizations. A shortage exacerbated by the fact that a high proportion of
university teachers of Arabic are nearing retirement age there are not sufficient
potential younger staff to replace them.

Arabic / English translation and Interpreting Teaching in UK

This article deals with the teaching of Arabic/English translation and interpreting
in Britain as specialized professionally oriented skills. It does not attempt to cover
translation teaching in the context of Arabic language programmer of a more general

History of Arabic/English translation

Arabic/English translation and interpreting are more recent university subjects, and
initially at least were only taught at postgraduate level. They have their origins in private
contracts in the early 1980s to train groups from various Arab countries in Arab/English
translation. These gave rise to a more official course based at Heriotwatt University, and
subsequently to masters courses at Salford and at Heriot-watt. During the 1990s, further
UK universities introduced MAs in Arabic English translation, from the Mid-1980, the
University of Salford offered a BA in Arabic with a European language, with a focus on
translation and interpreting, eventually with drawing form this due to insufficient student
demand in the late 1990s.

Current Situation
The following universities currently offer MA in Arabic/English translation:
Durham, Heriot-Watt, Leeds, Salford, the school of oriental and African Studies and
Westminster. Manchester and Edinburgh offer more general MAs in translation. The
Edinburgh MA includes taught practical courses in Arabic/English translation for students
specializing in this language pair. While the Manchester course has a more general
orientation, it allows for project work on Arabic/English translation, and includes among
its staff Mona Baker, who is a native Arabic speaker. All universities which offer an MA
in Arabic/English translation also offer Ph.D.

Students Background
The bulk of students taking Masters Degrees in Arabic/English translation come to
Britain from the Arab world in order to take the degree in question. Such students fall into
two groups. The first are those sponsored by institutions in Arab countries-normally
universities or other immediately or ultimately government funded bodies. Oman in
particular sends regular cohorts of students to take translation MAs. The second group of
such students is self funding. In some cases, students spend year of hard-earned money in
order to pursue their MA in Britain self-founders are often motivated by a desire to
improve their work opportunities.

Degree Structure
Those universities which offer specialist Arabic/English translation degrees give at
least four hours per week obligatory Arabic > English and English > Arabic translation
tuition and in some cases much more than this. In many cases, there are also opportunities
for students to do translation work based around their own specific subject-interests, for
example in the form of supervised translation projects, where the students themselves
choose the text they wish to translate. Departments also typically offer courses involving
more general comparison between as pects of Arabic and English which are of specific
relevance to translation. Some departments provide opportunities for students to take
courses in related as pects of linguistics (stylistics, sociolinguistics, bilingualism). Most
departments offer some tuition in interpreting.

Methodological Trends
Methodologically, there trends in Arabic/English translation teaching can be
discerned. The first presents material according to subject matter. The second trend,
pioneered by Basil Hatim, may be called the text-typological approach. This involves a
fundamental division between three text-types: exposition, argumentation and instruction.
The third trend in Arabic/English translation teaching may be termed the multilevel equivalence approach. These levels include the phonic/graphic, prosodic,
grammatical, semantic and register levels.

Materials Development
All departments in which Arabic/English translation are taught have developed
their own sometimes quite extensive, in-house materials, a number of those involved in
teaching Arabic/English translation have also, however, published books either directly or
less directly related to translation teaching. Hatim has developed his theoretical ideas in a
number of works, some co-authored with lan Mason (Hatim & Mason 1993, 1997) and
others of which he is sole author (Hatim 1997, 2001). His books English Arabic/Arabic
English translation a practical guide (Hatim 2000) is a course book in translation based
on his text-typological approach. Hervey and Higgins have published thinking Arabic
translation Dickins, Hervey and Higgins 2002. Thinking Arabic translation includes a
wide variety of different kinds of writing: technical, legal, consumer oriented,
journalism, prose literature, poetry, academic writing, political speeches and tourism

Future Development
At both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the future of Arabic/English
translation as a specialist subject seems assured. At undergraduate level, this is part of a
general trend in British Universities towards the recognition of translation as a language
discipline in its own right, rather than simply as a fact of the general activity of foreign
language learning.
At postgraduate level, Arabic/English translation remains largely financially
dependent on income from students from the Arab World. However, as noted, there are
currently no signs of this income taking off, despite the development of MA courses in
Arabic/English translation with much lower fees in a number of Arab countries. Over the
next few years, however, it may be that while student numbers remain roughly the same,
the number of British universities offering MAs in Arabic/English translation drops some
what as the teaching of the subject is concentrated in a smaller number of larger centers.

The role of Pakistani Universities in the Development of

Arabic Language
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is situated in South Asia. It was four major
countries its neighboring named as Iran and Afghanistan: The Muslim countries and India
and China: The non-Muslim countries. History of Arabic Language in this area i.e. Subcontinent dates back to the arrival of Muhammad Bin Qasim who came in 712 A.D.
Historians differs in his arrival. Arrival of Muhammad Bin Qasim affected social,
educational, cultural and political thoughts of the inhabitants of these areas. It also affected
the local languages of these areas. Soon, Arabic become the language of religion and
culture. For example Istakhri writes that the people of Mansoora and Multan also speak
Arabic language.
After the establishment of Pakistan, Urdu become its national language which
written in Arabic script whereas before partition, English remained national language of
this area. Local languages are also spoken in this area like Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi,
Pushtu and Kashmiri etc. Every provincial language is written in Arabic sub-script.

