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Polar Bear Love Hat

By: Caeli
Needles: US 6 (4 mm) 16 circulars and US 6 double-pointed needles (DPNs)
Yarn: 2 skeins of Malabrigo Merino Worsted; 1 skein in Azul Bolita (MC) and 1
skein in Natural (CC)
Gauge: 20 stitches and 27 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Size: One size fits most adults
Abbreviations: CO- cast on
p- purl
MC- main color
k- knit

k2tog- knit together CC- contrasting color


Make sure when you float the non-working yarn behind your work that
the strands are VERY loose to maintain the hats elasticity. If the floats are
too tight, your hat will not be able to stretch onto your head.
With circular needles and MC, CO 112 stitches. Place marker and join in the
round, being careful not to twist the stitches.
Begin knitting in [k2, p2] ribbing. Continue in k2, p2 ribbing for 2 inches
or until desirable brim length is reached.
Continue in stockinette stitch, knitting across for 5 rounds.
Continue in Polar Bear Pattern around (see Chart #1).
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows in MC.
Continue in Snowflake Pattern around (see Chart #2).
Knit in stockinette stitch for 3 rows in MC.
Continue in Falling Snow Pattern around (see Chart #3).
Switching to CC, begin decreasing as follows. Change to DPNs when
Rnd 1: [k14, k2tog] around
Rnd 12: [k7, k2tog] around
Rnd 2, 4, 6, 8: Knit around
Rnd 13: [k6, k2tog] around
Rnd 3: [k13, k2tog] around
Rnd 14: [k5, k2tog] around
Rnd 5: [k12, k2tog] around
Rnd 15: [k4, k2tog] around
Rnd 7: [k11, k2tog] around
Rnd 16: [k3, k2tog] around
Rnd 9: [k10, k2tog] around
Rnd 17: [k2, k2tog] around
Rnd 10: [k9, k2tog] around
Rnd 18: [k1, k2tog] around
Rnd 11: [k8, k2tog] around
Rnd 19: [k2tog] around
Cut yarn, threading it through last stitches on DPNs. Pull tight and weave in ends.
Make and attach pom pom.

Chart 3: (Falling Snow Pattern)

Chart 2: (Snowflake Pattern)

Chart 1: (Polar Bear Pattern)

Main Color
Contrasting Color

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