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Organisational behaviour in global context

Scene 1: office scene- boss sends employee to foreign assignment
Maya enters and greets the boss
Sakar (boss): congratz
Maya (employee): Thank you. Sir. I am obliged to get this opportunity. I will surely
give my full efforts. . I wont let you down.
Sakar(Boss): You will be meeting a new boss there
Shake hands and leave
Scene 2: Airport
Maya takes her documents and waiting at the lounge. She is in tension about
how the workplace will be.
She meets her new boss
Pavan (New boss): Is everything alright
Maya : yes. No issues
Pavan : where are you travelling?
Maya : London.
PAVAN : OH! We are having the same journey. You seemed to be very tensed,
Maya: Ya this is the first time I am ttraveling abroad for an international project.
So just clueless about how the place will be? Will I be able to manage ?
Pavan: I was the same some years back. But everything will be fine.
Lets go!!
Scene 3: Flight
Maya : Sir can you share your experience
Pavan: Yes sure. It all started when I was 18.
Scene 4: Pavan an employee at the call centre, his first day at work
Pavan is sitting at his desk and jyoti wishes him all the best
First day: Calls to pavan Malayalam, tamil, hindi, Bengali,
Pavan is frustrated
Few weeks later, Pavan gets adapted to his work, he is able to handle people of
different cultures

Scene 5: Few years later pavan moves towards a better job. He is a software
engineer at TCS
Video conference
Chinese explains the work. Pavan is selected to go abroad, signs the deal and
goes to china.
And many other places
Pavan in UK office: working
Jyoti: Sir how has it been working across the world.
Pavan: The world is so together now. Across boundaries people are connected. I
will be going back to India soon

Scene 6: Back in flight

Maya: that must have been an interesting journey, now I feel I will be able to
adjust to a new place.
Pavan: Thats great. Have a pleasant stay in London
Part ways
Scene 7: maya in London office
Maya is working with cross cultural people, she is happy
Jyoti: Maya sir is calling you in the cabin
Maya enters the cabin. To her surprise she finds out that.
Maya: Hello sir, you are my boss. Your were there in the flight right.
Pavan: yes. Nice to see work well. At a new place
End note: Maya got thru her hestitations by her boss support and is working
well. In this globalised environment, boundaryless organisations help promote
culutural diversity and better workplace environment, breaking geographic,
organisational boundaries.

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