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Monday, Dec. 1, 2014

1. Pass back argumentative pieces and explain that they can improve their grades by
pulling out the sentences that werent strong enough and revising them and highlighting
the changes they made and labeling what they changed. A before and after.

2. Go over what will need to be in their case study: follow directions in packet, speak to
questions provided, pick key literacy events, analyze how the teacher designed these
literacy events, what practices, frameworks, language learning, identities of students.
Classroom management skills: working with social networks, aligning with student
literacies, participation structures, cross-cultural communication techniques. In the
service of long-term writing. Reflecting on language learning theories that pertain to
these events. Reflecting on student engagement and specific forms of participation in
relation to specific questions, activities, literacy practices, literacy learning purposes.

3. Have them take out their rubrics and their unit plans.

4. Pass out copies of their rubrics

5. Look at the students language and how they have navigated the constraints of rubrics
we talked about with their writing

6. Look at one rubric: what are the different categorieswhat do they see in other
examples that this writer might have included?

7. Look at one or two categories and how they could strengthen it/them.

8. Take out each category and turn it into long-term objectives.

9. What are the short-term objectives for one of the learning objectives?

10. What are all of the steps the students would have to take to arrive at that
long-term objective? What would they have to know and be able to do?

11. Where would grammar instruction fit into these short-term objectives? How would they
distribute/integrate this grammar instruction within
their unit plan?

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