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Adorno KulturEndustrisiKulturYonetimi (Unknown)

- Your Highlight at location 38-43 | Added on Friday, 18 September 2015 14:20:07

Btn hakiki sanat ve felsefe eserleri, toplum un yaad hayattan kendilerini ayrt etm ek
e birlikte, he r zam an onunla iliki iinde olm ulardr. Bu kadar krcesine ve acm aszca
endi kendini tekrar eden hayatn gnahlarn redd etm eleri, bamszlk ve zerkliklerinde
m eleri, bilinsiz de olsa, bir zgrlk vaadini im a e d e r,
Latin Amerikanin Kesik Damarlar (Eduardo Galeano)
- Your Highlight at location 89-90 | Added on Friday, 18 September 2015 19:48:27

"Bugn hakkaniyete uygun fiyatlardan sz etmek, bir ortaa kavramn canlandrmaya kalkmak
. Zira biz bugn ticaret zgrl anda yayoruz..."
Latin Amerikanin Kesik Damarlar (Eduardo Galeano)
- Your Highlight at location 96-97 | Added on Friday, 18 September 2015 19:51:52
Bakan VVoodrovv VVilson ve bir lkenin, "oraya yatrlan sermayenin kesin egemenlii altna
girdiini" belirtiyordu.
- Your Highlight at location 1475-1475 | Added on Saturday, 19 September 2015 00
emotional pain that I almost could not bear. It is only by prayer, Step Two, and
the help of two sponsors that I am here and
100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor Series) (Provost, Gary)
- Your Highlight at location 84-84 | Added on Saturday, 19 September 2015 02:41:
100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor Series) (Provost, Gary)
- Your Highlight at location 84-84 | Added on Saturday, 19 September 2015 02:44:
100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor Series) (Provost, Gary)
- Your Highlight at location 88-88 | Added on Saturday, 19 September 2015 02:45:
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 306 | Added on Saturday, 19 September 2015 23:09:00
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 308-309 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:02:

Dnyann her kesinde, bombardman hattnn her yanndaki delikanllar, vatanlar olduu sy
canlarn ortaya koyuyorlard ve bu kimsenin umurunda deildi, zellikle de gen canlarn or
a koyan delikanllarn.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 353-354 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:10:

Gerekten fevkalade bir yapyd ve ne zaman ona baksa, ne zaman bina iin harcanan kendi
sine ait olmayan emekleri dnse, muazzam bir baar hissi kabaryordu iinde.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 356-358 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:11:
Appleby, zerinde hi dnmedii halde Tanr'ya, Anala ve Amerikan Yaam Tarz'na inanan,
al delikanlyd ve onu tanyan herkes severdi.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 373-374 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:13:
"Seninle tartmayacam," diye karar verdi Clevinger. "Kimden nefret ettiini bilmiyorsun
." "Beni kim zehirlemeye alyorsa ondan nefret ediyorum," dedi Yossarian.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 377-377 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:13:
"Peki bunun ne fark var?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 322-322 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:14:
"Bunun ne fark var peki?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 381-385 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:16:

Ona dokunamyorlard nk o Tarzan'd, Mandrake'ydi, Flash Gordon'du. O Bill Shakespeare'di

, Kabil'di, Ulis'di, Uan Hollandal'yd[6] o Sodom'daki Lot, Kederler'in Deirdre'si[7
], aalarn arasndaki blbllerin Sweeney'siydi.[8] O mucizevi katk maddesi Z-247 idi. O..
"Deli!" diye szn kesti Clevinger haykrarak. "Sen busun ite! Deli!"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 386-387 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:17:
Ben gerek bir supramanm." "Spermen mi?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 398-400 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:20:
Ama Yossarian hakl olduunu biliyordu; nk Clevinger'a aklad gibi, bildii kadaryla
kt her yerde bir deli gryordu ve onun gibi akl banda
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 394-395 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:20:

"... hani... demek istediim... yal bir kadn ldrme eylemini hakl gsterebileceini d
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)

- Your Highlight at location 400-401 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 06:20:


bir gen beyefendinin elinden, bunca deliliin ortasnda fikirlerine tutunmaktan daha
fazlas gelmiyordu. Ve bunu yapmas hayati neme sahipti nk hayatnn tehlikede olduunu b
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 460 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 07:15:55
The Burning Man (Christa Faust) (Christa Faust)
- Your Highlight at location 110-110 | Added on Sunday, 20 September 2015 08:37:
I dont know what he meant, but he made me promise to tell you that.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 450-452 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 11:42:

"Elma yanak isterdim," diye tekrarlad Orr. "Daha ocukken, bir gn elma yanaklarm olma
sn istiyordum, ve elma yanak edinene kadar almaya karar verdim. Tanr ahidimdir, elma y
naklar edinene kadar altm da. Bu ekilde baardm ite, btn gn yanaklarma yabanelmas
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 454-455 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 11:42:

Ellerini glendirmek iin btn gn lastik top skan u deli adamlardan biri gibi altm d
a, o deli adamlardan biriydim. Ben de btn gn ellerimde lastik toplarla dolardm."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 494 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 11:50:08
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 495-496 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 13:22:
lmekte olanlar elendirmek iin, o sinemada her gece, portatif perde zerinde, her eyden
bihaber ordular arpyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 531-535 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 13:29:

"Askerler," diye balad Albay Cargill Yossarian'n birliinde, kelime aralarnda verdii es
leri dikkatle tartarak. "Siz Amerikan subaylarsnz. Dnya zerinde baka hibir ordunun sub
ylar byle bir iddiada bulunamaz. Bir dnn." avu Knight dnd ve sonra Albay Cargill'
lere hitap etmekte olduunu ve subaylarn onu birliin dier tarafnda beklediini bildirdi.
Albay Cargill serte teekkr etti ve kendinden duyduu honutlukla parlayarak mntkada uzu
admlarla yrd. Orduda geirdii yirmi dokuz ayn beceriksizlik dehasn kreltememi oldu
nu gururlandryordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 591-592 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 13:39:

zavallcn rkek ruhu kendi Yaratc'snn yanna yollanm olurdu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 600 | Added on Monday, 21 September 2015 13:41:18
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 12-13 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 00:14:1
Once upon a time in a certain country there lived a king whose palace was surrou
nded by a spacious garden.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 21-21 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:37:0
"But I owe money to several people."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 22-23 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:39:0
King, delighted to have found a real gardener, entrusted him with the care of hi
s garden.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 24-24 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:40:3
the King showered gifts upon his new servant.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 45-46 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:56:1
King's heralds passed, blowing all kinds of instruments, and crying:
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 46-46 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:56:4
"The King, our master, is old and infirm.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 46-47 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:57:0
He will give a great reward to whoever will cure him and give him back the stren
gth of his youth."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 47-47 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:57:3
Then the old beggar-woman said to her benefactor:

The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)

