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Fabricia Mintgen

99 St Andrews Rd.
SO14 0AE
Mrs. Sarah Parker
Life Fashion Magazine Ltd.
30 Park Avenue


Dear Mrs. Parker

I wish to apply for the job as Marketing assistant at your magazine which is advertised on your
website. My name is Fabricia Mintgen, I am 22 years old and I come from Cologne, Germany.
Currently I am doing a top - up course in Marketing at the Southampton Solent University to get a
BSc (hons) degree by July, 2016. The previous two years I studied in Germany where I finished an
apprenticeship as a state certified business assistant with the main focus on Business Administration
and a certificate in Event- and Marketing management.
According to your job advertisement you are searching for a flexible and international applicable
employee. As I finished an apprenticeship and a Bachelor degree both within three years I could prove
that I am hard working and willing to achieve my career goals. To be international adaptable and to
develop a cross cultural sensitivity I always aspired doing an international degree.
Due to the fact that the University demands students to accomplish several projects within a small
period of time I could strengthen my working flexibility and ability to work under pressure steadily. In
studying abroad, I developed great team working skills and I learned to adapt quickly to new
situations or problems.
As I have already worked in service orientated businesses, I can benefit from my experience in
dealing with the clients individual wants and needs.
I am very interested in fashion, beauty as well as lifestyle and keep myself always up-to-date with the
latest trends in this branch. Therefore, I can complete the innovative, young and motivated Life
Fashion - team.
Thank you for considering my application and for your time. In my CV you can find further
information on my skills and experiences. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and would
be very pleased to meet you for a personal introduction of myself.
Yours sincerely,
Fabricia Mintgen

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