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The Indus

Setting the Stage

0In the United States, France, and

Latin America, political revolutions

brought in new governments.
0A different type of revolution now
greatly transformed the way
people worked.
0This new way of working will be
known as the Industrial Revolution.

Industrial Revolution
0Industrial Revolution- the increased

output of machine-made goods that

began in England in the middle 1700s.
0Before the Industrial Revolution, people
made clothes, blankets, pillows, etc. by
0Then, machines began to do this and
other jobs.

Why it starts in England?

0In addition to a large population of

workers, the small island country

had extensive natural resources.
0In addition to its natural resources,
Britain had an expanding economy to
support industrialization.
0Industrialization- the process of
developing machine production of

Birth of machines
0Britains political stability gave the

country a tremendous advantage over

everyone else.
0In addition to that, Britains textile
industry clothed the world in wool, linen,
and cotton.
0Businessmen raised profits by speeding up
the process by which weavers made cloth.

Birth of Factories!
0Wealthy clothing businessmen set up

the machines in large buildings called

0Factories needed waterpower, so the
first ones were built near rivers and

Steam Engines are born

0Progress in the textile industry spurred

other industrial improvements.

0The first such development, the steam
engine, stemmed from the search for a
cheap convenient source of power.
0The steam engine was the source of
power during the Industrial Revolution.
0 Without it, the Industrial Revolution would not have

been possible.

Steam engine on wheels

0A steam engine on wheels (trains)

drove English industry after 1820.

0Railroads gave growth by giving a
cheap way to transport goods.
0Railroad created thousands of new jobs
for railroad workers.

Steam engine on wheels

0Third, the railroads boosted Englands

agricultural and fishing industries.

0Finally, by making travel easier,
railroads encouraged country people
to take distant city jobs.
0After a few years, the Industrial
Revolution brought rapid changes to
peoples lives.

New changes in Europe

0The Industrial Revolution affected

every part of life in Great Britain.

0The change to machine production
initially caused human suffering.
0Growth caused unhealthy working
conditions and terrible pollution.

0For centuries, most Europeans had

lived in rural areas.

0After 1800, the balance shifted toward
0This was a period of urbanization.
0Urbanization- city building and the
movement of people to cities.

Living Conditions
0Because Englands cities grew

rapidly, they had no development

plans, sanitary codes, or building
0England lacked proper housing and
police protection for the people who
sought for jobs.

Working Conditions
0To increase production, factory owners

wanted to keep machines running as

long as possible.
0As a result, the average worker spent 14
hours a day at the job, 6 days a week.
0Imagine being in school from 8:25am10:25pm Monday-Saturday!
0 Women and children were employed
because they were a cheap source of

Birth of Assembly Lines

0 Since conditions were horrible, work

was not a fun process

0 During the Industrial Revolution,
quantity became more important than
0 Thus, the assembly line was born.

Class Tensions Grow

0The Industrial Revolution created

enormous amounts of wealth in the

0Most of this new money belonged to
factory owners and businessmen.
0These people were part of the growing
middle class.
0 Kind of like the bourgeoisie

0 These people enjoyed a comfortable

standard of living.

Growth of Entrepreneurs
0The great businessmen of the

Industrial Revolution were called

0Entrepreneur- a person who
organizes, manages, and takes on
the risk of a business.

The Rise of Corporations

0Building large businesses required

a great deal of money.

0To raise money, entrepreneurs sold
shares of stock.
0Stock- rights of ownership over a
0People who bought stock became
part owners of corporations.
0Corporation- a business owned by
stockholders who share in its

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