- Your Highlight at location 51-52 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 12:59:5
This is an impostor, and not a learned man,' and they will make all sorts of dif
ficulties, but you will overcome them all at last, and will present yourself bef
ore the sick King.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 52-53 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:01:0
You must then demand as much wood as three mules can carry,
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 53-53 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:01:5
and a great cauldron, and must shut yourself up in a room with the Sultan,
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 59-59 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:03:1
The King's physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer,
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 65-66 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:05:2
"Prepare a splendid ship in which I may continue my journey.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 67-67 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:06:3
St. Nicholas will be at the helm.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 89-90 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:13:3
Soon after came the Princess and her betrothed.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 95-96 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:16:2
"Sire," said the young captain, "order your daughter's betrothed to be stripped,
and see if the mark of my ring is not branded upon his back."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 97-97 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:16:5
to save himself from such an indignity, admitted that the story was true.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 102-102 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:18

he embarked.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 102-103 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:19
Now in the outskirts of the capital there lived an old man, who had spent his li
fe in studying black arts--alchemy, astrology, magic, and enchantment.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 121-121 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:25
"if the captain of the ship does not shut the ferocious animals up.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 121-122 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:25
Let us send a deputation to him of the bravest among us."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 127-128 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:27
"We come from a far distant country."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 128-129 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:28
"Ho, ho, ho! we know; an old sorcerer has taken possession of it, and now he kee
ps it in his pocket by day and in his mouth by night."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 606-608 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 13:42

Neden tp alannda alanlarn ne kadar byk fedakarlklar yapmaya hazr olduklarn herkes
an u yal doktorlardan birini askere almyorlar? Ben fedakarlk yapmak istemiyorum. Ben
para kazanmak istiyorum."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 666-667 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 14:54

Grup Karargah alarma gemiti nk diledikleri soruyu sormakta zgr olduklarn hisseden i
neler renebileceini bilmek imkanszd.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 669-670 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 14:55
yalnzca soru sormayan insanlara soru sorma hakk tannyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 671-672 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 14:55

hi soru sormayan insanlar eitmenin ne mmkn ne de gerekli olduu konusunda hemfikir olmu
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 729-730 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:07

Dunbar ycegnlllkle. "Harcayacak birka on ylm var. Bir senenin geip gitmesinin ne kad
un srdn biliyor musun?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 745 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:10:38
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 833-834 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:26

Irksal nyarg korkun bir eydir, Yossarian. Gerekten yledir. Dzgn, sadk bir kzlderil
ir zenci, Yahudi, talyan ya da Meksika bozmas gibi davranmak korkun bir eydir."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 858-859 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:29
"Elbette deliler," diye yant verdi Doktor Daneeka. "Sana demin syledim, deil mi? Ve
deli insanlarn deli olup olmadklarna karar vermelerine izin veremezsin, deil mi?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 859-862 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:29
Yossarian ona ciddi ciddi bakt ve bir
li," dedi Doktor Daneeka. "Onu uutan
ilk nce bana gelip talepte bulunmas
e bulunmuyor?" "nk adam deli," dedi
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 863-863 |

baka yaklam denedi. "Orr deli mi?" "Elbette de

men edebilir misin?" "Elbette edebilirim. Ama
gerek. Kural yle diyor." "O zaman neden talept
Doktor Daneeka.
Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:30

"Ucu ucuna kurtulduu onca seferden sonra grev uuuna kmaya devam etmesi iin deli olmas
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 871 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 15:35:13
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 874-874 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 17:13
"yi amazm Madde 22 amaz."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 883-886 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 18:20

nk Orr, New York ehrinin dndaki yaban topraklardan geliyordu ve yaban hayat konusunda
ssarian'dan ok daha bilgiliydi; nk Yossarian'n annesi, babas, kz kardei, erkek karde
las, amcas, yengesi, retmeni, ruhani lideri, meclis yesi, komusu ve gazetesinin aksine
Orr, yaamsal neme sahip hibir konuda yalan sylememiti ona.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 880 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 18:32:51
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 880 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 18:33:22
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 898 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 21:17:14
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 154-155 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 21:49
Once upon a time there lived a king who was deeply in love with a princess, but
she could not marry anyone, because she was under an enchantment.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 160-160 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 22:45
he only trod on air.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 164-164 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 22:49
I will have my revenge.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 170-172 | Added on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 22:53
The Queen was inconsolable when she saw this great nose, but her ladies assured
her that it was not really as large as it looked; that it was a Roman nose, and
you had only to open any history to see that every hero has a large nose.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 946-946 | Added on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 01:
Yossarian'n kafas korkmasna yetecek kadar alyordu ve Yossarian da korkuyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 974-975 | Added on Thursday, 24 September 2015 21:3
A Joe kendi dertlerine yle boulmutu ki Doktor Daneeka'nn nasl hissettii umurunda bile

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)

- Your Highlight at location 1045-1046 | Added on Thursday, 24 September 2015 21

Kraft, Pennsylvania'l sska, zararsz bir oland ve tek dilei sevilmekti ve bylesine mte
bylesine onur krc bir arzusu olmasna ramen yine de hayal krklna uramaya yazgly
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 260-260 | Added on Friday, 25 September 2015 12:53:
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 326-327 | Added on Friday, 25 September 2015 14:38:
"Perhaps you may find that you have a use for it."
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 356-357 | Added on Friday, 25 September 2015 14:46:
but then he was so weary and worn out that he was forced to rest for several day
s before he could go to
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1215-1216 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 02

"nsanlara zevksiz olduklarn ve iyiyle kty ayrt edemediklerini gstermek iin tatl pat
lerce kalp ordu mal sabun katt. Birlikteki herkes hastaland. Grev uular iptal edildi.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1264-1265 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 13
"Sendika m kurmak istiyorsun?" "Evet, yle. Hayr, bir market. Marketin ne olduunu bil
iyor musun?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1288-1290 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 13

Tarih Yossarian'n zamanndan nce lmesini talep etmiyordu, bu olmadan da adalet yerine
gelebilirdi, insan rknn ilerlemesi ona bal deildi, zafer onun kuraca temeller zerin
elmeyecekti. nsanlarn lmesi gerekliydi; ama hangi insanlarn lecei tamamen koullara ba
e Yossarian koullardan baka her eyin kurban olmaya razyd.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1290-1291 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 13

Ama savat bu. Savan bulabildii tek iyi yan cretinin iyi olmas ve ocuklar ebeveynler
etkilerinden kurtarmas idi.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1368-1369 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 17

Tpk Olimpiyat madalyalar ve tenis kupalar gibi, simgeledikleri tek ey sahiplerinin, k

imseye faydas olmayan bir alanda baka herkesten daha becerikli olduuydu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1376-1377 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 19
O sralarda, savan bu kadar uzun sreceini hayal etmek imkansz geliyordu nk Tanr'nn
a olduu sylenmiti; ayn zamanda, Tanrnn ne isterse onu yapabilecei retilmiti ona.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 1530 | Added on Saturday, 26 September 2015 21:43:19
Be Happier in One Hour: Enjoy Better Relationships, Better Health, More Success
and a Longer Life (D.E. Hardesty)
- Your Highlight at location 48-48 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:21:30
Instead, we spend our time trying to acquire things and do things to make oursel
ves happy.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 17-18 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:31:25
Implementing a new thing may be hard - it takes time, and consistency is key.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 74-74 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:40:10
Hold yourself accountable by sharing how things are going to a friend.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 91-91 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:42:51
Dont be so focused on the final result. The journey is your present moment, so tr
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 91-91 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:43:04
Dont be so focused on the final result.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 94-95 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:43:39
Whenever you find yourself on the verge of giving up, have a serious conversatio
n with yourself.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 100-101 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:45:
Prioritizing is crucial for success.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 103-104 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:48:
Get rid of the junk food at home if youre trying to lose weight.

