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KPE 464H

Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescription / Course Outline

COURSE OUTLINE - Winter 2016

Tutorials, Laboratories and/or Practicals:

Wednesday 9am-12pm, Location: BN 307

Wednesday 1pm-2pm, BN61, BN155


The key learning objectives of this course are to develop expertise in exercise testing
and prescription in healthy and clinical populations. The risks of exercise, preparticipation screening procedures and guidelines for prescription are discussed. The
focus will be on aerobic/cardiovascular assessment and conditioning. Students will
become knowledgeable about laboratory-based and field testing techniques through
theoretical and laboratory learning. Lecture material will include: Evidence-based
exercise and risk reduction; screening techniques risk and safety issues; clinical exercise
testing procedures and use of the electrocardiogram, interpretation of exercise test
results; sub-maximal and maximal exercise testing methods, exercise prescription in
healthy and clinical populations.


KPE 360H

Office Hours &

Jack Goodman, PhD
Wednesday, 12-1; 2-3 and by appointment
Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport, 100 Devonshire Pl, Rm 422


Preferred method is via in person after or before class:

Every effort will be made to ensure response time to e-mail or telephone inquiries is
within 48 hours (weekends excluded).

Teaching Assistants:

Ryan Sless:

Vanessa Dizonno:

Course Webpage:

Blackboard website for this course at

You are responsible for all information posted to this site (announcements/communications

Required Text:

ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 9th ed. Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins. USA. 2014
and Handouts throughout term and posted on Blackboard

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada

Adherence to the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters will be strictly
enforced in this course.
These policies can be found online at

**Course grades are not final until approved by the Facultys Examinations Committee**

Students who miss a midterm or final examination for an unforeseen and petitionable reason must notify the
Undergraduate Program Office within 24 hours of the scheduled examination. Failure to do so within the
allotted time will result in the assignment of zero for the missed examination. Faculty examinations missed
because of documented petitionable grounds may be replaced by a make-up examination where feasible. It is
the responsibility of the student to contact the professor and the Registrars Office promptly to arrange for the
make-up examination.

Academic dishonesty is not qualitatively different from other types of dishonesty. It is a misrepresentation by
deception or other fraudulent means.

Academic dishonesty can result in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit
with transcript notation (notation reads: Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty), and/or suspension or
expulsion from the university. You are responsible for understanding what constitutes academic dishonesty.

In an academic setting this includes things such as:
copying or the use of unauthorized aids in tests, examinations and laboratory reports
o the submission of work that is not ones own
o submission of any academic work for which credit has previously been obtained or is being
sought in another course or program of study in the University or elsewhere, without the
knowledge and approval of the instructor to whom work is submitted
aiding and abetting another students dishonesty
giving false information for the purposes of gaining admission or credit
giving false information for the purposes of obtaining deferred examinations or extension of deadlines
forging or falsifying University of Toronto documents

For complete information visit: and
pdf for the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.

All members of the class are expected to demonstrate courtesy and mutual respect for the views of others (instructor,
teaching assistants and students) and to refrain from any actions that are contrary to respectful relationships. If students
encounter any problems in the course, these should be discussed with the course instructor. If problems persist, the
Dean can be contacted.

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada

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Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. Each student shall be judged on the
basis of how well they have command of the course materials.

A Laboratory manual/outline will be distributed during the 2nd week of classes. The labs are linked and will be
used for the preparation and submission of a single assignment. A group consisting of no more than 3 students
can submit the assignment, which will be made electronically through the BLACKBOARD. The laboratory
submission, based upon all of the laboratory sessions and respective data, is due March 25.

Labs will be penalized by 5% per day if handed in late. You must attend a lab in order to hand in a report, no
exceptions. Missed tests may be rescheduled providing a doctors note is provided. Alternate dates for writing
mid-term tests are not generally provided but may be granted in exceptional cases if discussed in advance with
the course coordinator (the scheduling of other tests is not one of these exceptional reasons).

Evaluation Components:
Component I
Value: 25%
Date: February 10
Mid-Term Test:
The mid-term test is based upon material covered since the start of
term and will include multiple choice questions and short answer
questions. The mid-term test will be 1 hour in duration.

Component II
Value: 20%
Date: Due March 25
Laboratory Assignment:
This assignment amalgamates the results from all laboratories
conducted over the course of term, integrating findings from each and
allows for the critical evaluation of methods to assess functional
capacity using various methods. Individuals may submit a group
assignment (no more than 3 students) or individually.

Component III
Value: 10%
Date: End of March/Early
Group Presentation :
A group presentation describing best-practice for exercise prescription
in a clinical population will be evaluated. A presentation with summary
notes, audio-visuals and a reference list is required. Groups will be
restricted to no more than 6 students and topics will be assigned by the
instructor. Presentations will be 20 minutes in duration.

Component IV
Value: 45%
Date: tbd
Final Exam:
The final exam will be a combination of multiple choice and shortanswer questions. It will be cumulative in nature, with a slightly greater
emphasis on material covered since the mid-term test and will be 2
hours in duration.