Historical Steps of the Education of Arabic Language in Pakistan

We can divide education of Arabic language in Pakistan into two phases:

After coming Arab Muslims towards those countries.


After the establishment of Pakistan as an independent country.

In the arrival of Arabs in the first Hijri, Arabic Language gained fame and name.

one thing was sure that all the devotion of the Muslims towards the Arabic language was
on the behalf of religion not on the worldly basis. It is a fact that Arabic language was
official language in the dominated countries in Umvi and Abasi periods. Moreover,
education of Arabic Language also spread out in the tribes of Multan and Sindh. With the
passage of time, scholars of Arabic language increased and they contributed a great part in
promotion of Arabic Language. Along with these scholars, Judicial Judges and translators
also contributed their part. In the same way, Arabic language remained national language
for Judicial decisions, schools, colleges, and universities and trade centers as well.
In 5th century, the Ghaznvis reign, they promoted Farsi language in the place of
Arabic language. This phase remained till 1857. Dr Jameel Ahmad says that in the period
of Ghaznvis reign Persian and Arabic languages were the administrated languages. In

this period, prose and poetry was also written in Arabic language. Moreover, a famouse
historian, Al-Baroni came in the sub-continent to study the Indian culture and knowledges.
He wrote a famous book, Kitab-ul-Hind. He writes that he likes Arabic language more
than Farsi language. But there was no regular system for the promotion of Arabic
We can conclude from the above discussion that development and historical
background of Arabic language started in first century and particularly when Islam spread
in every corner of sub-continent due Muslim trampolines. As it is known that the
establishment of Pakistan in the sub-continent was aimed to govern the laws of Allah and
to lead their lives according to the tents of Islam. Since the inception of Pakistan its
leaders give secondary importance to Arabic language. Founder of Pakistan Quaid-eAzam said:
Urdu will be the national language of Pakistan and it is the first and foremost duty
of Pakistanis people to learn and speak Arabic language.

After appearing Pakistan on the World Map

After the establishment of Pakistan, government did not take serious steps to
promote Arabic language. But same how, some steps were taken. For example, we see that
Jamiat Arabic Pakistan was established under the leadership of Dr Fazal-ur-Rehman Sahb
and was presedented by Nazim-ud-Din. Moreover, Pakistani Public was agreed to adopt
Arabic language as an official language. But, unfortunately, they were forced to speak
English Language. Syed Muhammad Shah, Syed Zahid Husain, same ministers and also
same Bungali leaders were agree to adopt language as an official language but it was not
accepted and we had to see the separation of Dhakka now Bangladaish.
Here we present same revolutions that were presented for the development of
Arabic language.

Jamiat Hizbul Allah arranged a conference in East Pakistans in January 1951.


Majlis-e-Rabita Islami supported Arabic language.


Co-ordination of Islamic Rabica councel.


Urdu, Arabic and Bangali would be taught at matric level.


It is essential for Pakistani government that it should provide all sources to develop
national language.

After the separation of East Pakistan had to face many changes at cultural,
educational, social and political level. Now, the scenario is changed and spreading out the
Arabic language is at its peak. For example

In the act of 1973, Quran and Islamic Study should be compulsory to support
Arabic language.


From 1982, Arabic language has been taught as compulsory subjects from
secondary to higher secondary level. Syllabus of Azad Kashmir universities and
colleges indicates that Arabic language has been taught at graduation level.


Facilities are provided in Pakistani universities for the promotion of Arabic



International Islamic University Islamabad came into being for this purpose.
We can conclude from the above discussion that Arabic language covers most

difficult way and after the independence, it progressed well. Arabic language had
importance due to religion but it spread widely. Main cause of this promotion is the
establishment of different educational institution, centers of Arabic and national
universities. Now, the time is changed and Arabic has become more famous than
Persian. It is also famous as compared to other languages. Moreover, the Muslims living
in Pakistan need it mostly.

Educational System of Arabic Language and the Period of

Government Universities
Government System;
Educational system of Pakistani institutions is like the British i.e, F.A, B.A, M.A,
M.Phil and Ph.D degrees.

Government Schools:
Schools are divided into three steps, Primary, middle and matric. But Arabic starts
from 6th class. In this context, Zia is example is before us as he ordered to teach
Arabic from 6th to 8th class. National government has made the education Quran
compulsory from nursery and minister of education will manage the syllabus.



Normally college education starts from intermediate. But Arabic is just an elective
subjective at this level.


The system Pakistani universities are based on British universities. The famous

Pakistani universities which are serving Arabic language are:


Punjab University Lahore.


International Islamic University Faisal Masjid Islamabad.


