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350 Maple Street • Des Moines, Iowa 50319 • 515.281.5979

Rob Berntsen, Chair Krista Tanner, Board member Darrell Hanson, Board member

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April 5, 2010 Contact: Rob Hillesland 515.281.3551
For Immediate Release Email:
9-10 Website:

Governor asks IUB to help prioritize applications for Broadband funds

The application deadline for federal Broadband grants from the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Broadband
Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) has closed. But as part of the
application review process, the NTIA allows state governors to submit
comments about projects proposing to serve their states. Governor Chet
Culver has requested the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) to gather information
about BTOP applications for projects proposing to serve Iowa so he can
prepare comments and recommendations prioritizing the applications to be
submitted to federal officials at the NTIA.

To facilitate the Board’s review of BTOP applications for projects proposing

to serve Iowa, the Board has opened a notice of inquiry docket to gather
information about those projects (Docket No. NOI-2010-0001).

To be considered as part of the state’s review and consultation process,

second round BTOP applicants proposing to serve Iowa must submit a
copy of their BTOP infrastructure, public computer center, and sustainable
broadband adoption project applications to the IUB as soon as possible but
no later than April 8, 2010. Copies of the federal applications must be filed
with the IUB electronically, using the IUB’s electronic filing system at

The IUB will hold an oral comment presentation about the Iowa applications
on April 15, 2010. For more information, please see the IUB’s April 5,
2010, order in Docket No. NOI-2010-0001, available at


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