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada

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I. Subject-Specific Content.
By the end of the course, students should be able to
demonstrate a working knowledge of the theoretical
and practical aspects of exercise testing in health and in
clinical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and
hypertension. Students will also have the knowledge to
prescribe progressive exercise prescription to such
individuals. Their knowledge will also extend to the
risks, screening, protocols, and choices in equipment
for testing, in addition to various exercise modalities
along with specific formulae for exercise prescription.
Hands-on skills will be developed in laboratories,
including measurement of blood pressure during
exercise, calibration of equipment and conducting of
and submaximal exercise tests. At the completion of
this course, along with the balance of B.Kin courses
taken over four years, students will have a strong
background and capacity to challenge national-level
certifications including the CSEP (Canadian Society for
Exercise Physiology) Certified Exercise Physiologist and
key skills necessary for practicing Kinesiologists. All of
this will be evaluated in the exams and through
laboratory assignments

II. Transferable Skills.
Integration of knowledge, particular from physiology
and broader issues of societal factors that govern
compliance to appropriate and exercise. Team work is
developed extensively through laboratory work with
the acquisition of data in a group setting.

Mid-Term Test
Laboratories and related assignment
Final Examination
Class Discussion

Basic mathematics, numeracy, and laboratory
skills skills will be developed by: attending
lectures; completing laboratory exercises; and
solving practice problems

Learning will be evaluated based on: laboratory
assignment, midterm a n d final examinations

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada

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1 Introduction and Course Business; Challenges of Physical Inactivity and

Current Physical Activity Recommendations
Epidemiology of Physical Activity Introduction
Dose-Response of Exercise; Risk of Exercise: The "Risk-Protection Paradox"


Posted reading
Chpt 1, pp 2-11;

2 Screening and Risk Evaluation; Screening Algorithms and Risk of Exercise:

Who Should and who Shouldn't Exercise
Pre-Exercise Evaluation and Assessments

Chpt 2, pp 19-36;
Posted reading;
Chpt 3, pp 40-57

3 Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Direct and Predictive Tests of

Cardiorespiratory Fitness 1: Testing Environment, Body Composition
Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Direct and Predictive Tests of
Cardiorespiratory Fitness (2)
4 Assessment of Muscular Strength and Endurance; Flexibility

Chpt 4, pp 60-72;

Clinical Exercise Testing: Determining Functional Capacity

5 Exercise Prescription: General Principles; Aerobic Exercise - 1
Aerobic Exercise 2: Metabolic Equations
6 Resistance & Flexibility Exercise -1
*** Mid-Term Test FEBRUARY 10th - Location TBA ***


8 Resistance & Flexibility Exercise - 2
Imaging Modalities
9 Interpretation of Clinical Exercise Testing -1
Interpretation of Clinical Exercise Testing -2
10 Clinical Populations and Exercise: Diabetes

Chpt 4, pp 72-94
Chpt 4; pp 94-104; 105108
Chpt 5; pp 114-127;
128-134; 137
Chpt 7; pp162-179
Chpt 7 ; pp 179-189

Chpt 7 ; pp 179-189
Chpt 5;pp 134-136
Chpt 6; pp143-157
Chpt 10; pp 278-285;
Chpt 8; pp 236-255

Clinical Populations and Exercise: Cardiovascular Disease Outpatient

Rehabilitation - 1
11 Clinical Populations and Exercise: Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Disease - Chpt 8; pp 256-257
Clinical Populations and Exercise: Hypertension
Chpt 10; pp 296-299;
12 Clinical Populations and Exercise: Chronic Heart Failure
The Profession of Kinesiology; Group Poster Presentations
13 Group Presentations and Wrap-Up

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada


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Were here to help! The Registrars Office offers student services related to academic success, health and
wellness, career planning and much more.


Academic Advising
The KPE Student Advisor provides a broad range of academic, career and personal advising services.
Private thirty-minute academic advising appointments are available on most Tuesdays, Wednesday and
Thursdays between 9:30-11:30 and 1:30-4:30 p.m., or Fridays between 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. To make an
appointment, send an email to or drop by the KPE Registrars Office in
person. For more information about these services please visit the following link:

Writing Centre (
KPEs Health Sciences Writing Centre provides free individualized, confidential writing instruction to:
Develop your writing skills
Improve your capacity to plan, organize, write and revise academic papers (in any subject!)
Manage ESL/EFL language challenges
The centre works with all students, for all assignments, at all stages of the writing process. Visit the
website to book an appointment or for more information.

KPE Academic Success Workshops and Advising
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, in partnership with the Academic Success Centre,
offers a variety of in-house learning skills resources, workshops and counselling to KPE undergraduate
students. Attend an academic skill workshop or schedule a one-on-one appointment with our learning
strategist. For information about workshops, appointments and booking procedures visit the website.

Academic Success Centre (
In addition to KPE in-house offerings, the Academic Success Centre at U of T offers group workshops and
individual counselling to develop strategies for a range of learning challenges such as:
time management
stress and anxiety
other aspects of
textbook reading
Visit the website to view upcoming workshops and drop-in centre hours.

Accessibility Services (
Accessibility Services provides services and programs for students with a documented disability,
whether physical, sensory, learning disabilities or mental disorders. Students with a temporary disability
(e.g. concussion, broken arm or leg,) also qualify. Services include test and exam arrangements, notetaking services, on-campus transportation, concussion support etc. Visit the website to find out about
registering, accommodations, peer mentoring, financial supports etc.

Career Services (
The KPE Registrars office has a dedicated Career Centre advisor on specific days for career counselling
services, along with specific career workshops throughout the year geared towards KPE students. Visit
the website to view other broad services including resume writing, cover letter workshops and career
exploration programs.

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6 Canada

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