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Mitosis Animation Proposal

For our animation, we are going to depict the process of mitosis. Mitosis is asexual
reproduction. This means that a cell splits in half in order to reproduce. The offspring have the
exact DNA as the parent cell. There are five phases in this process. You can find this subject in a
biology classroom.
We are going to depict these processes. We plan on zooming in on a hand to start the
animation. We will start with a cell that is slightly transparent so you can see all of the
chromosomes and the nucleus inside of it. To provide more information, we will make slides on
Adobe Illustrator. This will help increase your understanding of the subject. They will not be
super long and will have an attractive design.
The first part of the animation will show the prophase. It will end at the cytokinesis part.
We will use boolean operations to split the cell. The animation aspect seems to be harder than the
modeling itself. This is because the cell goes through many changes. We have to make sure every
object is moving at their given time. The information slides will back up what is occurring in the
scene. We are doing this to prevent confusion in the audience.
We want to show chromosomes dividing inside of the cell. We will also have the nucleus
splitting. Different effects will be applied to make the split more realistic and appealing. To make
the cell look good, it will have soft selection applied to it. This will give the cell a bumpy
appearance. We will apply bump maps to most of the objects in the animation. That will also
make it look more realistic and appealing. Different modifiers will be tested for this. We dont
know all of the modifiers yet so it will be trial and error.

One modifier we will use is the noise one. This makes an object deformed. That will help
with the realism aspect. Taper may help with a deformed look too. Extrude and bevel may have
to be used too. The attach tool with likely be used with the chromosomes.

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