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The shot opens on a peculiar revolver. It slowly cranes out
from the gun as the credits are rolling in the foreground.
The shot pans, and the door opens as a very exhausted and
frustrated GAMBLE stumbles through.
Shutting the door, he drags himself towards a coat hanger
and begins to take off his trench coat and hat.Furiously, he
throws his trench coat and hat onto the hanger.
The office is very worn down and dilapidated. It is also
very blank in terms of decoration. There is a desk, a chair,
a couple of cabinets, a typewriter, a lamp, a bottle of
whiskey and a picture portrait. The paint on the walls are
slowly peeling off. As he rolls his sleeves up, he walks
towards his desk chair and slouches onto it.
Noticing the gun on the desk he picks it up and starts to
carefully examine it. He takes a moment and then furiously
spins the barrel.
Slowly placing it onto his head, he shuts his eyes and pulls
the trigger.

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