30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 104-104 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:48:
Dont go shopping if youre trying to save money.
30 Ways to Build New Habits and Make Them Stick: Cheat Sheet (Lidiya K)
- Your Highlight at location 107-108 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 11:49:
This helps you stay accountable and lets you see the bigger picture when you dont
know how youre doing.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1627-1627 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 13:2
Bir dosta lgnca ihtiya duyduundan, hi dost bulamad.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1637-1639 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 13:2
Devlet niversitesinde derslerini o kadar ciddiye alyordu ki ecinseller onu Komnist,
Komnistler ise ecinsel sanyordu, ngiliz tarihi blmn semiti, ki bir hatayd bu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1865-1867 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:0

Aslnda iyi gelmesine pek armamt nk genelde yalan syleyen insanlarn, yalan syleme
gre daha becerikli, daha hrsl ve daha baarl olduklarn gzlemlemiti.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1870-1871 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:0
John Milton[43]
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1875-1876 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:1
"Milton, John'da kimse var m?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 1999-2000 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:2

Lowery Field'da, bir maa gn, ayn klada kalan altm drt askerin tamam ortadan kaybolm
dan bir daha haber alnamamt.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 2004 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:29:13
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 394-395 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 14:40:

Once upon a time there lived a queen who had been the mother of a great many chi
ldren, and of them all only one daughter was left. But then _she_ was worth at l
east a thousand.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 569-569 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 16:17:
no one could approach it without being burnt to a cinder!
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2269-2269 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 17:4
"Gerekten inanamyorum," diye haykrd Clevinger Yossarian'a, isyan ve hayret iinde yksel
ip alalan bir sesle.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Note at location 2269 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 17:41:39
clevinger olmemis miydi ?
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2340-2340 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:0
"Srf albayn biri general olmak istiyor diye ben neden kendimi vurdurtacakmm?"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2356-2356 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:0
lm biri iin sava kimin kazandnn hi nemi yoktur."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2359-2360 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:0

"Dman," diye paylad onu Yossarian, ll bir titizlikle, "seni ldrecek herhangi biridir
hangi tarafta olduunun bir nemi yoktur.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2532-2533 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:2
yaayan en erdemli kadnd: rk, inan, renk ya da milliyet gzetmeden herkesle yatyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2646-2647 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:3
utanmamz gereken bir ey hakknda bbrlenmek. Bu asla baarsz olmayan bir numaradr."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2685-2685 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 18:4
"La Cucaracha"[47]

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2881-2881 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 19:5
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 2938-2939 | Added on Sunday, 27 September 2015 20:0
bir para rmeye yz tutmu eriklere benzeyen azlar vard.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3223-3224 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 18:3
"Belki benim babamn parasdr," diye tahmin yrtt Dunbar. "Hayat boyunca sk alt ve
ni niversiteye gnderecek kadar para kazanamad. Ama babam ld, bu yzden para sende kalab
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3333-3333 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 18:4
Bir adan bu ok ktyd, nk babamdan nefret ederdim. Odipus kompleksi, bilirsin."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 3339 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 18:44:10
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3380-3381 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:4

lahi yaratm sistemine balgam ve di r gibi kavramlar dahil etmeyi gerekli bulan bir Y
lk'a ne kadar sayg duyabilirsin ki?
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3381-3382 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:4

Tanr akna, yal insanlar barsak hareketlerini kontrol etme ansndan yoksun brakrken
, ktcl, pis zihninden ne geiyordu acaba?
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3401-3402 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:4

"Ama benim inanmadm Tanr iyi, adil, merhametli bir Tanr. Senin anlattn gibi kt ve a
r Tanr deil."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3467-3468 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:5
Odadaki her eye incinmi bir saldrganlkla, dik dik bakyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)

- Your Bookmark at location 3465 | Added on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:51:20

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3504-3507 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 00:

"Yukardakiyle konutuunda," dedi, "benim adma O'na bir ey sylemeni istiyorum. O'na de k
i, gen insanlarn lmesi doru deil. Gerekten sylyorum. O'na de ki, mutlaka leceklerse,
dklarnda lmeleri gerek. O'na bunu sylemeni istiyorum. Bunun doru olmadn O'nun bildi
myorum, nk O'nun iyi olmas gerekiyor ve bu i ok uzun zamandr byle.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 681-682 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 03:04
Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the pre
ttiest creature was ever seen.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 683-683 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 03:05
and her grandmother doted on her still more.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 692-693 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 03:09
and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with.
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 693-694 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 03:10
"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding-Hood," replied the Wolf, counterfeiting her
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912)
- Your Highlight at location 695-695 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 03:10
"Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
The Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle (Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911)
- Your Highlight at location 44-45 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 09:23:4
in the time of old, when good King Henry the Second ruled the land, there lived
within the green glades of Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham Town, a famous outla
w whose name was Robin Hood.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 2757 | Added on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 16:13:49
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Note at location 3561 | Added on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 23:09:54

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3561-3561 | Added on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 2
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 11 | Added on Thursday, 1 October 2015 17:01:10
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3515-3517 | Added on Thursday, 1 October 2015 17:01

Albay Cathcart mutlak kavramlara karyd. Kendi ilerleyiini ancak bakalarnnki ile karl
lebilirdi ve onun mkemmellik anlay kendi yandaki adamlarn yapt eyleri en az onl
t daha da iyi yapmakt.
- Your Highlight on page 3-3 | Added on Thursday, 1 October 2015 19:30:46
My interviewees suggest that ladino elite newspaper owners supported and sometim
es required coverage of violence to receive basic remuneration and often to rece
ive bonuses
- Your Highlight on page 3-3 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 04:45:41
When looking at the specific form of power that Foucault calls governmentality,
we should note that Foucault talks not of the end of sovereignty or state power,
but the emergence of the triangle sovereigntydiscipline-government with its new
concerns for population and the optimisation of health, welfare, happiness and
labour productivity
- Your Highlight on page 5-5 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 04:49:51
This definition suggests that governance takes place from a distance as the powe
r to influence the actions of others
- Your Highlight on page 5-5 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 04:50:27
To understand this further, we have to see how government forms part of a triang
le of sovereigntydisciplinegovernment where its distinctive character derives from
having population as its main concern (Foucault 2007: 108
- Your Highlight on page 5-5 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 04:53:00
For liberal governance the idea of governing well is associated with the claim t
o respect freedom where government allows things to take their natural course
- Your Highlight on page 6-6 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 04:58:52

