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Espaol I

Tarea para repasar para el examen final: sem 1

Pgina de web:
1) click on world language-high school
2) click on our book (blue book)
3) on the right-hand side, in the rectangle, write "online workbook"
4) on the left-hand side, click on Unidad 1 and complete the following sections on the CHALLENGE level
5) click submit for grading to check your results
6. Copy and paste over to Word
(you may want to minimize the type and use both sides to save paper).
***Please label each section
*** DO NOT copy & paste to Word unless it is 100 % Correct!
7) For each section you turn in you will receive 3 points
Unit 1
etapa 1
- en contexto
- todo en accin
- Formal and Informal Greetings
- Describing peopleSubject Pronouns and the Verb ser
- Using ser de to Express Origin
- Using Verbs to Talk About What You Like to Do
- Lectura
- Escuchar- todo en accin - activity 3
(due 15/1/16)
etapa 2
- en contexto
- todo en accin
- Definite Articles with Specific Things
- Indefinite Articles with Unspecified Things
- Using Adjectives to Describe -- Gender
- Using Adjectives to Describe -- Number
- Escuchar- todo en accin - activity 2
(due 22/1/16)
etapa 3
- en contexto
- todo en accin
- Saying What You Have -- The Verb tener
- Expressing Possession Using de
- Expressing PossessionPossessive Adjectives
- Giving DatesDay and Month
- lectura
- Escuchar- todo en accin - activity 3
( due 29/1/16)
*OJO! If you have any problems with the homework, please see me as soon as possible! Do not wait
until the due dates!

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