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Display Board Guidelines

Creative Title: Use a relevant and interesting name for your investigation.
Objective/Problem: Tell us what is being investigated. What are you trying to prove,
discover, or learn about?
Hypothesis: Write an ifthen statement to explain what you think will happen
in the investigation.
Materials: Make a list of all the materials used in your investigation.
Procedure: Make a numbered list of directions on how to do the investigation or
Data Tables and Graphs: Record observations and/or measurements during your
experiment, then organize the data into tables, charts, or graphs that have titles
and labels. Show pictures of your experiment if appropriate.
Results: Look for cause and effect relationships, comparisons, patterns, trends or
general statemnets that can be made from looking at your collected data.
Conclusion: What is the outcome of the experiment? Does the data collected prove
or disprove your hypothesis? Tell about problems you encountered, ideas to
improve the investigation or what could have been investigated further.
Acknowledgments: Explain the help you received from adults or others in doing
your project.
References: Cite the references you used from the library, internet or other sources.

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