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Unit 4 GRQs Part 1

Chapter 10: The Federalist Era

Lesson 1 - The First President (Pages 296 - 301)
1. How was President Washingtons leadership important in shaping the new national
2. What three departments did Congress establish in the executive branch of the
3. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish?
4. What economic issues was the U.S. facing when Washington became president?
How did Alexander Hamilton propose to solve these issues?
5. Why did Hamiltons plan to pay off the debt cause such a storm of protest?
6. What were the arguments for and against Hamiltons plan for a national bank?

Lesson 2 - Early Challenges (Pages 302 - 305)

1. What was the direct cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?
2. What message was Washington sending to the American people when he used force
to stop the Whiskey Rebellion?
3. What was the result of the Treaty of Greenville?
4. What did the United States strive to maintain in European conflicts?
5. What was the result of Jays Treaty?
6. What did Pinckneys Treaty provide for Americans?
7. In his Farewell Address, Washington said that it is our true policy to steer clear of
permanent alliances with other nations. How do you think these words influenced
American foreign policy?
Lesson 3 - The First Political Parties (Pages 306 - 311)
1. Why did political parties arise in the 1790s? What were the parties and their
2. Who were the main leaders of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans?
3. Why was the election of 1796 different from the previous election?

4. What was the incident in which French agents demanded a bribe and a loan from
the Americans?
5. What did Congress pass in order to protect the nations security against activities
aimed at weakening the government?
6. What did the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions suggest that states might do to federal
laws they considered unconstitutional?

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