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13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

PHP Unit Testing

in Yii
How to start with TDD in Yii
by Matteo 'Peach' Pescarin
Twitter: @ilPeach

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

What is this presentation about?

Quick introduction to TDD and Unit Testing

How to Unit Test? Types of Tests
PHPUnit and Yii
Write tests and Database interactions
Other features
Command line use
Few links.

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Test Driven Development (TDD)

"encourages simple design and inspires
confidence" - Kent Beck
Re-discovered in 2004, is related to the testfirst concept from eXtreme Programming.
Works with any Agile methodology, but can be
applied in any context.
Also useful when dealing with legacy code that
wasn't developed with such ideas in mind.
Used as a way to document code by examples.

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

What is Unit Testing?

It's not about bug finding (there's no way this
can be proved to be true).
It's about designing software components
The behaviour of the units is specified through
the tests.
A set of good unit tests is extremely valuable!
A set of bad unit tests is a terrible pain!

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Some tips to write Unit Tests

They must be isolated from each other:
Every behaviour should be covered by one test.
No unnecessary assertions (TDD: one logical assertion
per test)
Test one code-unit at a time (this should force you write
non-overlapping code, or use IoC, Inversion of Control)
Mock external services and states (without abusing)
Avoid preconditions (although it might be useful

Don't test configuration settings.

Name your tests clearly and consistently.

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Types of tests
Functional test 1

Integration test 1

Unit test 1

Integration test 2

Unit test 2

Unit test 3


Unit test 4

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Types of tests in MVC frameworks


Functional test 1

Integration test 1

Integration test 2

Unit test 1

Unit test 2

Unit test 3

Unit test 4

The states and the dependencies in controllers/views makes unit testing completely useless from a
server-side point of view.
Not true when considering javascript testing and other front-end behaviour/functionality which can
be done in other ways

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Enters PHPUnit
PHPUnit help you deal with unit and
integration tests.
Provides everything needed for any type of
Produces reports in different formats (also for
code coverage).
Yii provides the functionality to integrate and
automate PHPUnit without worrying too much
about configuration.

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Configuring tests in Yii

Have PHPUnit installed and a Yii app ready.
Directory structure available:

main directory for all tests


unit tests directory


fixtures directory


main phpunit config file


Yii related configuration

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Setup a test DB
In protected/tests/bootstrap.php :

In protected/config/test.php :
'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Write your tests

Tests are made of
[see full list at]
// models/Doodle.php
class Doodle extends CActiveRecord
private $_imageSrc = null;
public function setImageSrc($data)

// tests/unit/doodleTest.php
class DoodleTest extends DBbTestCase
* Test getImageSrc returns what
* has been passed to setImageSrc
public function
testGetImageSrcRerturnsWhatHasBeenPassedToSetImageSrc() {
$model = new Doodle();
$expectedImageSrc = 'Something';
$model->imageSrc = $expectedImgSrc;


$this->_imageSrc = $data;
public function getImageSrc() {
return $this->_imageSrc;


PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Testing all cases: DataProviders

// tests/unit/doodleTest.php
class DoodleTest extends DBbTestCase


* Test getImageSrc returns what has been passed to
* @dataProvider imgSrcDataProvider
public function
) {
$model = new Doodle();

* Data Provider for getImageSrc / setImageSrc
* @return array
public function imgSrcDataProvider() {
return array(
array('some random text'),

if ($expectedImgSrc !== null) {

$model->imageSrc = $expectedImgSrc;


PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Database Interaction and AR classes

Just load the project database structure.
Fill in the tables that will not change during the
Create and save objects as needed...
(this is normally not enough)
Objects that are loaded, modified and updated
from and to the database require the use of Yii

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Yii Fixtures
Flexible and useful way to deal with a mutable set of data.
Defined in protected/tests/fixtures/<lowercase-tablename>.php
Contains a return statement of an array of arrays.
Each first level array is a row. Each row can be key
Setup at the top of the test Class with:
public $fixtures = array(
'users' => 'User', // <generic_name> => <table_name>

For every test in the class the fixtured tables will be

emptied and filled in with the data (this could be quite

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Fixtures uses
Class UserTest extends CDbTestCase
public $fixtures = array(
'users' => 'User',
* @dataProvider expectancyDataProvider
public function testUserExpectancyReturnsTheExpectedValue(
) {
$user = new User();

This is just an example on

how you can use the data
from the fixture array.
You can always load the
same data that has been
loaded into the table and use
More examples provided in
the Yii Definitive Guide.

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Other important features

testing exceptions using
@expectedException <Exception>
Mocks and Stubs:
mock dependencies, injecting objects and resolve
prepare stubs with methods that returns specific
values based on certain conditions

a lot more other stuff depending on your


PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Command line invocation

test everything:
$ cd /path/to/project/protected/tests/
$ phpunit unit
PHPUnit 3.6.11 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from /path/to/project/protected/tests/phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 86 ( 75%)
Time: 01:02, Memory: 18.00M
OK (86 tests, 91 assertions)

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Command line invocation (2)

test a single file:
$ phpunit unit/CustomerTest.php
Time: 1 second, Memory: 15.00Mb
OK (32 tests, 37 assertions)

or a single test method using a pattern:

$ phpunit --filter testCustomerStartEndDates unit/CustomerTest.php
Time: 1 second, Memory: 15.00Mb
OK (32 tests, 37 assertions)

for more info there's always

$ phpunit --help

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

More information and resources

Specific to PHPUnit and Yii Unit Testing
PHPUnit manual
Yii Guide on testing

Generic information on TDD

Content Creation Wiki entry on TDD:
Software Development Mag

PHP Unit Testing in Yii - 13/06/2013 - Yii London Meetup

Thank you!

Make a kitten happy and start testing today!

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