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IELTS Session 11

Part One

How has the weather been in your town recently?

Is that normal for this time of year?
What activities can you do when it rains?

Topic 1
Lets talk about computers

How many computers do you have in your home?

What do you use computers for?
How common are computers in your country?
How have computers changed your hometown?

Topic 2
Lets move on to talk about transportation in your country

How common are bicycles in your country?

What are some advantages to riding a bike versus driving a car?
What is the most popular mode of transportation in your hometown?
Contrast transportation methods of old people with those of young people.

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Two
Candidate Task Card

Describe a market that you have been to.

You should say:
where it was
what it looked like
what was for sale there
and explain what you bought or considered buying.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Rounding off questions

Would you go back to that market?

How many people were there?

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

Part Three
Lets consider shopping

What are some differences between a store and a market?

Do you prefer shopping at stores or shopping at markets? (Why?)
What are some ways shopping could be made more convenient?
How will shopping change in the future as technology changes?

Finally lets talk about the internet

Where do you use the internet?

How has the internet changed the way people live?
What are some disadvantages of using the internet to shop?
Do you think the world has become too dependent on the internet? (Why? /
Why not?)

Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

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