Laissez-faire governance, based on the liberal principles of political economy,

finds its expression in civil society and is legitimated through the liberal con
cern that one must not govern too much (Foucault 2008: 319
- Your Highlight on page 6-6 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 05:01:14
The idea of freedom for the mass of the population is of course an ideological i
llusion characteristic of capitalist society
- Your Highlight on page 6-6 | Added on Friday, 2 October 2015 05:02:23
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 3652 | Added on Saturday, 3 October 2015 22:39:50
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 3806 | Added on Monday, 5 October 2015 17:43:00
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 3861-3862 | Added on Monday, 5 October 2015 18:41:1

"nk senin Washington Irving olduuna ikna olmular. Anlamyor musun? Sen olduunu anlayaca
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 3894 | Added on Monday, 5 October 2015 18:45:17
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 3939 | Added on Monday, 5 October 2015 18:51:54
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4345-4346 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 15:4
"Hepsi sendika yesi," dedi Milo. "Ve sendikann karna olan bir eyin vatann da karna
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4388-4391 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 15:5

"Kimse imiyorsa neden Sicilya'ya Sko ithal ediyorsun?" "Fiyat oluturmak iin. Baka bir
i adna kendi kendime satarken daha fazla kr marj yaratmak iin Skou buradan Malta'ya n
aklediyorum. Burada bu iin sanayisini kurdum. Bugn Sicilya dnyadaki nc en byk Sko i
bu yzden beni belediye bakan setiler."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 4469 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 16:01:32

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4573-4573 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 23:4
Fransa savalar kazanyor ve daima kriz iinde.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4573-4576 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 23:4

Almanya kaybediyor ve zenginleiyor. Bizim yakn tarihimize bak. talya Etiyopya'da bi

r sava kazand ve hemen ciddi sorunlar yaamaya balad. Zafer bize ylesine delice ihtiam
anlsamalar verdi ki, kazanma ansmzn hi olmad bir dnya savann balamasna yardm
kaybettiimize gre, iler iyiye gidecek demektir ve yenilmekte baarl olursak kesin yine
te karz."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 4573 | Added on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 23:45:51
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4612-4615 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 02:59

"lke dediin nedir ki? Bir lke, drt bir yandan, genellikle yapay olan snrlarla evrili b
r toprak parasdr. ngilizler ngiltere iin lyor, Amerikallar Amerika iin lyor, Alma
a iin lyor, Ruslar Rusya iin lyor. Bu savata savaan elli, altm lke var. Kukusuz b
hepsi urunda lmeye deer lkeler olamaz."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4615-4616 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 02:59
"Uruna yaamaya deer olan her ey," dedi Nately, "uruna lmeye deerdir."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4621-4624 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 03:00

"nk dizlerinin zerinde yaamaktansa dimdik ayakta lmek yedir," diye terslendi Nately za
er ve inanla, almla. "Herhalde bu deyimi daha nce duymusundur." "Evet, kesin duymuumdu
r," dedi hain ihtiyar, yine glmseyerek. "Ama korkarm sen ters anlamsn. Dizlerinin zeri
de lmektense dimdik ayakta yaamak yedir. O deyimin asl byledir."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4741-4742 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:12

"Vatandalarnn kiisel mallarna el koymak ne zamandan beri Amerikan hkmetinin resmi poli
ikas oldu? Utann, utann! Bylesine korkun bir eyi dnebildiiniz iin utann."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4758-4758 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:14
Axis Sally

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4759-4759 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:14
Lord Haw Haw
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4783-4784 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:18
Bak, o pis Wintergreen ne derse desin, bu sava ben balatmadm, Yossarian. Ben yalnzca
onu ticari bir temele oturtuyorum.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4786-4787 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:19

"nk dmanla i yapyorsun, ite bu yzden. Bir savan ortasnda olduumuzu anlamyor mus
vrene bir bak, Tanr akna!"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4851-4855 | Added on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:27

"Bir demokraside, hkmet dediin halktr," diye aklad Milo. "Biz halkz, deil mi? Bu dur
paray elimizde tutsak ve araclar ortadan kaldrsak da olur. Drst olmak gerekirse, ben
hkmetin savatan tamamen ekilmesini ve meydan zel teebbse brakmasn tercih ederim. H
olduumuz her eyi dersek, hkmet kontroln cesaretlendirmi ve bireyleri kendi adamlarn
arn bombalamaktan alkoymu oluruz. zel teebbs tevik etmemi oluruz."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4961-4961 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 18:44:0
Ama hkmetin ii i dnyasdr,
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4971-4972 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 18:45:3
Yalnz, her eyi herkesin gz nnde yapmaya dikkat et. Brak herkes ne istediini ve bunun
ne kadar para demeye raz olduunu bilsin. Suluymu gibi, ya da utanla davrandn
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 4967-4973 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 18:46:3

"Rvet kanuna aykrdr, ve sen bunu biliyorsun. Ama kr yapmak yasalara aykr deil, deil
yzden adil bir ekilde kr yapmak iin birilerine rvet vermem yasalara aykr olamaz, de
? Hayr, elbette olamaz!" Uysal, acnas bir sknt iinde dncelere dald yine. "Ama kime
eimi nereden bileceim?" "Ah, bu konuda endielenme," diye teselli etti Yossarian onu
, ifadesiz bir kkrtyla. Ciplerin ve ambulansn motorlar uykulu sessizlii blyordu. En a
daki aralar yola koyulmutu. "Sen rveti yeterince byk tut. Onlar seni bulurlar. Yalnz,
er eyi herkesin gz nnde yapmaya dikkat et. Brak herkes ne istediini ve bunun iin ne k
r para demeye raz olduunu bilsin. Suluymu gibi, ya da utanla davrandn ilk anda, ba
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 4989 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 18:50:40

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5000-5001 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 19:46:4
Herhangi bir eyi gerekten bilmenin yolu yoktu, biliyordu, hatt herhangi bir eyi gerek
ten bilmenin yolu olmadn bilmenin bile yolu yoktu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5010-5010 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 19:49:1
Yaratm'dan nceki sonsuz sre boyunca Tanr kendini neyle megul etmiti gerekten?
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5011-5011 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 19:50:1
Adem ile Havva kz evlat yapmlar myd?
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5019-5020 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 19:52:0
Yossarian ban iki yana sallad ve dj vu'nun, normalde ayn anda, karlkl alan iki
merkezinin koordinasyonunda ok ok ksa bir gecikmeden ibaret olduunu aklad.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5036-5036 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 19:54:5
Papaz yle ok insan huzursuz ediyordu ki!
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5086-5087 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 20:02:3

lm gibi son derece korkutucu ve gizemli bir olayda sahte bir ciddiyet ve zdrapla har
eket etmek, lmden sonra doast bir zeka varm gibi yapmak, en byk sulardan biriymi g
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5099-5100 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 20:12:0
Papaz kimseye yardm dokunmayan, itenlikle yardmsever bir insand.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5259-5260 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 20:39:4

