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PUMP EFFICIENCY Thermodynamic Method of Pump Performance Monitoring Almost 80% of the generated energy is consumed by the industry horses more commonly known as Motors. Out of this 80% energy, 85% of it is used to drive pumps, which run with varying degree of efficiency of between 40 to 75%. The more the inefficiency in the machine, the more is the energy wastage. Looking to the above, it becomes important and relevant to test and monitor the energy consuming machines in a plant. They include Pumps, Blowers, Compressors, motors ete, With the need for this, few methods came into practice for the same, The first one and more common is the conventional method and the second one is the thermodynamic method, Conventional method requires flow, head and power to be measured, to calculate the pump efficiency. This method is widely used; in spite of it being less accurate, due to case of usage. The general formula used to find out the pump efficiency is as given below: n= PgOh Pan, Thermodynamic method requires only head and differential temperature measurement across the pump/blower to find out the machine efficiency. Merits t does not require pipe work Jat length for instrument fixing conventional method. It only ‘2 maximum distance of two SSsss the pump flange diameter on esther side of the machine. Since it does not involve measurement, it is highly accor Above measurements when combs with power measurement can back calculate the flow formula is as given below E 1 = 2 Flow measurement accuracy is Seser than +1% in most cases where is higher than 20m. Even when ad is less than 50m, the still remains better than the tional method. Where, a Cp= Specific heat of the fluid beim handled, KJ/Kg-K : 2T= Differential temperate ‘measured across the pump, mK (MS Kelvin) ® be very well understood that = Sie poorer the machine, the more will be ferential temperature across = pump, which is the biggest Salleoge to measure accurately. For sal pumps other than BFW and =rs/compressors, this 27 is of the sanz of some 30-150 mK. Our on pump/blower/ r/hydro turbines using this has revealed that every Sine has hidden potential to seperate even better, We have saved He Total Developed head, m Flow can now easily be calcu! using the above me: conventional equation, The flow & obtained is within +1% range. : accurar, ence Unlike conventional method, here the inefficiency of the mach ‘measured instead of efficiency method is based on the first thermodynamics which says th energy only transforms from one fxm to another. In simple wor: inefficiency of the machine appears the form of heat and temperature rise ‘of the pumped fluid and if this cam be ‘measured accurately, the results w= be accurate, = ons of pounds for numerous S across the globe including merely suggesting a change operating schedules and ‘esophy. vuiries are always welcome. Samed Ansari Enerzy Auditor (EA-9789) Secure Meters Limited-Aurangabad Pumps India : December 2009: 60 =

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