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***MEDIA ADVISORY: CEO and Founder of Truth in Accounting to

Introduce 2013 Financial State of the States Report at Heritage Foundation

CEO of Truth in Accounting to Introduce 2013 State of the States at
Heritage Foundation Panel

WHO: Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of Truth in Accounting,
independent legislative advisor, and frequent commentator on government

WHEN: July 29, Noon-3p.m.

WHERE: The Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE

WASHINGTON, D.C.Sheila Weinberg, the founder and CEO of Truth in
Accounting (TIA), will appear on a panel at the Heritage Foundation to
discuss the importance of balanced government budgets and honest
government accounting principles. She will also introduce the 2013 Financial
State of the States Report, a comprehensive review of each states financial
reports from Fiscal Year 2013.

The lack of truth and transparency in the government budgeting and
accounting makes it realistically impossible for even the most sophisticated
user of the state budgets and financial reports to independently determine
and judge a states financial condition, cited TIAs 2012 report. This study
is the most comprehensive study of state finances.

The annual State of the States Reports offer a clear picture of the
governments financial condition to the public. This report marks the fourth
year that Truth and Accounting has provided these resources.


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