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Fatalities may be done from anywhere on screen. Note: Press L1 at the "Finish
Him/Her" screen to change into your fatality stance, or you will have to figure out
the distance range.
Bo Rai Cho (Belly Flop): Press Away(3), Down, Circle
Johnny Cage (Brain Ripper): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, Triangle
Kano (Heart Grab): Press Toward, Up(2), Down, Square
Kenshi (ETelekinetic Crush): Press Toward, Away, Toward, Down, X
Kung Lao (Hat Throw): Press Down, Up, Away, X
Li Mei (Crush Kick): Press Toward(2), Down, Toward, Circle
Mavado (Kick Thrust): Press Away(2), Up(2), Square
Quan Chi (Neck Stretch): Press Away(2), Toward, Away, X
Scorpion (Spear): Press Away(2), Down, Away +Circle
Shang Tsung (Soul Steal): Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Triangle
Sonya (Kiss): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, Triangle
Sub Zero (Spine Rip): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, X
Cyrax (Smasher): Press Toward(2), Up, Triangle
Drahmin (Iron Bash): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, X
Frost (Freeze Shatter): Press Toward, Away, Up, Down, Square
Hsu Hao (Laser Slice): Press Toward, Away, Down, Down, Triangle
Jax (Head Stomp): Press Down, Toward(2), Down, Triangle
Kitana (Kiss of Doom): Press Down, Up, Toward(2), Triangle
Nitara (Blood Thirst): Press Up(2), Toward, Square
Raiden (Electrocution): Press Away, Toward, Toward(2), X
Reptile (Acid Shower): Press Up(3), Toward, X
Infinite Sapphire Koins
Use the "Easy Koins" trick, and instead of pressing Right(6) to get the Sapphre
Koins, just press Up. If you hear a sound, hold Up. Then, when it stops, press R2 on
the other controller to open the wager screen. It should say some number and have
the Sapphire Koin below it. Press X on a controller. If you have less Sapphire than
the displayed number, both players should drop to zero, then it should read
10000000. Go into the Krypt and you should have a large number of Koins.
Infinite Koins
Use the "Infinite Sapphire Koins" trick, then press R2 on controllers one and two to
display the wager screen. It should be on Onyx Koins. Change the type of Koin to
Sapphire, and a large negative number should appear. Then, change the type to the
Koin of your choice and press X on controllers one and two. Press R2 on controllers
one and two, and you should see the same number of 1000000 for the Koin you
just set the wager for. Change the type of Koin being wagered to either of the ones
that say 1000000 and a negative number should appear again.Cchange the type of
Koin to another that you want to have unlimited of. Then, repeat for all the Koins so
that they all say 1000000 and make a wager of negative Koins. Do a fight, have
either player win, and both profiles will have unlimited Koins.

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