Onba Whitcomb senin gibilerin bin dokuz yz krk drt senedir yeni bir fikir bulamadnz
e ben de ona katlyorum.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5345-5346 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:01:1

ncil vard, elbette, ama incil bir kitapt, ve Kasvetli Ev, Hazine Adas, Ethan Frome v
e Mohikanlarn Sonu[89] da kitapt.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5349-5356 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:03:1

indeki engin, kavurucu, gzkamatrc, sersemletici, hametli gnein bile daima yok olu
gittii ve dnyay da kendi sonuna gtrd sonlu, gittike genileyen evrende aa ya da y
y yoktu. Mucizeler yoktu; dualar yantsz kalyordu ve talihsizlikler yozlam insanlar kad
ar erdemli insanlar da ayaklar altnda eziyordu; ve vicdan sahibi, karakterli bir i
nsan olan papaz, haftalar nce, zavall avuun cenaze treninde, aata grd plak adam
nda grd kahin Flume'un ifreli, byleyici, cesaret verici vaadi gibi (Onlara k geldii
eimi syle, demiti adam), art arda gelen, gizemli olgular olmasa, gerekten de manta tes
lim olacak, atalarnn Tanr'sna olan inancndan vazgeecek, hem eilimine hem de grevine i
et ederek piyade alaynda bir er, bir sahra topusu, hatt, belki, paratler arasnda bir
a olarak ansn deneyecekti.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 5356 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:22:04
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 15-16 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:38:29
You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.'
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 22-22 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:39:38
'I cannot promise to do so.'
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 27-27 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:41:29
'They have none of them much about them to admire,'
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 29-29 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:42:22
You take pleasure in annoying me.
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 33-34 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 21:45:50
The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its pleasure was visi
ting and news.
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 36-37 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:07:06
Mr Bennet was among the first of those who visited Mr Bingley.
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 38-39 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:07:51
Watching his second daughter occupied in sewing a coloured band around a hat, he
suddenly addressed her with:

Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

- Your Highlight at location 42-42 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:08:57
She has two nieces of her own.
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 42-43 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:09:13
She is a selfish, insincere woman, and I have no opinion of her.'
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- Your Highlight at location 43-44 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:21:20
'Neither have I,' said Mr Bennet, 'and I am glad to find that you do not depend
on her serving you.'
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5467-5471 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:40:5

"Bu benim kendim," diye hatrlatt Yossarian ona. "Bacan kaybetsen de umurunda olmazd he
rhalde, deil mi?" "Benim bacam." "Kesinlikle senin bacan deil!" diye terslendi Hemire
ramer. "O bacak ABD hkmetine ait. Bir ark ya da yatak srgsnden fark yok. Ordu seni ua
ilotu yapmak iin bir sr yatrm yapt ve doktorlarn emirlerine itaatsizlik etmeye hi hak
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 5481 | Added on Friday, 9 October 2015 22:42:15
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5682-5685 | Added on Sunday, 11 October 2015 03:59:

"Soyulma, istismar edilme, kk drlme, aalanma ve aldatlma fikrine karsn. Ac mor

halet moralini bozuyor. Zulm moralini bozuyor. iddet moralini bozuyor. Gecekondu m
ahalleleri moralini bozuyor. Agzllk moralini bozuyor. Su moralini bozuyor. Yolsuzluk
moralini bozuyor Biliyor musun, manik depresif ksan hi armazdm!"
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5718-5718 | Added on Sunday, 11 October 2015 04:02:
Deli bir adam lme gndermezler, deil mi?" "Baka kim lme gider ki?"
- Your Highlight on page 191-191 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:54:34

Hukukun, kiiyi dier bireye ve kamuya kar koruma nitelii, sanat olan bireyi de korumay
- Your Highlight on page 191-191 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:55:20
Bu koruma sanat ve hukuk arasndaki ilikiyi ortaya karmaktadr
- Your Highlight on page 192-192 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:57:56

lkemizde ilk kez, sosyal devlette sanat kavram, sosyal devlet nitelemesinin, devleti
n nitelikleri arasnda sayld 1961 Anayasasnn Bilim ve Sanat Hrriyeti balkl
- Your Highlight on page 192-192 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:58:08

Bu madde ile herkesin bilim ve sanat serbeste renme, retme, aklama, yayma ve bu alan
her trl aratrma hakkna sahip olduu dzenlenmitir.
- Your Highlight on page 192-192 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:59:24

Anayasann 27. maddesi ise Bilim ve Sanat Hrriyeti baln ta- makta olup, herkesin,
nat serbeste renme ve retme, aklama, yayma ve bu alanlarda her trl aratrma hakkn
a dair bir dzenleme iermektedir.
- Your Highlight on page 192-192 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 21:59:37
Yaznn konusunu da oluturan ve sosyal devlette SANATIN VE SANATININ KORUNMASI ise 198
2 Anayasasnda SOSYAL GVENLK HAKKI bal altnda dzenlenmitir.
- Your Highlight on page 193-193 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 22:01:22

4848 Sayl Kltr ve Turizm Bakanl Tekilat ve Grevleri Hakknda Kanuna Gre Anayasan
n ncelenmesi 4848 sayl Kltr ve Turizm Bakanl Tekilat ve Grevleri Hakknda Kanunun
kanunun amacn belirtmitir. Maddeye gre kanunun amac, kltrel deerleri yaatmak, gelit
yaymak, tantmak, deerlendirmek ve benimsetmek, kltr ve konularyla ilgili kamu kurum v
e kurulularn ynlendirmek ve bu kurulu- larla ibirliinde bulunmak, yerel ynetimler, si
toplum kurulular ve zel sektr ile iletiimi gelitirmek ve ibirlii yapmaktr
- Your Highlight on page 194-194 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 22:02:53

Madde 2de saylan amalarn gerekletirilmesi iinse 7. maddede bakanln merkez tekilat
ir takm ana hizmet birimleri kurulmas ngrlmtr
- Your Highlight on page 197-197 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 22:05:40