Islamia University Bahawalpur.


Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.


Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad.


Bahaudin Zikria University Multan.


Karachi University.


Pashawar University.


Goal University.

Punjab University Lahore:

Punjab University Lahore is rendering marvelous services to the development of
Arabic Language. We found some famous personalities who rendered a great part of their
knowledge for the promotion of Arabic Language. These personalities are:

Allama Faiz-ul-Hassan Saharun Puri, founder of Arabic department.


Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Azhar


Dr. Muhammad Akram Choudhry

The degrees which this University is offering are:
M.A 2 years
M. Phil 2 years
Ph. D 2 years
Diploma 1 year


Punjab University is also offering diploma in modern Arabic language including

speaking and writing. Students of various fields get these diplomas. The medium of this
university in Arabic Department is Arabic.

Islamic International University:

This University was established in 1980 in Islamabad. Medium of education in this
university is Arabic and English. This is a great step to promote Arabic language all over
the world.

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

This University was established in 1974 and was named as Allama Iqbal Open
University in 1977. There are three steps for education in this university.
1) Correspondence and distance based method.
2) Arranged assignments in which students of Arabic, teachers and common
people are together.
3) The practical workshops.

Academies & Government Institution

There are many Academies, institution and Government institutions which are
rendering marvelous services to Arabic language. Among these:

Scholars Academy Lahore.


Modern Institution for national languages Islamabad.


Military Academy Kakole.


Pakistan National Centers.

This research throws light on education of Arabic language in varrous periods at
various levels. We can conclude it as:1)

History of Arabic Language in Pakistan dates bade to 1st Hijrah. Especially, when
the Arab conquerors Muslaims occupied the sub-continents and Islam spread by
them in these areas. This education in Pakistan remained in three phases: i.e. after
the arrival of Arab Muslims: period of British imperialism: period after the
establishment of Pakistan. Every one of these three phases has some merits and

demerits about which this research has discussed before. In the same, this research
has presented structure of Arabic Language and its education in these phases and
the long periods which are extended to 13th century. This presentation clarifies our
success and failure in this field and what we should take steps and








implementation in this country.


Since the dominance of imperialism in this country, two systems are introduced:
First: Government, Second: Private. This matrimonial relationship is still existed in
Pakistan. As for as government education system is concerned, it follows the
British education system. So, the student starts from primary level, then middle,
high, secondary, graduation, master, master in philosophy and then doctorate. This
system introduces schools, colleges and universities. As for as education of Arabic
language is concerned in this system, it starts from 6th class and is taught in sixth,
seventh an eighth only. As for as other classes i.e. from high to graduation, it is
taught as an optional subject which a student chooses it among three optional
As for as Pakistani Universities are concerned, there are permanent departs to teach
Arabic Language and literature at master and Doctorate level. Except the fact that
this system in schools, colleges and universities has not appropriate teaching
methods. Because of this, this system has many flows. Education standard of a
university student is very low and poor.
As for as private system is concerned, it is divided into private religious
institutions, societies and private trustees. We mean by religious institutions the
institutions which organize the promotion of Arabic Language and religious
knowledge at private level. The Muslims bear their expenditure. This institutions
are constituted by smalls schools, institutions attached with mosques in the villages
and the cities in all the provinces of the country. The religious people supervise
these institutions.
These institution are ample proof of the attention of the Muslims to Arabic
Language in this country except this system is victimized to lack of practice of
Arabic speaking and exercise of writing and expression along with the fact that the
methods of these private institutions are complicated and ancient as well that does


not assist a student in gaining exportation in Arabic Language. A student is fed up

with Arabic Language due to these methods.

There are many and various difficulties in the promotion of Arabic Language in
Pakistan. Some of them are related to teachers, students and the organizers equally.
Some of them are related to the teachers of Arabic Language and its literature and
some are related to the students of Arabic Language especially.
At the end of this research, I cherish to present some suggestions and
recommendations to remove these difficulties and hindrances related to the
promotion of Arabic Language.

Responsibilities of Pakistani Government:


It is necessary to introduce steps of implementation to apply the modern

educational politics in Pakistan to make Arabic Language a compulsory subject till
F.A level and to constitute a professional committee at high level to revise the
methods of Arabic Language and to prepare the books and educational syllabus
and to get assistance from national experts and Arabs as well in this perspective.


It is necessary that the number of Arabic teachers must be equal to English and
Urdu Teachers in all the schools and colleges.


Arabic must be a compulsory subject like Urdu and English in the competitive
exams for the jobs in the central and provincial administration.


All the institutions which manage to promote Arabic Language must be facilitated
richly and with modern resources, especially the books, language laboratories and
audile and visual resources.


Invitation to the Arabic countries, the universities, institutions and specific centers
in Arabic Languages for non-Arabic speakers to assist the Pakistani universities to
help the teachers of Arabic Language for teaching and supervision of educational
researches in higher studies and help in training the teachers and specification the
study scholarships, exchange of delegations and visits among the Pakistani
universities and Arabic universities as well.


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