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IELTS Session 03

Part One

Tell me about your home.

How long have you lived there?
How would you change your home?

Topic 1
Lets talk about festivals

What is your favorite festival in your country?

How do people celebrate this festival?
What is the biggest festival in your country?
How has this festival changed since you were a child?

Topic 2
Lets move on to talk about shopping

How often do you go shopping?

Where is your favorite place to go shopping? (Why?)
What kinds of things do you like to buy when you go shopping?
Do you prefer to go shopping with others or by yourself? (Why?)

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Two
Candidate Task Card

Describe a competition or contest that you have entered.

You should say:
where the competition took place
what you had to do
how you did in it
and describe how you felt about the competition.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Rounding off questions

Do you enjoy entering competitions?

Have you entered other competitions?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Three
Lets consider competition in schools

What types of competitions are there in the local schools?

How important is winning in school competitions?
What affect does losing a competition have on students?
How can competition benefit school children?

Finally lets talk about the Olympics

What is your favorite Olympic sport? (Why?)

What do you think it feels like to win an Olympic gold medal?
What is the value of international competition?
How can you define the spirit of competition?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

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