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701 Don Mills Road

Toronto, ON M3C 1R9

October 13, 2015

Mrs. Donna Schabe

Human Resource Manager
Toronto Summer Sports Academy
100 Queen Street East, Unit 1219,
Toronto, ON M5H 2N
Dear Mrs. Donna Shabe:
I wish to apply for the two week December winter camp, as a camp counsellor, that
was advertised on the bulletin board of the Flemingdon Park Community Centre on
September 15th, 2009. I was excited by the position description and impressed that
you are advertising early. I felt this was my idea of the perfect summer job - being
outside, working with young people, and playing sports. To be a summer sports
counsellor has been a goal of mine for quite a while.
While this is my first attempt at paid employment, I think you will find that I have
many of the skills you are seeking through my school environment and extracurricular activities. I have completed my level one instructors certification for
tennis, but have played many different sports for my school. At Marc Garneau
Collegiate, I have been on the schools soccer team, badminton team and tennis
team. I enjoy volleyball and ultimate Frisbee as well. In preparation for becoming
a counsellor I took the St. Johns First Aid Certificate last year and completed a
leadership course with my local community centre. I enjoy working with young
people as evidenced by my volunteer experience at the Flemingdon Park Library
and as a volunteer coaching assistant with an after school program for soccer.
Ive been told that I am outgoing and make people feel comfortable and included.
Thank you for taking my resume into consideration and I hope I will have the
opportunity to discuss my attached resume with you in greater detail during an

Ilma Bint-E-Aziz

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