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NAME: Hugo Nava

Go to one of the following websites:

Answer the questions with the information you found on the website. Circle the website to indicate the one you
1. Job Name: Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes
2. Cluster: Recommend investments to clients, Collect payments for goods or services, Develop
business relationships.
3. Name one job duty: Develop contacts with individuals and organizations, and apply effective
strategies and techniques to ensure their clients' success.
4. Explain one thing about the working conditions for the job: Knowledge of principles and processes
for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment,
meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
5. How many hours does someone in the job work? More than 40 hours per week
6. What is the salary/wage listed for this job?

Annual salary 64,200 or wage 30.87 per hour.

7. How much education or training is required? Employees in these occupations usually need

several years of work-related experience, on-the-job training, and/or vocational

8. Name one personal qualification. I was a soccer player and now how to set the positions, and how to
write the positions. Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and
maintaining them over time.

9. Where do you plan to get this education/training? California

10. What is the employment outlook for this job? 18,000 employees
11. After reading about this job, name one advantage. Work hard, get alone with the other co-workers

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

NAME: Hugo Nava

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

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