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I love the layout its

really sophisticated.

The way that you

have positioned the
writing around her
body makes it feel
like a proper

My Double
Page Spread.
I would say
just make
your readers
mistake it
for one of
the smaller

I like the
colour scheme,
it really
highlights what
genre this
musician is a
part of. It also
coincides with
the front

I really like everything in

this double page spread. I
would just check trough it
to make sure that you
havent repeated yourself.

This product took three weeks to produce and it is the one I am most proud of. It took me forever to work out how
to place the text round my models body and Im so pleased that my friends picked up on that. Genuinely, the
feedback was mainly positive. However, I did do what my friend said and I did make the main headline quote bigger
and I put it in the font of the main headline of the cover so it was easy to distinguish.

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