Konuya dair en nemli eksiklik, devletin bir sanat politikasnn olmamasdr. Zira bir san
at politikas belirledikten sonra, hedefler iin alma yaplmas mmkndr. Ancak yaplan i
rde grlmtr ki, sadece Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlnn bir sanat politikasnn olmadn
mine aday olan ya da lkeyi ynetmi pek ok siyasi partinin de belirli bir sanat politi
kas bulunmamaktadr. Bir baka nemli eksiklik ise devletle balantl sanat kurumlar- nn
ratik yaplanmasnn olmamasdr.II. 5846 Sayl Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu 1951 ylnda
edilen Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu, sanat ve sanatnn korunmas iin karlm en kaps
dr. Yasann karl amac fikir ve sanat eserlerini 6 meydana getiren eser sahipleri ile
erleri icra eden veya yorumlayan icrac sanatlarn, seslerin ilk tespitini yapan fonog
ram yapmclar ile filmlerin ilk tespitini gerekle- tiren yapmclarn ve radyo-televizyon
rulularnn rnleri zerindeki manevi ve mali haklarn belirlemek, korumak, bu rnlerden
nma artlarn dzenlemek, ngrlen esas ve usullere aykr yararlanma halinde 6 Eser: Sahib
hususiyetini tayan ve ilim ve edebiyat, musiki, gzel sanatlar veya sinema eserleri
olarak saylan her nevi fikir ve sanat mahsullerini ifade etmektedir.(m.1/B Ek: 21
.2.2001-4630/2 m.)TBB Dergisi, Say 74, 2008 197
- Your Highlight on page 197-197 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 22:06:18

Konuya dair en nemli eksiklik, devletin bir sanat politikasnn olmamasdr

- Your Highlight on page 197-197 | Added on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 22:06:52

Bir baka nemli eksiklik ise devletle balantl sanat kurumlar- nn demokratik yaplanmas
- Your Highlight on page 189-189 | Added on Sunday, 18 October 2015 21:46:01
they create an oversupply of people willing to work for low wages, or in the cas
e of interns, literally nothing
- Your Highlight on page 189-189 | Added on Sunday, 18 October 2015 21:46:47
Kamenetz (2006: n.p.) likens unpaid interns to illegal immigrants ... they create
an oversupply of people willing to work for low wages, or in the case of intern
s, literally nothing
- Your Highlight on page 189-189 | Added on Sunday, 18 October 2015 21:51:20
Race, class, and gender are clearly implicated. Perlin, whose 2011 book Intern N
ation catalysed a vibrant debate about the economics and ethics of unpaid intern
ships, argues that internship injustice is closely linked to gender issues, both
because of the elds that women gravitate toward and possibly also because female
students have been more accepting of unpaid, unjust situations (Perlin, 2011: 27)
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5982-5983 | Added on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 16:10
General Peckem kendini estetikten anlayan, entelektel biri olarak grrd. nsanlar buna
katlmadnda, onlara objektif olun, derdi.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 5989-5991 | Added on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 16:11

"Sana verdiim ii bakasna aktar ve ansna gven. Biz buna personele sorumluluk vermek diy
ruz. Benim ynettiim bu egdml organizasyonda, alt seviyelerde bir yerde, i onlara ulat
lar yapan insanlar var ve benim ok fazla aba harcamama kalmadan iler rahata yryor.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6009-6010 | Added on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 21:39

nsanlarn, kanunlarla yasaklanmam her eyi yapmaya haklar vardr, ve sana yalan sylemeyi
saklayan bir kanun yok.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6044-6046 | Added on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 21:45

"Bazen kendimi ne olarak dnrm, biliyor musun? Shakespeare'in Hamlet'indeki Fortinbras

ha, ha. Hamlet de eyleme gemektense asl sorunun evresinde dolar durur ve sonunda her
y unufak olur. Ve sonunda Fortinbras ie karr ve unufak olan btn paralar kendine topla

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6057-6058 | Added on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 21:47

Yalnzca, herkese bilinen bir gerei ilan etmi olacaz. Ama harika eyler ima ediyor. Eve
kesinlikle harika. Dilersek bir geit treni planlayabileceimizi ima ediyor.
- Your Highlight on page 13-13 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:04:41
There is an urgent need for new institutional forms
- Your Highlight on page 37-37 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:09:15
Antonio Negri writes, the problem is that the term democracy has been emptied of al
l its meaning
- Your Highlight on page 1-1 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:20:07
To elaborate an understanding of labour in the creative industries I am going to
revisit some insights related to the development of British cultural studies, a
nd try to link these insights to what Stuart Hall calls the conditions of possib
ility for the creative industries today
- Your Highlight on page 1-1 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:20:30
These conditions of possibility require a different conception of labour, infusi
ng the circuits of production in what Italian post-workerist theorists call the
social factory. Such an elaboration of the work of culture allows us to reframe
the questions of labour struggle and management control in the creative industri
- Your Highlight on page 1-1 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:23:34
That description breaks into two views, views which ultimately complement and re
inforce each other. In the first view, the rise of creative industries is unders
tood as an invasion of the arts not just by business, but specifically by manage
ment. To say that the arts have been invaded by business is to join a long conve
rsation about the fate of art in what Walter Benjamin (1969) famously called the
age of mechanical reproduction
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:24:53
In this view the commodification and the marketization of art changes both its i
nnate character and its social character.
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:27:07
This is why it is important to insist that this rise be understood not as the in
vasion of business, or capitalism as these authors would have preferred, but as
the invasion of management


- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Friday, 30 October 2015 20:27:33
Because management implies labour, and not just any kind of labour but organized
labour, massified and industrialized in some form.
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:10:19
The arts move from the workshop to the workplace
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:10:52
But the movement from workshop to workplace most especially designates a new con
dition of labour, and new tools are only an aspect of this new condition.
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:15:29
Thus the best of the recent ethnographies of the creative industries, No Collar
by Andrew Ross (2004), focuses on the harnessing of the persona of the artist to
a workplace culture of overtime and total commitment in Silicon Alley firms, un
derstanding the new economy as a forerunner of the creative industries but also
as managements term for an emerging regime of work
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:15:59
And a series of articles and talks by Angela McRobbie (2007) on fashion, feminis
m and creativity point to the paradox for workers of the pleasures of making art
even in the workplace
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:16:55
They often stress the precariousness of work in the creative industries, echoing
the Marxist exploration of the un-freedom of free wage labour and the struggle
over labour time
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 01:18:02
Andrew Rosss latest collection of essays Nice Work if You Can Get it (2009) and N
ed Rossiters Organized Networks (2008) exemplify a new understanding of this labo
ur as deriving from the artistic life but bred with the precarious life, the mig
rant life, life in the reserve army of labour at the sharp end of responsibility
for survival, a responsibility for reproduction almost entirely abdicated by st
ate and capital
- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 10:25:49
Most visible here is the work of Richard Florida (2003) who sees not a new preca
rious worker in the creative industries, but a new labour aristocracy he calls t
he creative class.
- Your Highlight on page 3-3 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 10:26:58

economic development, and especially gentrification explicit. In this way, Flori

da offers us the broad view of the creative industries as a new engine of the ec
onomy, as before him prophets of internet technology or for that matter plastics
and chemicals had privileged a new workplace and class formation within the eme
rging regime of accumulation
- Your Highlight on page 3-3 | Added on Saturday, 31 October 2015 10:28:07
In this way, Florida offers us the broad view of the creative industries as a ne
w engine of the economy, as before him prophets of internet technology or for th
at matter plastics and chemicals had privileged a new workplace and class format
ion within the emerging regime of accumulation
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 6182 | Added on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 00:02:24
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6303-6304 | Added on Thursday, 5 November 2015 11:2
aresizlik iinde litre litre su solumann korkun hissini hayal ediyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 6302 | Added on Thursday, 5 November 2015 11:28:42
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6403-6403 | Added on Thursday, 5 November 2015 22:5
Her gn, yepyeni, beklenmedik hazineler getiriyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Bookmark at location 6433 | Added on Thursday, 5 November 2015 23:03:15
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6508-6508 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 12:16:
O ld. Onu kendi agzll ldrd."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6756-6758 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 12:43:

Grmt ki, ahlakszl erdeme, iftiray geree, iktidarszl cinsellikten kanmaya, ki

yrseverlie, hrszl onura, kfr bilgelie, zulm vatanseverlie, sadizmi adalete dn
unu herkes yapabilirdi; insann kafasnn almas bile gerekmiyordu. Tek gereken, karakters
z olmakt.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6845-6846 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 12:53:

Tek dier seenekleri dier bir seenek vard, elbette; nk Milo baskdan nefret ederdi ve
maz bir savunucusu idi alktan lmekti.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 6848-6849 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 12:53:

zgr insanlarn hayatta kalmak iin ihtiya duyduklar eyler iin deyebildiklerince ok pa
haklarn cesaretle savunmutu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7501-7502 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 19:34:
hepsinin hayatn tehlikeye atan, kendilerinden ncekilerden miras aldklar bu pis zincir
i krmas gerekiyordu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7506-7506 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 19:35:
hibir servet ya da lmszlk hrs, ocuklarn kederinden
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7506-7506 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 19:35:
hibir servet ya da lmszlk hrs, ocuklarn kederinden geinecek kadar byk olamazd.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7533-7534 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 19:40:
Madde 22 diyor ki, yapmalarn engelleyemediimiz her eyi yapmaya haklar var."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7546-7546 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 19:41:
yal adam bir kez daha ounlua ayak uydurmutu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7565-7565 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 20:14:
tuhaf, para brakmak ne kadar ok yanl dzeltiyor gibiydi
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7566-7568 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 20:15:

stelik yle bir ey olmadn biliyordu. Madde 22 diye bir ey yoktu, bundan emindi, ama fa
etmiyordu. Asl nemli olan, herkesin var olduunu zannetmesiydi ve bu daha da ktyd; nk
lecek, yalanlanacak, sulanacak, eletirilecek, saldrlacak, deitirilecek, nefret edilece
k, svlecek, tkrlecek, parampara edilecek, zerinde tepinilecek, yaklacak herhangi bir
ne, herhangi bir metin yoktu.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7625-7641 | Added on Friday, 6 November 2015 20:30:

Yossarian'n yanndan geerken ayaklar slak kaldrmn zerindeki su birikintilerinde tyle

ci, yumuak prtlar kard. ocuun yoksulluu Yossarian'n iinde yle youn bir acma d
n o solgun, hznl, hastalkl yzn yumruuyla datmak, yok etmek istedi, nk aklna o
ablara ve oraplara ihtiya duyan, talya'nn btn solgun, hznl, hastalkl ocuklarn
an sakatlar dnd, a ve yen btn erkek ve kadnlar, souk sokaklarda, ayn souk ya
ini am, bebeklerini emziren btn uyuuk bakl, sersemlemi, dindar anneleri. nekleri.
, paavralara sard bebeini emziren bir anne yanndan geip gitti ve Yossarian onun da sur
tn datmak istedi; nk aklna incecik gmlekli, incecik, lime lime pantolonlu, yalnayak
mahir, vicdansz bir avu insan dnda kimseye yeterince s, yiyecek ve adalet verememi bi
yadaki bunca tyler rpertici, sersemletici acy getirmiti. Ne iren bir dnya! O gece zen
lkelerde yaamalarna ramen ka kiinin yoksunluk iinde olduunu, ka evin barakalardan i
olduunu, ka kocann sarho olup karlarn dvdn, ka ocuun zulm grdn, suistim
rak etti. Ka aile yiyecee para yetitiremeyip a kalmt? Ka kalp krlmt? O gece ka
ek, ka kii delirecekti? Ka hamambcei, ka evsahibi muzaffer olacakt? Kazananlarn ka
aybetmiti, baarl sanlanlarn ka baarsz, ka zengin aslnda fakirdi? Akll geinen
son mutsuzdu? Ka drst adam yalan sylemi, ka cesur adam korkuya kaplm, ka sadk ada
etmi, ka aziz yolsuzluk yapm, itimat gerektiren konumlara sahip ka kii para iin ruhlar
laklara satmt, ka kiinin ruhu bile yoktu? Ka dosdoru yol aslnda arpkt? En iyi ail
da en kt aileydi ve ka iyi insan ktyd? Hepsini toplayp, sonra karrsan, geriye yaln
r ve belki Albert Einstein ve bir kede yaayan yal bir kemanc ya da heykeltra kalrd.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 7799-7800 | Added on Saturday, 7 November 2015 00:1
"Adamlar, baka seenekleri olmadn dndkleri srece, bizim istediimiz kadar ok uu
zlar. Ama sen onlara umut verdiinden beri mutsuzlar.
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 8142-8145 | Added on Saturday, 7 November 2015 00:4

Snowden'n barsaklaryla yazlm mesaj okumak kolayd. nsan dediin maddeydi, Snowden'n
. Onu pencereden atarsan derdi. Atee verirsen yanard. Gmersen, tm dier p trleri gib
rrd. Ruh gittiinde, insan pten baka bir ey deildi. Snowden'n srr buydu. Her ey
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 8224-8228 | Added on Saturday, 7 November 2015 00:5

olmak." "Bunu dnmemeye alyorum," diye itiraf etti Binba Danby drstlkle. "Yalnzca
odaklanmaya ve onlarn da baarl olduunu unutmaya alyorum. Onlar nemli deilmi gibi
m." "Benim sorunum da bu, biliyorsun," dedi Yossarian duygudalkla, kollarn kavuturara
k. "Btn ideallerimle aramda, devaml Scheisskopflar, Peckemlar, Kornlar ve Cathcartl
ar buluyorum. Ve bu, ideali deitiriyor." "Onlar dnmemeye almalsn," diye tledi B
masna. "Ve
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 8228-8229 | Added on Saturday, 7 November 2015 00:5
"Ve onlarn senin deerlerini deitirmesine izin vermemelisin. dealler iyidir, ama bazen
insanlar o kadar iyi deildir. Btn resme bakmalsn."
Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)
- Your Highlight at location 8230-8231 | Added on Saturday, 7 November 2015 00:5

