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Monday, 4 January y

Religiosity of Hong Kong Citizens

Survey questions
1. What is your religious preferences, if any? (Sort into five categories:
Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, some other religion or no religion)
If no religion Do you believe in God? (Sort into three categories: yes
some other religion; no atheist; dont know agnostic)
2. How important is religion in your life? Would you say if it is very important,
somewhat important or not important?
1. Related to the Bible Which one of these three statements comes closest
to describing your feelings about the Bible? (1) The Bible is the actual
word of God, and it should be taken literally, word for word"; (2) The Bible
is the inspired word of God, but it was written by men and contains some
human errors"; or (3) The Bible is an ancient book of history and legends;
God had nothing to do with it.
(Combining 2 and 3, sort participants to Fundamentalists [who take the
Bible as the ultimate reference; Progressives [who believe that mankind
changes and the Bible may become outdated; and Secularists [who
believe in separation between state and religious dignitaries)
3. Except for weddings and funerals, have you attended any religious
services in the last 30 days?
If yes Was that more than once a week, about once a week or less
than once a week?
4. So, would you say that it is very often, pretty often, not too often, or
5. Do you have any friend that has a different religion from yours?
6. In the past 30 days, have you participated in any activities organised by
your religious group, such as lunches, singing in a choir or book-reading
7. Agree/Disagree The most important thing that religion offers me is
comfort when sorrows and misfortune strike.

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