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Loveabulls is a social cause dedicated to saving pit bulls and other dogs

that are abused by horrible people. We take in stray/abused dogs and

give them shelter, food, and love. I support this cause because every day,
all kinds of animals are abused/mistreated. In 2007, a study was done
about cases of animal cruelty. About 65% of the animals were dogs that
had been abused, and 25% of that were pit bulls. Life tends to be unfair
for pit bulls, because they are stereotyped are violent, vicious animals.
People tend to think they are born evil, when thats actually not the case
at all. For example, a mother might think her child is safer around a
golden retriever as opposed to a pit bull, because she thinks they are
more dangerous. I believe Jesus would support this cause because He
loves His creation, and doesnt want to see any part of it mistreated. It
says in James 3:7 For every kind of beast, and or birds, and of serpents,
and of things in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed by mankind. This
mean, God gave us power over the animals, but we definitely should not
abuse our power over them (aka abuse). In Luke 12:24, it says Consider
the ravens; for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse
nor barn; and God feeds them; how much more are you better than the
fowls? This is saying that God takes care of the ravens even though
they arent necessarily beneficial to the world as a whole, and how since
He takes care of them, how much more He will take care of you.

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