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Chapters 1-3
1. What is the first revelation of the book? (Hint: it comes in the first sentence.)
2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
3. Identify 4 details of the setting listed on page one.
4. What is the worst thing that can happen to a person at Camp Green Lake?
5. Who gets sent to Camp Green Lake?
6. Do you think its true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good
one? Explain.
7. State 3 things you have learned about Stanley so far in the novel.
8. How was he embarrassed by his teacher on the last day of school?
9. Who supposedly is to blame for Stanleys bad luck in being convicted of a
10.Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
11.Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
12.According to Stanley Yelnats III, what makes a successful inventor?
13.Stanley Yelnats III also states I learn from failure, (pg 9). What do you think
this means?
14.Who supposedly robbed the stagecoach of the first Stanley Yelnats?
15.Why did the Yelnats apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?

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