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Life history

Hesperoyucca Whipplei, or Chaparral Yucca, is also known as the Lords Candle and the
Spanish Bayonet. Chaparral Yucca takes several years to reach maturity and to flower, at which
point it usually dies. The Chaparral Yucca is pollinated by the California yucca moth called the
Tegeticula Maculata. However if there is a wild fire and its base is burned, it will reproduce and
might not die and reseed again.
The Chaparral Yucca is native to southern California and to Baja California. It needs anywhere
from being exposed to sunlight all day or half the day. Because it likes sunlight, it lives in warm
dry climates. Places where the soil can drain or dry. The Chaparral Yucca can grow to be about
eight to ten feet tall. It is both Monocarpic and Polycarpic because it flowers many times, but
when it seeds it dies. Monocarpic is when the plant flowers and dies after seeds, and polycarpic
is when a plant flowers and seeds many times. Usually flowers from April to June, but if the
weather is warm it can flower in February. However when it is really dry, it will not flower. It take
The yucca to seed after 180 days.
Human Uses(economic value)
The Chaparral Yucca was used by indigenous people and would eat the flower and stalks, and
weave the leaves into basket bottoms and cradles.
The Yucca is pollinated by the California yucca moth called Tegeticula Maculata. Pollinating by
collecting the pollen and moving to another plant. Then laying eggs, so the larva can eat the
seeds when they hatch. The larva can eat anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of the seed. WIthout
the Tegeticula Maculata, the Chaparral would not be able to produce seeds. Other predators of
the yucca are Mule Deer, sap beetles, and insects.

Works Cited
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 07 Jan. 2016.
"Hesperoyucca Whipplei, H. Newberryi." Hesperoyucca Whipplei, H. Newberryi. Web. 07 Jan.
2016. <>
"Plant of the Month June 2010." Plant of the Month. Web. 07 Jan. 2016.
"San Diego Botanic Garden - Located North of San Diego in Encinitas, California." San Diego
Botanic Garden - Located North of San Diego in Encinitas, California. Web. 07 Jan. 2016.

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