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as we know we live in the planet earth.

in these days there are big problems

about it. The pollution in the air, deforestation, polluted rivers, and many things
that it's not easy to mention.
Days ago in Paris gathered presidents from 195 countries who were in intense
negotiations in the COP21 we have a global deal to cut greenhouse gas
emissions. A big, big deal.
Not the war, but a critical battle. With negotiators from 195 countries with very
different agendas and interests involved, a perfect agreement that ushered in a
100 percent clean energy economy on January 1 was never a possibility. What
we needed was an agreement that sends a clear signal to markets and
investors that the future of energy is in renewables like wind and solar.
With this agreement, nations signed on to a goal of keeping warming below 2
degrees Celsius, while pursuing actions to stay under 1.5 degrees and, in not
so many words, reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the second half
of the century. Were not getting carried away by this first number: many will
argue that 2 degrees is still too high to avoid serious climate impacts, and
many countries fought for a pure 1.5-degree goal. Plus, scientists believe the
commitments on the table wont get us to 2 degrees, which means theres real
work still to be done to make countries commitments are updated to become
even more ambitious in the years ahead.
The important thing is that we have an agreement with the most ambitious
target ever formalized at this level and a shared long-term goal of breaking up
with fossil fuels. The implication couldnt be much clearer: with governments
taking increasingly serious steps to move away from oil, gas, and coal in the
years ahead, demand will slowly decline. Meanwhile, demand for energy from
clean, renewable sources will grow as nations fill in the gap. Which means
theres a lot of money to be made in the clean energy sector. If youre an
investor and you happen to like making money, youre going to take note.
Key points
The measures in the agreement included:
To peak greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and achieve a balance
between sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this
To keep global temperature increase "well below" 2C (3.6F) and to pursue
efforts to limit it to 1.5C
To review progress every five years
$100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries by 2020, with a
commitment to further finance in the future.

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