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Character-Based Leadership was a course taught by Bill Bagley, a

consultant and former Human Resources representative for the

accounting firm, Deloitte. It was designed to teach us about how to
become strategic partners in the workplace. We learned about the
Strategic Partner leadership model, which came from Deloitte in the
mid-1990s. This revolves around the idea of becoming a servant leader
through motivating, inspiring, and mentoring others in order to gain
both psychic and material rewards. Throughout the course, we
developed ourselves professionally by focusing on different thematic
areas every session. These sessions included: personal credibility, oral
presentation manner and style, managing ourselves around time,
networking and business knowledge, and leading others. These were
all done via facilitated lectures and a large oral presentation in which
we had to showcase our professionalism and bearing under pressure to
deliver on an assigned topic. We also took many personal
assessments, such as one developed by the Devine Group in which we
learned our own leadership strengths and weaknesses based off of
behavioral questioning. This course has significantly impacted how I
will strive to achieve goals and myself in and out of the workplace. It
has taught me the importance of reaching the top of Maslows
Hierarchy and achieving self-actualization.

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