"Ben baktm zaman, ceplerini dolduran insanlar gryorum. Cennetler, azizler ve melekler
grmyorum. Her iyi drtden, her insani trajediden cebini doldurmak iin faydalanan kiile
r gryorum."
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 26-27 | Added on Sunday, 8 November 2015 00:16:10
The art world both expanded and started to spin faster; it became hotter, hipper
, and more expensive.
Ursula K. Leguin (Mlkszler)
- Your Highlight at location 17-18 | Added on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 05:23:05

bir snr dncesine. Ama dnce gerekti. nemliydi. Yedi kuak boyunca dnyada o duvardan
bir ey olmamt.
Ursula K. Leguin (Mlkszler)
- Your Bookmark at location 70 | Added on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 15:43:49
You Can Heal your Life - Louise L. Hay
- Your Bookmark on page 32 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 16:19:37
Latin Amerikanin Kesik Damarlar (Eduardo Galeano)
- Your Highlight at location 110-111 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 16:26:
Ne var ki bakalar srf biz kaybettiimiz iin kazanm durumdadr:
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 184-185 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:08:
-Yularmz herifin eline teslim ettik gitti. Pis Yahudinin evi var diye, ona klelik mi
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 271-271 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:18:

Birok tarihlerin de yazd gibi, en byk iyilikleri yapacak gte ruhlar, en byk ktlk
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 271-273 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:18:
Kimi papazlardan daha dinsizi var mdr? En masum bakireler gerekte gnahkar olanlar dei
l midir? Bu, yalnzca bir gr sorunundan baka bir ey deildir.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 279-280 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:19:

Ah milyonlarn duas, Tanr'nn tahtna ulancaya kadar birbirlerini nasl yiyip bitirirler.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)

- Your Highlight at location 284-285 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:20:

Hayat yolunda nmzde sadece birine sapabileceimiz iki yol olursa, hakemlik kime der?
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 316-316 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:26:
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 333-334 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:28:
-Dua duadr. Sen duan ettir de paras nerden gelirse gelsin, kim dnecek.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 531-531 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 19:43:
En iyi hikayeler geri kalann dinleyenlerin kendilerinin bulup kard eylerdir.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 549-550 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 19:47:

Gkteki melekler, azizler bir sra olmu; donuk, anlamsz baklarla bu grnty seyrediyorl
mum, San Francisco'nun deil miydi! Onun yerine azizin ruhuna, daha byk bir kandil y
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 646 | Added on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 22:29:58
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 1231 | Added on Monday, 30 November 2015 02:45:22
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 1423 | Added on Monday, 30 November 2015 04:07:22
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 1514 | Added on Monday, 30 November 2015 11:11:37
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 1700 | Added on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 01:06:41
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 33-34 | Added on Thursday, 3 December 2015 05:55:47
Being a credible or successful artist is the toughest position, but its the deale

rs who, channeling and deflecting the power of all the other players, occupy the
most pivotal role.
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 39-40 | Added on Thursday, 3 December 2015 05:57:18
The art world is a sphere where many people dont just work but reside full-time.
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 39-40 | Added on Thursday, 3 December 2015 05:57:32
The art world is a sphere where many people dont just work but reside full-time.
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 41-43 | Added on Thursday, 3 December 2015 05:59:45
Although the art world is frequently characterized as a classless scene where ar
tists from lower-middle-class backgrounds drink champagne with high-priced hedge
-fund managers, scholarly curators, fashion designers, and other creatives, youd be
mistaken if you thought this world was egalitarian or democratic.
Seven Days in the Art World (Sarah Thornton)
- Your Highlight at location 59-60 | Added on Thursday, 3 December 2015 09:42:07
The function of museums is to make art worthless again. They take the work out of
the market and put it in a place where it becomes part of the common wealth.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 1756-1756 | Added on Saturday, 5 December 2015 23:5
-Ah a gzl, mum delisi, diye mrldanyordu.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 1916 | Added on Sunday, 6 December 2015 00:14:07
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Bookmark at location 2017 | Added on Sunday, 6 December 2015 00:14:21
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2136-2137 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:01:
Biraz iip kafay ttsledi mi, sanki tutuklu olan kendisiymi gibi kap giderdi.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2246-2247 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:12:
Bir zamanlar burada dnyann tek hakimi gibi oturur, ldkten sonra her eyin seninle birl
ikte yok olup gideceine inanan bir adam gibi, sevgiyle bakardn dnyaya.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2362-2363 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:21:

-Yaayan bir organizma tahrik edildii zaman, genel yap byk bir dourma eylemine balar.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2420-2421 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:27:
lm, keder, umutsuzluk ve kupkuru bir felsefe uyandran kiisel bir sorundur.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2421-2422 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:27:
te yandan cenaze trenleri bsbtn toplumsal olaylara yol aar.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2420-2422 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:27:
lm, keder, umutsuzluk ve kupkuru bir felsefe uyandran kiisel bir sorundur. te yandan
cenaze trenleri bsbtn toplumsal olaylara yol aar.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2420-2422 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:27:
lm, keder, umutsuzluk ve kupkuru bir felsefe uyandran kiisel bir sorundur. te yandan
cenaze trenleri bsbtn toplumsal olaylara yol aar.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2422-2428 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:28:

Her eyden nce otomobilinizi temizletip, parlatmadan cenaze trenine gitmeyi aklnzdan g
eirebilir misiniz? Mezarn banda dikilirken siyah kostmnzn tsz, ayakkablarnzn b
nabilir misiniz? Cenazeye gnderdiiniz elenge kartnz ilitirmeyi ve yaplmas gereken e
madnz hatrlatmay ihmal eder misiniz? Toplumsal geleneklerin, adetlerin hibiri cenaze
lerindeki kurallar kadar amaz bir biimcilie, bal deildir. Cenaze evinin salonunda o ra
atsz portatif demir sandalyelerin kullanldn dnn; evrede ne unutulmaz bir etki bra
zere olan bir insan, belki sevilebilir, nefret edilebilir, acnabilir ama ld m; kark,
al; bir trenin bir numaral ssn tekil eder.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2517-2518 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:37:
umutsuz ve lmsz insanlarn tebessmyd bu.
John Steinbeck _Yukar Mahalle_.doc (Live)
- Your Highlight at location 2519-2521 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 12:38:

te Tanrlar, byle ufak sebeplerle aka gelir. Ve insanlar, kat kabara kabara yanarken, a
evler kuru duvar tahtalarn okarken, tatl tatl glerek olup bitenleri seyreder.
Iris Murdoch talyan Kz E Yaynlar
- Your Bookmark on page 21 | Added on Monday, 7 December 2015 14:19:00

Madde 22 (Heller, Joseph)

- Your Highlight at location 8505-8505 | Added on Friday, 18 December 2015 14:43

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